Hi I'm Emmi

Hi I'm Emmi

A Chapter by Ella Kate

This chapter gives you a bit of Emmi's back story and why she is sent to the school in the first place.


As I step out of the taxi and look at the boarding school. The school I will be staying at until the end of the semester. How did I get here you should wonder. Well for starters, where are my manners? Hi I am Emmi Ross. I have blonde hair, and blue eyes. I am super short and I have lived in America my whole life, with my mom. I have an older sister and brother but they both had moved out before I had turned 13. I am now 15, almost 16 years old.


So I have been living just with my mom for a while now. My father lives overseas in Singapore; he is a CEO of a company there. He comes home every now and then. So for the most part it’s just me and my mom. I have been competitive dancing since I was 2 years old. That’s where it all started.


I was walking into dance, like every other afternoon. I had just been given a solo, a duet and a lead role in the group dance for this week’s competition. This wasn’t too unusual for me, but this week I had my mid semester exams and I was really stressing. My mom has always been super hard on me. Its like nothing I ever did was good enough for her. I once won first overall high score solo winner of the entire competition. Any other mom would be over the moon with excitement. But because I wasn’t 10 whole points different from the girl in second, it wasn’t good enough.


So my life has pretty much always been this way. So one day I had enough. I didn’t want to go through the stress any longer. After dance I told my mom I was done and that I couldn’t do it anymore. Of course she didn’t accept it. So I started becoming more and more hard to handle. My grades started dropping, I started breaking my curfew and purposely getting detentions, which interfered with the times I did dance. So finally she had enough and sent me away to boarding school in England.


So that’s where I am now. In England. At a boarding school. As I was walking to my house, which I would be staying in, I stumbled across some lady named Tabatha. “Oh, you must be the new girl Emmi from America, your in house Alexander”, she stated rather quickly.

 “ Um yeah, I replied, “ but um, who are you and why is it called Alexander”.

“Oh Alexander is the person who lived in the house before the school bought it, Alexander Mcclymont was his name, oh and I am your housemother”.

“Ok okay”.


I quite liked Tabatha. She seemed rather nice and looked like a super good cook. As we walked through the grounds she started babbling on about the history of the school so I sort of toned out. Looking around the school, it didn’t really look like a school at all. If this were in America it would be a museum. I then saw the Alexander house. It looked like a haunted house that you would see on Halloween, and I would be living in it until the end of the semester, great.


As we walked in the doors my stuff had already been delivered. I looked around and it looked as if it hadn’t been touched for 100 years. It probably hadn’t. Tabatha showed me to my room and told me that I would be sharing with a girl named Maggie and Josie. As I looked around I could tell Maggie was a total nerd by all of her science and history books. I could also tell that Josie was boy crazy with all of those Taylor Lautner and Justin Beiber pictures everywhere.


Tabatha told me the basic house rules. Dinner is at 6. Must be in the house by 9. 10 is bedtime. Just things like that.


“ Love, now unpack before the others get home from school now”, she told me.


As I looked around I could not believe where I was, or what I had done to get where I was. I started unpacking my stuff and making my bed. Before I knew it someone walked in the door. She had short dark brown hair, brown eyes with lovely olive skin. She wore glasses and looked like she was holding some sort of math textbook.


“Oh, hi I am Maggie, we have heard so much about you, that you used to be a dancer and that you are American, and that’s all really”, she blurted out.

“ Hi I’m Emmi”, I replied not knowing what to say.

“ So you have unpacked a lot already”.


”Wow look at all your trophies”

“ Thanks, but these are just my favorites”.


I could already tell that Maggie was the type of girl who is friends with everyone and no one has a reason to dislike her. Just as Maggie was about to show me a picture of her turtle another girl walked in. She also had brown hair and brown eyes but she had pail skin that looked like she hadn’t seen the sun in weeks. She probably hadn’t, I heard that in England it rains most of the year, before I came I was praying it was just a myth. But by the look of the weather outside I think it may be true. Her uniform fitted slightly tighter than Maggie’s and her skirt was quite a bit shorter.


“Emmi this is Josie”, Maggie exclaimed.

“Hi”, I said.

“Oh Hi, wow your here already I thought Tabatha said you weren’t coming until next week”, Josie replied.

“ Yeah, she did”, Maggie quickly remarked, “… last week”, Maggie giggled.

“ Anyways, So Emmi, where in America did you live”?  Josie asked.

“ I lived in Santa Barbara, in California”.

“Lucky, so you lived near the beach, with the sun and the cute surfer guys”, she said.

How did I know that she was going to say something that had to do with boys.

“Yeah”, I giggled.

“Come on”, Maggie said, “Lets go and introduce you to everyone else”.


As I walked into the living room I could already clearly tell who everyone was.


“This is Alfie, Jacob, Mason, Jade, and Fabian”, Josie said.

Alfie was short and skinny with curly dark brown hair, I could tell him and Jacob where the troublemakers. Jacob had blonde hair that was a little too styled, with bright blue eyes. Unlike Alfie he was very tall but also very lean. Mason was a jock, I could tell by his strong build but he too had blonde hair with blue eyes. I would fit in here. Jade looked a little scary, she had reddy purple hair, with blue streaks. She wore black fishnets with biker boots and a stare that could kill. Fabian had black messy hair and looked up from a book as I walked into the room.


I waved. I got an array of different hellos. Just then Tabatha walked in and told us it was time to eat. At the table there was a combust of hands and yelling. Being new I decided to go for what was in front of me. Hot dogs. I grabbed one. This was all so new to me I have never seen people become so angry and get so stressed over dinner. Was this how it always was.


After dinner I went up to my room and checked my phone. I had gotten a ton of texts from my friends back home in America. I couldn’t reply. Not yet anyway. It would make me too sad. I got my stuff ready for a shower. After I showered and got back to the room I was surprised to find Fabian, Alfie and Jacob studying with Maggie and Josie.

“ Oh Emmi, I have been meaning to ask you, is Emmi your real name or is it short for something else”, Josie asked.

“Well actually”, I replied sitting down on my bed, ”my great grandmother was called Emilia, so my mom decided to call me Emmi. Where I live a lot of names are shortened names, not like here all the names are so old fashioned and pretty”.

Just then I heard a males voice yell.


“ Who is that”, I asked.

“ Oh that is Jeffery”, Jacob told me, “ he runs the house sort of”.

“ We better go”, Fabian said.

As he walked by me he gave me a sweet kind smile. That was the first time I had heard him talk. As we where getting into our beds.

I asked the girls, “ So do you have a cheerleading team here”.

“ Ahh, yeah we do”, Maggie said.

“ Is anyone here on it”? I questioned.

“ Nope, not in this house”, Josie said, “This house isn’t really sporty, except for Mason”.

I knew he was a jock.

“ Night”, I said.

“Goodnight”, they replied.

© 2015 Ella Kate

Author's Note

Ella Kate
I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Emmi. If you have any comments or suggestions please tell me.

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Added on June 18, 2015
Last Updated on June 19, 2015
Tags: dance, Emmi, boarding school, England, America, house Alexander.


Ella Kate
Ella Kate

Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

Hi I am a teenage girl from the Gold Coast. I love writing and would love to share my stories with you. Most aren't from personal experiences, just things I have heard of researched or thought of on m.. more..

Emmi Emmi

A Book by Ella Kate