Chapter 2--New Moon(Twilight) Actual name: Crescent Moon

Chapter 2--New Moon(Twilight) Actual name: Crescent Moon

A Chapter by Twilight Obsession

Well... This is Chapter 2. I'll try to add chapter 3 as soon as possible

Previous Version
This is a previous version of Chapter 2--New Moon(Twilight) Actual name: Crescent Moon.


2. Wounded heart
        CARLISLE WAS THE ONLY MEMBER IN THE FAMILY WHO REMAINED SO CALM. He locked his iron grip on mine and Jasper’s arms.
        I woke up instantly.
        “Stop,” he ordered. “Emmett, Rose, get Jasper outside.” I crouched defensively to protect Bella. She hasn’t overcome the shock yet.
        Rosalie apologized with sad eyes. Sorry . . . Sorry . . . Sorry . . .
        Emmett nodded at Carlisle. “Come on Jasper.” I’m so sorry, Edward.
        Jasper was still agitated. The rest of them looked at me apologetically. I shuddered at the thought of Jasper sinking his razor sharp teeth into Bella’s soft, delicate skin.
        Jasper snapped at me. I couldn’t breathe right. All I know is that I couldn’t hurt Bella; I’ll regret if I hurt her, even if it was only a single strand of hair.
        Edward. I looked at Rosalie. I couldn’t bear it here anymore. I need to go out—with Jasper, of course. He would snap again anytime from now. I nodded slightly.
        Both Emmett and Rosalie struggled to wrestle Jasper out of the living room. Esme pinched her nose whilst holding the door open for them to get out.
         Esme looked shamefully at Bella. “I’m so sorry, Bella,” she cried as she followed them into the yard. Better calm Jasper down. He’s the priority now.
        “Let me by, Edward,” Carlisle said with his century-accumulated experience in the E.R. I need to treat Bella’s arm. Now. I realized I was not letting Carlisle walk past me and relaxed.
        Bella was writhing in pain on the floor. The crystal shards cut through her tender skin and into her blood vessel. I stood behind my grand piano to let Carlisle past. Alice came beside me, trying to give a hand to Carlisle.
        “Here, Carlisle,” she said as she handed him a clean towel from the toilet. Stop the blood first . . .
        “Too much glass in the wound,” Carlisle rejected briefly and shook his head. By using the towel, the blood would cut deeper into Bella’s skin. I have to get all the glass out before stopping the blood. It’s the best choice.
        Carlisle reached out to the tablecloth under Bella and ripped a long shred out of it. He wrapped it above her elbow to clot the blood. Bella almost fainted smelling her own blood. It smelled of rust and salt, she once stated.
        “Bella,” Carlisle said. I should send her to the emergency room. “Do you want me to drive you to the hospital, or would you like me to take care of it here?”
        Obviously Bella would want to stitch the wound here. She wouldn’t want to let her father worry about her if she went to the emergency room again. Charlie would never let Bella take another step into our house again if he found out it was our fault.
        “Here please,” she whimpered. The cut must hurt her a lot.
        Carlisle would need his apparatus. “I’ll get your bag,” Alice said lightly. Her voice sounded serious now, compared to the joyful ringing sound I heard just then.
        Carlisle asked for my help. “Let’s take her to the kitchen table.”
        I agreed. The table was as big as an operation bed. I reach her in a fourth of a second and lifted her effortlessly off the mess on the floor. She used her good arm and hugged me tightly. Carlisle followed silently beside me, keeping the pressure steady on her arm. I gently held her as she talked to Carlisle.
        “How are you doing, Bella?” he asked.
        “I’m fine.” She did not sound fine at all. In fact, I don’t think she felt fine at all. Bella likes to do that to make me feel fine. But it made me felt worse instead.
         Alice was at the dining table already. Apparently, she turned the dining room into an operation room, with the apparatus all set and the lights fully ready. I let Bella down onto one of the chairs. Carlisle took another chair and sat beside Bella. I dared not breathe. I might get crazy if I inhaled her irresistible scent again.
        I think Bella realized that.
        “Just go, Edward,” she sighed again.
        No. I won’t leave her alone. I couldn’t bear to leave her. How could I let her be in pain while I enjoyed the smell of her blood?
        “I can handle it,” I protested.
        It was hard, in fact, to ignore her blood that smelled so sweet to me. As I said, she was exactly my brand of heroin. Her scent was maddening for me. I tried to shove the thought away from my mind. I always try very hard not to think about that when Bella’s present.
        “You don’t need to be a hero. Carlisle can fix me up without your help. Get some fresh air.” She winced suddenly. Carlisle must be treating her wound already. I won’t let her suffer the pain all by herself.
        “I’ll stay,” I insisted.
        “Why are you so masochistic?” she mumbled, still withering in pain. Maybe I should go. Even the sight of her blood made me mouth-watering.
        Finally, Carlisle decided to intercede between our little argument. “Edward, you may as well go find Jasper before he gets too far. I’m sure he’s upset with himself, and I doubt he’ll listen to anyone but you right now.” Go. Now. Jasper needs your help.
        Right. Jasper. I was so concentrated on Bella’s arm that I totally forgotten about Bella. I should go and calm him down.
        “Yes,” Bella added eagerly. “Go find Jasper.”
       Let’s go together. “You might as well do something useful,” Alice added.
        I couldn’t believe all of them teamed up just because they wanted me to leave. Finally, I gave up. Once again, I held my breath and sprinted out of the kitchen.
        I’ll follow later, Alice told me. I want to see how Jasper’s doing. Help me check on him, will you?
        I felt slightly frustrated as I took my few big strides out of the kitchen, past the living room and to the front of the house. Esme was in the living room.
        “Hi Edward,” she smiled at me when I passed by her, “Looking for Jasper? You better go now. ” He’s so upset, Edward. Go tell him it wasn’t his fault. Go now.
        She continued cleaning up the pool of blood and the shattered glass on the floor. She sighed and grumbled. “Why do I have to clear the blood? It smells excruciating!” Esme pinched her nose and stopped breathing.
        I left the house and went into the woods nearby. Emmett and Rosalie were compromising with Jasper by a tree. To be more precise, Emmett was trying to stop Jasper from hitting his head on the tree. Rosalie tried to avoid Jasper’s brandishing fists and talk to him. I ran over to them immediately.
        “Edward . . . I . . . need . . . help . . . now . . .” Emmett said as he struggled to prevent Jasper from hurting Rosalie.
        “Calm him down please!” Rosalie shouted.
        “Jasper,” I said slowly. “Jasper, listen to me.”
        His head snapped up as he looked at me. There was a big dent in the tree trunk.
        I’m a failure, I can’t control myself. I’m useless! What was I thinking? I should have hunted until my stomach bloated. What was I thinking? I couldn’t . . .
        We waited patiently as he tried his best to calm himself down. He eventually opened his eyes and glanced at me apologetically.
        “Sorry, brother. I didn’t mean to do that. I wanted to stay away, but that drop of blood . . . I’m so sorry Edward. I am really sorry. I apologize. From the bottom of my heart.”
        He paused for a long time, and continued apologizing.
        “I didn’t mean to hurt Bella like this, Edward. It was an accident. Accidents could happen, and I’m so sorry it was me who caused this horrible accident today . . . Sorry Edward. . .”
        “I know it wasn’t your fault . . . We should have been more careful. I shouldn’t have brought Bella here. . .”
        Alice appeared from the darkness. Jasper looked at her with sorrowful eyes.
        “Jasper, dear,” she chimed. “You knew it’s not your fault. You tried your best not to do anything stupid. Try to control yourself next time. You’ll do much better than this. Practice makes perfect, right?”
        Jasper’s look immediately turned into a fierce glare at Alice. “You know I don’t want it to happen again. There won’t be another next time.” What was she thinking? Next time? She wanted it to happen again?
        Alice simply looked into Jasper’s eyes and kissed him passionately. After the long kiss, Alice opened her mouth to comfort Jasper.
        He’s right. We shouldn’t let it happen again. Edward wouldn’t want to have Bella hurt anymore. “You know,” she said. “Maybe you’re right.”
        Jasper seemed to feel slightly better after that.
        “Thanks, dear. You know—”
        Alice cut him short. “Don’t be upset. I know Bella wouldn’t blame you for that. She’ll understand,” she assured him.
        “No,” Jasper protested. “I can’t forgive myself for treating Bella like that! How could I even think about it?” Jasper shouted. “Bella would never understand how I felt! She’s a human, Alice. She doesn’t understand our need for blood!”
        “Calm down, honey. It’ll turn out just fine,” she said. And the next sentence became a whisper. “And there’s an Edward present here.”
        Apparently Alice was trying to make Jasper laugh by the way she said “an Edward”. I sneered. Jasper muffled a laugh.
        Good. “And now you’re happy again. I’m glad.”
        Jasper relaxed and heaved a deep sigh. “I guess I won’t be able to look at her for a long time.”
        “It’ll be okay. We’ll go on a trip, to Denali. Have some fun and forget about it,” Alice assured him. “It will turn out just fine. We’ll start a new life, if that’s what you desire.”
        “Are you sure the rest of us would want to leave like that?” Jasper questioned unhappily.    
        “Yes I’m sure about that. It’s the best solution,” Alice replied quickly. “The rest could stay. We’ll leave by ourselves. Leave as long as we wanted.”       
        Their conversation made us feel as if we don’t exist in their small world consisting of two people only. Rosalie sighed deeply.
        Leave or stay. Leave or stay? “Em,” she said. “Could I talk to you for a minute?”
        “Yes, Rose?” Emmett asked curiously.
        “Should we . . . leave?” Rosalie said in a sad tone. “I don’t want to repeat high school for the one millionth time, Em. I want to stay.”
        “If that’s what you want, you could stay here, Rose,” Jasper assured her. “Only we would be leaving.”
        “Thanks, Jasper.”
        Leave? Stay? Emmett thought in puzzlement. Apparently he was still confused by what Rosalie was talking about.
        “I want to stay,” Emmett stated. “But I should leave, in another way. See, if we stay, there is still a chance any of us would hurt Bella again, and our family won’t be together. . . But if we leave . . . we could still hurt Bella because Bella would die without Edward. What could we do?”
        “Well maybe we should leave Bella. It’s the best way of not hurting her anymore. I couldn’t take risks,” Rosalie changed her mind. Leaving would be the best, I guess. I could see Emmett’s face. . . He wanted to leave. . .
        “Rose,” Alice persuaded. “I do not want you to do anything that you don’t want to do.”
        “Can I speak?” I asked.
        “Oh,” Emmett exclaimed. “We totally forgot about your opinion.”
        “I will leave,” I suggested. “I don’t want to hurt Bella anymore. The mess we’ve done to her today is severe enough.”
        “Edward,” Alice said, dissatisfied. “You must stay. As Emmett said, Bella would die without you. Bella needs you to live. I could see that. You should really stay behind. We’ll come and visit.”
        “I would not follow that suggestion of yours, Alice,” I disagreed. “I don’t care what you think. I’ll follow you to Denali.”
        “Fine,” Alice moaned.
        “Don’t worry, Alice,” Jasper added, “Bella would be fine without Edward. We’ll come back and visit.”
        “Do you honestly think Bella would be happy if we left her for a long time and come back to visit her suddenly? She would turn crazy!” Rosalie argued.
        “Enough of this,” I cried. “I’ll leave, and that is that! I’ll try to explain to Bella!”
        “We should ask Carlisle’s opinion on this,” Emmett suggested.
        “Fine,” the rest of us said in unison.
        Carlisle would be done with Bella’s arm by now.
        “Could you check when Carlisle would be done with Bella?” I asked Alice.
        “Sorry, Edward,” Alice said. “You should be going back to check on Bella now. Carlisle would be done sewing up her wound in approximately twenty-one point three seconds.”
        Sure, Alice would know when Carlisle was done with Bella.
        I broke into a sprint as I took my trip back to the dining room.
        “I suppose I should take you home now,” I heard Carlisle say.
        I would take Bella home instead of Carlisle. I’m sure Bella wanted me to be with her as well.
        “I’ll do that,” I suggested.
        I shuddered when I saw the amount of shattered glass and crystals on the table—along with Bella’s blood. I grimaced.
        Alice’s right. Maybe we should leave and go to Denali. That way, we wouldn’t hurt her anymore. We’ll forget about Bella after a year or so.
        “Carlisle can take me,” she snapped. She must be worried that I would accidentally sink my razor sharp teeth into her skin when I was taking her home. I could handle that. I wouldn’t bite her or whatever that would hurt her.
        Bella actually looked a little hilarious with all that thick frosting on her arm. She should change her clothes, though. Charlie was bound to get suspicious if he saw her in bloody clothes. She would probably get grounded forever.
        “I’m fine,” I said, indifferently. I was still grieving over the unfortunate incident that happened to Bella. “You’ll need to change anyway. You’d give Charlie a hear attack the way you look. I’ll have Alice get you something.” I strode out of the kitchen to get Alice.
        “Alice!” I shouted.
        She appeared at the door frame immediately after I called her.
        “Yes, Edward? What do you want? I need to look after Jasper, if you know what I meant,” she said glumly.
        I shrugged lightly. “Help please?”
        She sighed for a fraction of a second and replied me.
        “Okay. Fine. What’s wrong? You want me to see if you would bite Bella later?” she grumbled.
        “Would you mind digging around for some of Esme’s clothes that are suitable for Bella?” I wouldn’t want to search the whole house for it. I’m not a clothing expert. Alice is.
        She came back with a light blue shirt similar to the one Bella was wearing. She was grumbling all the way towards me.
        Stupid shirt. I didn’t even remember its existence. Esme never wore it. Her tiny face puckered. I would rather wear this to that ragged T-shirt which was so cheap.
        Oh, she exclaimed as she saw Bella standing near me. Ugh, her expression changed as she interpreted what Bella was wearing. What on earth happened to you? Her mind shouted. You look terrible!
        “C’mon. I’ll get you something less macabre to wear,” she said in horror as she handed the clean shirt to Bella. I hope it fits.
        I didn’t listen to their little conversation. Instead, I took a detour to the front of the house. I waited at the front door patiently for Bella to get dressed and come out. It wasn’t two minutes of waiting and Bella came out from the house. I held the door open for her to come out.
        “Take your things!” Alice cried as we prepared to leave. She scooped up all of Bella’s presents and put them in her hands. “You can thank me later, when you’ve open them.” Sorry you couldn’t open it here . . . she sighed.
        “Bye, Bella,” Carlisle and Esme said.
        What will we do . . . Carlisle thought unhappily.
        I walked behind her silently as I thought about the wound on her arm. How many stitches did she have? I couldn’t bear to think anymore. The unfortunate incident hurt my brain even to think about it.
        I hurried in front of her and opened the passenger door. I gestured for her to go in. She climbed in without arguing or complaining. She knew she couldn’t drive at all when her arm is hurt so badly. It must sting a lot. And she knew I wouldn’t be happy if she hurt herself even worse.
        I noticed the ribbon Emmett enclosed with the stereo. Somehow, it irritated my eyes a lot. Bella managed to rip it off and kick it under her seat as I reached for the driver’s seat. Thank her for not wanting to make me recall all the things that happened earlier in the evening.
        I focused on driving. Talking to her wasn’t helping to calm my emotions now. She doesn’t deserve to be hurt. If she were dating Mike Newton, she would be perfectly safe today. None of this would happen. If I hadn’t appeared in her life, none of this would happen. If I don’t exist, none of this would happen.
        She would be better off with Mike Newton. Marry him. Be his bride. Have kids. I don’t care. It’s better than risking every second with me—every precious second—and do not deny that my family would do unexpected things with her presence in our family.
        Suddenly, Bella broke the awkward silence.
        “Say something,” she begged. What could I say? I would like to say sorry to you for Jasper? I’m sorry that you were risking your life with me every day and get hurt? I’m so sorry for falling in love with you? That’s so stupid.
        “What do you want me to say?” I asked, spitting the words out one by one.
        “Tell me you forgive me,” she said in a sad tone.
        Why do I even need to forgive her? I am the one who need to be forgiven. What? It’s entirely your fault now, Bella?
        “Forgive you? For what?” I demanded to know.
        “If I’d been more careful, nothing would have happened,” she said remorsefully.
        She’s careless over a paper cut? That’s plain ridiculous. A paper cut is an accident! Is that called not careful? Does that mean she had to take ten minutes to unwrap a present? Is she crazy?
        “Bella, you gave yourself a paper cut—that hardly deserves the death penalty,” I said angrily.
        “It’s still my fault,” she protested.
        Oh my dear Bella, stop arguing, for heaven’s sake. I hate it when you blame yourself on everything. When it is not your fault, do not ever take the blame on yourself!
        “Your fault?” I blared. “If you’d cut yourself at Mike Newton’s house, with Jessica there and Angela and your other normal friends, the worst that could have happened would be what? Maybe they couldn’t find you a bandage? If you’d tripped and knocked over a pile of glass plates on your own—without someone throwing you into them—even then, what’s the worst? You’d get blood on the seats when they drove you to the emergency room? Mike Newton could have held your hand while they stitched you up—and he wouldn’t be fighting the urge to kill you the whole time he was there. Don’t try to take any of this on yourself, Bella. It will only make me more disgusted by myself.”
        If you’d cut yourself at my house, you’ll get six vampires glaring at you. If you’d knocked over a pile of glass plates in my house, Jasper will try to drain all your blood out of you! If I was beside you when Carlisle stitched you up, I might lose control and do unexpected things as well! Why am I a vampire? Why couldn’t I be an ordinary human being?
        “How the hell did Mike Newton end up in this conversation?” she demanded.
        “Mike Newton ended up in this conversation because Mike Newton would be a hell of a lot healthier for you to be with!” I argued. And it’s the truth. True yet painful to know. If Bella was with him, things would be rather different.
        “I’d rather die than be with Mike Newton,” she protested. “I’d rather die than be with anyone but you.”
        What should I say? ‘Thanks, Bella, for supporting me all the time’? She’s over-exaggerating. Hell knows she would be with someone else if I never existed. What was the worst that could happen? For a person like her, it’s the most unlikely to past the rest of her life without a spouse.
        “Don’t’ be melodramatic, please,”
        “Well then, don’t you be ridiculous,” she replied lightly.
        I kept quiet. I didn’t know how to answer that, for the first time. Was I being ridiculous?
        We didn’t say a word until we reached her house. I bet the quietness was killing her.
        “Will you stay tonight?” she asked suddenly.
        “I should go home.” Jasper needs comforting.
        “For my birthday.” She pouted her delicate lower lips.
        First, she wanted me to ignore her birthday. Now, she wants me to celebrate it with her. Is she weird or what?
        “You can’t have it in both ways. Either you want people to ignore your birthday or you don’t. One way or the other,” I said with a hint of sour.
        She would eventually come to the conclusion that it’s better if people do not ignore her birthday.
        “Okay. I’ve decided that I don’t want you to ignore my birthday. I’ll see you upstairs.”
        She turned back to reach for her presents. I frowned. She said she did not want any presents and now, she wants them.
        “You don’t have to take those,” I reminded her.
        “I want them,” she responded automatically as if she had always wanted the gifts.
        “No you don’t. Carlisle and Esme spent money on you,” I advised.
        In fact, they had spent a lot of money on Bella. The plane vouchers costs a lot. And it’s for first class tickets.
        “I’ll live,” she joked darkly.
        She tucked all the presents under her good arm and slammed the door shut. I got out of her old truck immediately and was by her side in a third of a second. I sighed when I saw her present from me, still unopened. Cause of accident.
        “Let me carry them, at least,” I offered as I snatched the presents away from her. “I’ll be in your room.”
        Her smile told me that it should have been a ‘but-I’m-afraid-that-you-would-dump-them-away’ expression, but she said thanks instead. The smile only looked half genuine.
        “Happy birthday,” I sighed as I leaned down to kiss her soft lips. She reached up and tried to kiss me longer, but I pulled away. I smiled her favorite crooked smile and ran to her room like a gush of wind.
        I reached her bedroom in two seconds. I had gotten used to sneaking into her room and watch her sleep so much that I could open the bedroom window silently. It was fascinating to watch her sleep; something I was not able to do for more than a hundred years. I went to her room to chat every night, too. Almost every best night in my life was spent there. I enjoyed being with her.
        I placed the present on the bedside table and lied on her soft, comfy bed and cocked my head to listen to their conversation.
        “Hey dad,” Bella greeted anxiously. Her arm must be on fire now, since the anesthetic was beginning to lose its effects.
           Hey, Bells, you came back from the party, Charlie’s thought shouted. “How was it?” he asked.
        “Alice went overboard. Flowers, cake, candles, presents—the whole bit,” she stated. I rolled my eyes. Even Charlie would know that Bella was overstating things.
        Humph. Parties. “What did they get you?” You must’ve got plenty of presents, since they’re so rich.
        “A stereo for my truck,” she exclaimed.
        “Wow.” That’s too rich.
        “Yeah,” she said indifferently. I couldn’t hear any enthusiasm in her voice. “Well, I’m calling it a night.”
        “I’ll see you in the morning.”
        “See ya.”
        Wait a minute. Why was her hand plastered? Charlie realized. I tensed. “What happened to your arm?”
         “I tripped. It’s nothing,” Bella assured him.
        “Bella,” he said in disagreement. Could you be more careful next time? Some boyfriend Edward Cullen is, letting my Bella get hurt like that.
        “Goodnight, Dad.”
        I heard Bella’s footsteps up the stairs. She was in her pajamas when she skipped in. She noticed me toying with the presents and instantly knew I was eavesdropping on her conversation with Charlie.
        I was thinking about what was in Charlie’s mind just now. Yeah. Some boyfriend I am, unable to protect the ones I love from . . . disasters.
        “Hi.” I forced a smile.
        Bella took the present I was toying and clambered into my lap.
        “Hi,” she said as she snuggled into my chest. “Can I open my presents now?” I thought she hated presents.
        “Where did the enthusiasm come from?” I wondered.
        “You made me curious,” she shrugged.
        Bella grabbed the present from Carlisle and Esme and tried to open it with one arm. I think I should help her with it.
        “Allow me,” I said casually. I snatched the gift from her hands and tore the wrapping paper off in no time at all. I guess she should open the surprise by herself, so I handed her the rectangular white box. I could hear Charlie yawning in the living room.
        “Are you sure I can handle lifting the lid?” she challenged. I ignored her, waiting for her to open the gift. She pouted her lips and took a lot of effort lifting the box lid.
        There were the two plane vouchers in it. One was for me, and one was for Bella. She examined the vouchers for quite some time before finally understanding what it was.
        “We’re going to Jacksonville?” she exclaimed excitedly. Wow, she must’ve missed her mother a lot.
        “That’s the idea.”
        “I can’t believe it! Renee’s going to flip! You don’t mind, though, do you? It’s sunny, you’ll have to stay inside all day.”
        How considerate of her. I could stay indoors, talking to Phil about baseball. Phil would be excited to see me.
        “I think I can handle it,” I said. I frowned because Bella responded wrongly to her birthday present from what I had in mind. “If I’d had any idea that you could respond to a gift this appropriately, I would have made you open it in front of Carlisle and Esme. I thought you’d complain.”
        In the distance, I could hear Charlie pressing the remote and switching off the television. He walked up the stairs to his bedroom.
        “Well, of course it’s too much. But I get to take you with me!”
        Is that what she meant? Wow. She’s Bella. I chuckled softly.
        “Now I wish I’d spent money on your present,” I said regretfully. “I didn’t realize that you were capable of being reasonable.”
       She set the plane vouchers on the bedside table and reached out for mine. She seemed curious to know what’s inside. I helped her unwrap it due to the poor condition of her right arm. I passed her the CD jewel case.
        “What is it?” she asked, confused.
        I simply took the CD and put it in the CD player on the bedside table. I fumbled around for the play button and regained my position beside Bella. We waited in silence. Her lullaby begins slowly.
        At first, she was puzzled by my present. As the music went on, she finally knew what it was and listened carefully, speechless. I turned a little to look at her expression. She did not say anything. All of a sudden, she reached out to wipe the tears that welled up in her eyes. Was her arm hurting her again?
        “Does your arm hurt?” I asked anxiously.
        “No, it’s not my arm. It’s beautiful, Edward. You couldn’t have given me anything that I would love more. I can’t believe it.” She shut up and listened attentively.
        Bella loved that song. I felt happy that I did not choose the wrong gift. Alice’s suggestion was great. Too bad I couldn’t play it live at Bella’s house. She would love me playing in front of her to listening to my recordings.
        “I didn’t think you would let me get a piano so that I could play for you here,” I explained with a little regret.
        “You’re right,” she agreed.
        She nudged her arm slightly and pressed it towards my skin. The anesthetics must have totally lost its effect now.
        “How does your arm feel?”
        “Just fine.”
        Charlie’s snore was loud. I could even hear it from two walls away. Now that the danger is away, I could go and grab some pain-killers for Bella from the kitchen, and probably get a cup of water, too.
        “I’ll get you some Tylenol.”
        “I don’t need anything,” she protested. She thought for a fraction of a second and said, “Charlie.”
        Charlie was snoozing in his bedroom. What could possibly happen? Besides, I would be back in less than ten seconds. Charlie couldn’t even see me in the house if he was awake.
        “He won’t catch me,” I promised. I timed myself to go to the kitchen and be back with the Tylenols and a glass of water from the bathroom. It would only take me five seconds.
        I ran down the stairs with full speed; not even a sound was made. I searched around the kitchen and found a few medicine bottles in the cupboard. I dug around them and found the bottle of Tylenol. Only a few pills were left.
        After that, I went into the bathroom and filled a glass full of water. Getting back to the room without spilling the water was effortless. I was right. I returned to Bella’s room in less than 5 seconds. Even if Charlie did wake up, he would think it was a rat in the house.
        Bella took the pills and gulped them down. Her heart throbbed faster than usual. Her lullaby continued on, breaking the silence between the two of us. It was then I realized time flied.
        “It’s late,” I noted. I lied her down onto the bed and covered her. I tucked the quilt to make her warm. Later, I lied down beside her, on top of the blanket—and put my arm over her. She leaned her head against my shoulder and sighed happily.
        “Thanks again,” she whispered, a broad smile on her face.
        “You’re welcome.”
        Her song drifted to a close and morphed into Esme’s favorite one. That song was especially made for Bella, too, but Esme loved the song the most.
        Probably I made a wrong decision. Maybe that song was for Esme but I mistaken it for Bella’s. Maybe I shouldn’t have given her this CD, or else she wouldn’t be hurt.
        “What are you thinking about?” she asked all of a sudden.
        I hesitated to tell her, but eventually I did.
        “I was thinking about right and wrong, actually,” I said.
        “Remember how I decided that I wanted you to not ignore my birthday?” she asked quickly, trying to change the topic.
        “Yes,” I said.
        “Well, I was thinking, since it’s still my birthday, that I’d like you to kiss me again.”
        So that was the reason she asked me the question. And I knew instantly what was playing in her mind. She asked for another kiss? How greedy could she get?
        “You’re greedy tonight,” I stated.
        “Yes, I am,” she admitted. “But please, don’t do anything you don’t want to do.”
        I laughed.
       “Heaven forbid that I should do anything I don’t want to do,” I said very, very desperately.
        Actually, I was a bit too desperate that I over-kissed her. Bella tried her very best to cross the cautious line again. And so did I. I couldn’t stop, and I didn’t want to stop. But I had to stop. I was stuck between the decision whether to stop or not.
        Ah, let it be, my devil screamed.
        No, no, no, better stop this before I hurt her, I executed.
        I pulled away abruptly. I pushed her away as gently as possible and looked into her eyes. She collapsed into her bed and gasped for air.
        “Sorry,” I said, breathless, too. “That was out of line.”
        “I don’t mind,” she smiled.
        “Try to sleep, Bella,” I cautioned. You’re overestimating me too much.
        “No, I want you to kiss me again.”
        “You’re overestimating my self-control,” I told her.
        “Which is tempting you more, my blood or my body?” she challenged.
        It was quite easy to answer that. “It’s a tie.” I grinned briefly and tried to look serious again. I don’t want her to have eye backs in the morning. “Now, why don’t you stop pushing your luck and go to sleep?”
        “Fine,” she agreed. She must have felt sleepy now, because it was almost past midnight. She snuggled closer to me, making sure that I wouldn’t run away. Bella drifted into a sleep very soon later.
       Maybe I should make my decision whether to leave her or not. This time, the pros and cons were very hard to choose. In the end, I decided to ask for Carlisle and Alice’s opinions about it. I switched off the CD player and slid out of the window. It didn’t take me too long to run all the way back home.



© 2009 Twilight Obsession

Author's Note

Twilight Obsession
Chapter 1 and 2 aren't exactly my own creation... but from chapter 3 onwards you'll see how's my writing really like ^^


Its good but you haven't got the real chapter one on here, you only have the preface and chapter 2. But other from that I love it but think the front is too big.
Cant wait for the next one!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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really good !

Posted 13 Years Ago

MUCH BETTER! I really like the rewrite of Esme, it sets a better tone and really captures her character a LOT better, overall it's a lot more true to what Meyer's started : )

Posted 15 Years Ago

The thing that I don't like about this, as far as I like fan fic's, is that it really doesn't capture the essence of the characters that we've already been presented with. Esme would have no problem cleaning up the blood, she wouldn't complain because she would feel terrible for being tempted in the first place.

Edward wouldn't know which smile was her favorite unless she told him, which since Stephanie Meyer didn't present, you as the next author would have the responsibility of doing so that line would make sense.

Edward wouldn't see her as being greedy, he would love the attention but for the fact that it would harm her, the only reason that he makes any lighthearted comments is for Bella's benefit, not because that is what he's truly feeling.

Also, when Bella's opening the package for the plane ticket vouchers, I don't think he'd be focused on how much his parents spent on the tickets so much as her reaction to the gift and to the night's events.

With some more research this could have potential, but I think you need to rethink your stance on the characters.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 9, 2009
Last Updated on March 16, 2009


Twilight Obsession
Twilight Obsession


~Twilight Obsession~ There's nothing else to describe me. Everything about me has concern with twilight. more..
