Happy New Year

Happy New Year

A Poem by Erin O'Malley

I wrote this on New Years Day of 2007 to help inspire people for good will & happiness through the year.

Make every moment count,
Count on those you love,
Love even when you hurt,
Hurt none & help all,
All things lead to a good laugh,
Laugh and have fun always,
Always be ready for the unexpected.

Copyright ©2007 ~By Erin O'Malley~

© 2010 Erin O'Malley

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This is really something I wanna hear from my love ones.

Posted 3 Years Ago

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This is so truthful!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Sounds like very good advice. I'd drink to that.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on August 10, 2010
Last Updated on August 12, 2010
Tags: new_year, love, laugh, moments, helping


Erin O'Malley
Erin O'Malley

Little Rock, AR

I started off writing Dark poetry because at the time I was in some deep depression. Now I am very happy, and things have changed in my life. so I don't write that dark poetry anymore. I started w.. more..


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