Accidental Love Never Lasts.

Accidental Love Never Lasts.

A Story by FaithfullyJennyBear

It started at a party, in June last year, that's where her emerald eyes fell upon him. She couldn't stop staring at the perfect body of a guy who looked playful, yet loyal. She was scared to speak to him, he frightened her, she has never felt that way about anyone before, she didn't even know his name. The moment she got close to him, she looked into his eyes, they were blue! She adored blue eyes. Hos voice, like nothing she had heard, it was like music to her ears. She couldn't keep her eyes off him. She wanted to talk to him, but just couldn't. It was the minute she picked up the courage that all the alcohol came out and she thought if she drank.. she could be less shy... She got extremely tipsy..

'You're fit!' The first words she ever spoke to him, she had to be drunk. He laughed.

'I know I am' he replied.

'Yeah, but you're really fit!'

'I know'

''Well you're a bit big headed'

He just smiled at her.

She was too drunk to realise that he was actually interested in her, but the only problem was that she was 15, he was 19 and her friends were warning her not to do anything with him because he's too old for her. But she couldn't stop thinking about him. She just wanted one taste from his sweet lips. Was that too much to ask?


It started to get later and she was getting more and more drunk, so she thought she could sneak a small kiss. She hugged him while he was sat on the deck chair in their friends back garden and while she was bending down to hug him, he kissed her. They spent at least 3 minutes kissing (which is quite a long time for a kiss) When she pulled away, she could never be happier, a constant smile, a sober heart, but a majorly drunken mind.


Soon after that, she passed out on the grass, and the guy was looking after her, she slept over the friends house, the guy she loved had went home..


The next day, she woke up quite early, with no hangover and remembered everything from the night before. She couldn't stop thinking about the guy. She woke her friends up and they told her that he only lived next door.


While they all were sat watching a movie, he came through the door and spoke to his mate, nervously glancing at me. Was he drunk that night? Did he regret kissing her? Does he even remember her? She started to worry.. He walked out of thre house and whispered 'Bye Jenny'. Her heart filled up.

'Yes! He remembers me!' Jenny excitedly said.

'We know Jenny, you were the only one who actually got drunk last night' said a friend.

'Oh.. awkward' Jenny smiled.


On her way home, she knocked on thr guys door.

He answered.

'erm.. hey, Sorry about last night.. I hope I didn't embarrass myself too much' Jenny said, while blushing bright red.

'It's okay, it was fun meeting you, hey, fancy coming out with me for a bit? my name is Lee by the way' he said to her.

All that was going through her mind was YESYESYES but she needed to play it cool.

'Sure, I'll just go home and get a shower first' she smiled.


Jenny ran home, ran into her room, took off her clothes, grabbed a towel, ran into the bathroom, got in the shower, about 5 minutes later, she jumped out, ran back in her room, towel constantly falling down, got dry, threw her clothes out of her wardrobe to find a decent outfit, settled for her shorts and white vest top, dryed her chestnut hair, wacked some make up on, and ran back out of the house, to find Lee waiting near her house.


'You look amazing!' he said.

She blushed 'thankyou'.

They wandered around and talked for about an hour then sat on the field near her school, there was a single small hill where they just layed and talked, staring at the clouds and birds, and stayed there until the sun went down. They learned so much about each other. She wanted to go out with him, but he was scared of what his friends thought of him because she was only 15. He really liked her though. Another problem was, he took drugs. Jenny did not like that fact.

They met on the hill for a few days after that, just to talk and laugh and just to spend time with each other. She then recieved a text that read 'wanna come to our hill? xxx' She replied as fast as possible 'Yeah, sre, I need to talk to you anyway :) xxx'

They met at the hill, he explained to her that he didn't care what anyone thought anymore, he really liked her, and loved to be with her.

She was dazed with happiness.

'Will you go out with me?' he asked

'Yes!' she replied while jumping on him to hug him.

July the 9th was the happiest day of her life.


They spnt everyday together, true love blossoming, she couldn't be happier. A few weeks into the relationship she confronted him about the drugs.

'Please, Lee, I don't want you to do these drugs anymore, I don't want you to get in trouble, and you know how I feel about them' She explained.

'Okay, baby girl, I'll stop for you, I love you' His words lingers round her mind. 'I love you' the strongest words that could be said, and he meant them.

'I love you too' she whispered breathlessly back.


Week after week they spent together, young love, no one could split them up. Then the summer holidays ended, but they still texted and they still met up after school. He didn't care that she was a school girl, he loved her too much to bother. She used to go to his house, watch movies, he bought her haribo sweets, and chocolate and anything she would ask for, he got.


It was like that day after day for the next four months, but then the arguements started, she started to get very ill, weak heart, bad ribs, her mind.. just not right. She didn't know what to do, so she sat down with him, tears flooding her sad green eyes.

'Baby, I love you, but I can't do this, my head is fucked baby, I don't wanna hurt you  aymore.. It's over...' She cried..

She ran out of the house, couldn't stand the pain, she punched the wall of the pub at the end of his street, blood puring out of her knuckles, tears falling from her eyes, she was literally heart broken...


She recieved a text 'Baby girl, don't cry, I understand, I'll wait for you to get better, baby, I love you with all my heart, I'll never love anyone else this much, You're my only baby girl, no one else could take that name'

She ran back to his house and said sorry millions of times, hugged him and couldn't let go, she just loved him so much. She just needed time.


A few days later, she went back to his house;

'Hey, erm.. I don't know how to say this, but do you still want to be with me? I can't get better without you' she said.

'yeah, baby girl, I love you' he hugged her so tightly.


They went on a shopping day a few days later, he bought her everything she wanted, spent about two hundred pounds on her, even bought her a new phone and her prom dress! He proposed to her, they were young.. but they were in love.. she said yes.


They stayed together for a while after that, they forgot about the break up, and everything went back to normal... until her mind fucked up again...


This time it was serious, she freaked out majorly, didn't know what to do, she left him again. He told her he would always be there for her, and she appreciated that, she still loved him, but didn't want him hurt again. December the 31st.. the most horrible day of her life.


She couldn't bring herself to talk to him, so she avoided having to go anywhere near him untill she just couldn't stand it anymore she went back to him, she told him she loved him,she wanted to be his again, he had been texting her saying he still loved her because she always has been and always will be his baby girl.


That day he admitted he had already been with a friend of hers. They had already had sex, and they started going out. She was broken, but didn't shed a tear, she made herself stop caring. Until she got rushed to hospital that night. Minor heart attack.. she wished it was a proper heart attack. She wanted to be finished off.


Truth is, no matter what you think love is. You will always get hurt. I was supposed to stay with Lee for the rest of my life... It never happened.

© 2011 FaithfullyJennyBear

Author's Note

Yeah.. fucked up love :/

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Youth and emotion never are timely. If I could go back 34 years. I would of been nicer and more honest. Age teaches us we will pay for all deeds good or bad. Karma can be a pain in the a*s. A very strong story. Happiness and joy can turn to sadness and pain too quickly. I like how you described the story. A sad ending to the tale. Life teaches us to walk slow and easy into a relationship. Know what you will get before testing the water. A excellent poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This was very hard to read because I've been in similar situations twice. I was in love twice & for people who say it only happens once 'they lie' and the books and the movies really set women up to just think men are going to be their knight .. their shining armor.. that's so far from the truth. I got hurt the first time around when I first fell in love and it destroyed me and then I met the man that is now my husband and I thought well I can't be hurt by him he's different, but no - they will hurt you and you become so blind by love at first and then your blinds come off and you realize that things aren't like the movies, aren't like the books and life is not going to EVER be a fairy-tale. Great write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

wow! I'm really sorry this happend to you! guys can be jerks! It did make a good story thought on the bright sid! =) Keep your head up though! there is good guys out there and one day your find one that deseves you. Being young we all learn about love and make mistakes, some more than other, but we all do. Keep strong I know God has a special man picked out for you! =)

Posted 13 Years Ago

A great little story with a sad ending, it seemed like she had a washing machine full of emotions spinning around in her head. Well written...I want more!! xx

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

sad ending,not what I hope for..

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on May 11, 2011
Last Updated on May 18, 2011



England, North east , United Kingdom

I'm Jenny, I'm 18, and my mind is made for poetry, it's how I think, it's how I get my feelings out, It's how I'm heard, may not always be good but it's how I feel inside :) I've also had every colou.. more..
