In Her Eyes

In Her Eyes

A Poem by FallenWingz

In her eyes you'll find sadness,

A lifeless glow that once

Came through the glassy pupils,

All dark and gloomy

As she sits in her room.

Didn't they say?

"The eyes is the mirror

To the soul."

Yet she hides from the mirror

Knowing the girl behind

Those once upon a time

Beautiful hazel brown eyes,

Has left the glow and glimmer.

"The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul "

But look at that storm coming.

The falling water running

Down her cheeks as one

Teardrop falls as it hit the ground.

A heavy storm is about to come.

"The eyes are the amulets of the mind"

Behind these eyes are so

Many balled up emotions.

Emotions that can't be controlled.

She has lost the willpower

To be strong.

She was once happy.

But then she was brought down.

So far down that she gave up.

Accepting defeat and not looking

After the beauty she once knew.

"A beautiful eye makes silence eloquent,

a kind eye makes contradiction an assent,

an enraged eye makes beauty deformed.

 This little member gives life to every other part about us."

In her eyes that once held

A face with a beautiful smile.

Now there's nothing

Like that anymore.

Behind these eyes

Is a girl trapped within?

Her pain.

A girl feeling all the emotions

Of anger and sadness.

She's fighting for a way out.

There's a different person

In those eyes.

Behind these eyes isn't me.

" You never know how you look through other people's eyes. "

© 2011 FallenWingz

Author's Note

What do you think....its becoming a norm where i right thru my eyes and what i see...and feel.

My Review

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Very true and nicely written:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I can so relate to this poem. So very well done! Keep on penning.

Posted 12 Years Ago

It's very powerful and so true. We all see people in different ways.

Posted 12 Years Ago

As always there is a depth within your lines, the windows of the soul indeed show so many emotions on so many levels. The joy the pain the emptiness all shine within the eyes, here we find ourselves drawn to look and see sometimes things we would rather turn a blind eye to. Beautifully done my friend keep em' coming.

as I said on AP as CyberStargazer :-
~ If the eyes are the window to the soul, I would hold yours open and let you escape. ~

Posted 12 Years Ago

If I had just one thing to say I would not be able to speak. This bestowed upon me many feelings and images as I carefully read through. It was like a sweet dream nearly. I love it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This introspective piece pushes your emotions out to the reader and make them experience them as you did. Its very well written and the use of the lines about eyes give this a very powerfull effect on the reader.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sad and really heartfelt write...I can feel the emotion here... :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

meaningful write. u are not alone in ur feelings. sometimes a person can be his or her worst critic.

Posted 12 Years Ago

We would be surprised to find out how others view us and amazed at how hard we are on ourselves compared to the standards others use......excellent piece. Once again...............back to you..........

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I can feel your emotions tug on through, I enjoyed the deep meaning of this, nicely done....xo

Posted 12 Years Ago

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11 Reviews
Added on August 23, 2011
Last Updated on August 23, 2011



Cape Town, Western Province, South Africa

I am Capetonian girl from South Africa. I am a writer, poet and artist..My free time mostly goes to reading, talking( i am a chatterbox my mind always got some new topic to put out there) music is my .. more..


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