

A Story by Starr

She covered her face with her fingers as she felt the plane jerk beneath her. In her lap was the book she had been reading to her mother, who was now asleep and far too drunk to have heard her. They’d told her not to worry, they had warned her planes had to settle but that it was perfectly safe, and she repeated the idea to herself in a hoarse whisper. Underneath her she could feel something crack and she tried to control her breathing and not hyperventilate. She turned to her brother, who offered a comforting smile. He opened his mouth to speak, when the speaker came on.

"Please fasten your seat-belts, there has been a disturbance."

Her fingers were glued to her face, and she could feel her brother doing the seat-belt for her. She peeked at him from behind her hands as he did their mother’s as well,  and tried to make her voice loud enough to thank him. The plane lurched and she knew everything was not alright. He was still struggling with his own seat-belt, suddenly looking panicked. The plane went into a nose dive, and though she reached out for him, he fell far away from them. She could feel they were going faster and faster and she felt her throat burn as she screamed out her brother’s name.

Others were falling too now and she gripped on to her seat as hard as she could, eyes shut as hard as they could be, crying but not feeling the tears touch her skin, already ripped away by the frenzied wind. It felt like they were falling for forever, then for far too short. She felt the impact like an earthquake and she could do nothing but puke. Her eyes were still closed and after a moment she opened them. Everyone was covered in blood. They were crushed and bruised, luggage covering their bodies. She turned her head, ready to wake up her mother, when she saw there was nothing to wake up, just a woman and a broken neck. Shaking and terrified, she managed to unbuckle herself. Feeling as if she was sure to puke again, she found herself outside. The air hit her in a rush, though nothing like before, and all around her she could see mountains and trees. There was a footstep behind her and she spun around. A boy was standing there, looking maybe 18. He grinned at her, then took a quick look around and his expression changed.

"Crap! This isn't Spain!"

© 2014 Starr

My Review

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Very good description of the plane and the crash. I like the endng.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 22, 2014
Last Updated on March 22, 2014
Tags: spain, airplane, airplane crash, crash, death, plane accident




My name's Starr, I'm 17 and I love reading, writing, and performance. I like to get too involved in other people's characters and torture my own. I write (mainly disturbing) very short stories, and fa.. more..

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