Merlin's Story

Merlin's Story

A Book by FamaSemperVivat

A look at the famous legendary magician Merlin from a different view, this is probably been done already (I think, "Merlin-The Series" has a lot to do with my perspective of this write)


© 2011 FamaSemperVivat

Author's Note

Comment suggestions: Areas that I'd like you to base your comments on..
Beginning - Is it slow or lacking in pace and punch?
Beginning - Does it engage and draw you into the rest of the story?
Ending - Did all plot elements resolve?
Ending - Was it climactic or anti-climactic? Was it exciting?
Characters - Are they realistic?
Characters - Were you sympathetic, or were they one-dimensional. Did they feel real?
Plot - Does it hold your interest?
Plot - Were there weak elements?
Plot - Could it do more? Was it fascinating?
Plot - How was the pace?
Language - Are there awkward phrasings?
Language - Is sentence length natural and does it result in an easy to read flow?
Dialog - How realistic was it? Did it feel like something you would say or hear?
Dialog - Did it help to deepen the characters?

I submitted this to short story slam on Bluebell Books blog and won an award!

My Review

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i advice is writte the story like u want do not ask questions just writte and if it is honest we will love it so writte like u write be yourself and tell the hates t leave u alone, this is gold do just follow your gut

Posted 12 Years Ago

I anxiously await the story!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 15, 2011
Last Updated on July 5, 2011
Previous Versions



Springport, MI

A Wee Bit About Me (Besides being Irish that is) Well, I'm not very good talking or promoting myself in an About Me Page. It's easier to show myself in poetry. As far as this goes, just read my p.. more..
