

A Chapter by F. Genesis

Ethan sat with his eyes focused on the cup of tea Miss Gerald was pouring. Bella had retreated into a book she found lying in a corner by the furnace. Stressful times always called for a mental retreat for Bella. Being called by her full first name was more of an insult than an honor, let alone by a random stranger. She relived the encounter over and over until her skin crawled with bugs of annoyance and hate.

"Bella, dear, you should really drink your -"

"I do not want your tea!" Bella shouted, her crimson eyes flaring bright red with the intense emotional release. Miss Gerald simply poured another cup and set it down on a wool cloth by Bella's spot at the table. She did not think too much on the outburst and only thought of it as a cry for help.


Belladonna sat huddled in a corner as her uncle sported a wide grin. He grabbed her by her silky black hair and pulled hard, forcing a short lived yelp out of her. She whimpered and tried to shake loose, but his grip was firm.

"Alright then, you pale brat, say that again. Call me a low-life b*****d one more time, you sick excuse for a girl!"

"No, Uncle Louis, please don't -"

Louis shut her up with a quick backhand before throwing her back into the corner. He chuckled and wiped a bit of saliva from his mouth. The feel of the slimy substance gave him a bright idea. He pulled her head back by her hair and smiled wide, getting a good look at her bruised face soaked in sorrow. He gave her a quick smack with his free hand before spritzing her face with spit. The world turned and her stomach churned. Louis laughed and sang her name in a teasing rhyme; it drove her to the edge of insanity.

"Belladonna Belladonna, a pale skinned swine who whines and whines!"


"Bella! Bella wake up!"

Ethan's gentle, cold touch caused a reaction in Bella's body, sending her into violent convulsions before her eyes snapped open, fully aware of waking life around her. Miss Gerald rounded the corner with a wool cloth draped over her arm, and a bucket in her other hand.

"Quickly, set her on the mat!"

Ethan propped her head up and grabbed her by the legs, gently moving her from the corner to the mat in front of the fire. Miss Gerald placed a hand on Bella's forehead, but nearly jumped back when she felt how hot she was. Bella's temperature was rising, but it was rising at a slow pace which was somewhat of a relief to Ethan. He took the cloth from Miss Gerald then dipped it in the pale of cold water before wringing it out to place on Bella's head. She shuddered when the opposite temperatures met, sending a chilling electricity through her muscles. She tensed, groaned, and finally relaxed. Miss Gerald remained in shock, leaving Ethan to care for his sister as best he could.

"You had the dream again, didn't you, Bella?"

She gave a weak nod and closed her eyes, allowing the fire to revitalize her tense muscles. The warmth washed over her like a soothing hand, and it had almost reminded her of their mother's embrace. How she longed to be in her mother's and father's arms again. Though it was a distant memory, she could feel them as if the embrace never ended. It was the only thing, besides Ethan, that relaxed her completely.

"Hey, Miss Gerald, could you watch my sister for me? I believe there's some herbs at the shop that could possibly help her calm down a little easier."

Miss Gerald was standing near the window, looking outside as she nibbled on her nails.

"Ah, yes! The Passion Flower will definitely help! You go ahead and I'll...try my best to look after her!"


Ethan chuckled and planted a soft kiss on Bella's forehead before propping himself up and popping his hood over his head. Miss Gerald handed him a small sack and a few coins to pay for a decent amount of Passion Flower. It seemed to be more than enough, but she possibly wanted him to buy extra for safe keeping. Miss Gerald waved Ethan off and shook her head, wondering how these two managed on their own with such an abusive family. Coupled with a harsh world, she could not bring herself to fathom their pain. Ethan ran his fingers through his hair and took a few deep breaths, mentally admitting that Bella freaked him out when she panicked the way she did. It was an occurrence that took place often, but even so, it was still a startling experience.

He noted how few people actually turned to look at him, to greet him like a normal person. But hell, he was far from normal. A few of the shopkeepers did, however, present Ethan with a proper greeting. Some even offered a him a sample of their fresh food products. The streets were just as packed as when the corpse was found, but today was bargain day as well; it was to be expected. Ethan pushed his way through the crowd as carefully as he could, careful not to upset anyone who had no shame in blocking the pathway.

"Hey, Ethan m'boy! Over here!" an ancient voice called out from the other side of the masses. Ethan's face brightened and he carelessly pushed people away. He failed to keep tabs on revealing his inhuman strength, which raised a few eyebrows by the time he got to a stump of an old man. He was bald, but had a long beard to make up for the lack of height and 'manliness'.

"Old man Marshall! It's been a while! You work at the flower shop now?"

"Of course, lad! Just taking up the business for the wife, y'know? She...passed, recently."

Ethan nodded and allowed a few moments to pass between them -- in respect for his wife. Marshall interrupted the silence with his booming voice and thunderous laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well then, what can I do for you, sonny?"

"I just needed enough Passion Flowers to fill this bag."

"Having a rough time, eh?"

"It's my sister."

Marshall nodded and softly voiced his understanding. He wobbled behind the wooden stand and pulled a small tin box from behind it. He popped the latch up then carefully lifted the lid, revealing purple and yellow flowers that seemed to put him to sleep with the scent alone.

"Hey, old man!"

"Oh, right! Sorry laddy! That'll be twenty silver pieces!"

"Why so expensive?"

"Heh, just trying to make a living, m'boy!"

Ethan chuckled and counted the silver coins in his possession. It was exactly twenty, which was a good thing. Especially since he wasn't given enough to get anything else anyway.

"Thanks old man Marshall! I'll catch ya later!"

Marshall waved goodbye and sent his blessings out to Ethan, who was already a good ways away from the shop. Ethan had turned back to wave, but those few moments of running blindly caused more than just a headache. A firm body collided with Ethan's, but this body was hairy, and smelled like animal. Ethan stumbled backwards before realizing just how close his a*s was to the ground. A black stallion stopped in its tracks, and its rider peered down at Ethan with a soulless stare.

"What the -" 

© 2017 F. Genesis

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Added on April 28, 2017
Last Updated on April 28, 2017


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