The Road Most Traveled

The Road Most Traveled

A Poem by Sunshadow Coyote

When two roads diverge in a yellow wood,

Do you take the one less traveled? Most people would.

Then wouldn’t the road less traveled, become the most instead?

And the road most traveled lessened to now the empty trail head.

Be careful of who you follow, or who you think you lead astray,

Because the new normal is the past’s old cliché.

It’s best instead my friends to follow my advice,

And battle through the thicket with a homemade device.

Create your own path and cover, erase and bind,

Because the leader’s worst enemy, the backstabber lies close behind.

© 2012 Sunshadow Coyote

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A lot of thoughts swimming through the air on this one. It seems like the two roads would be traveled quite the same if they kept battling each other...maybe that's why the human mind is so indecisive.
Nice poem, nice idea, nice altogether. Great job

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 4, 2012
Last Updated on August 4, 2012


Sunshadow Coyote
Sunshadow Coyote

northbridge, MA

I enjoy the small things. If you can perceive life at my level (few can) then well be good friends. Perspective is everything. more..
