The Warrior (inspired by a friend)

The Warrior (inspired by a friend)

A Poem by Sunshadow Coyote

The trajectory is set, the wind is accounted for,
The steady breathing of the warrior is running through his core.
He sees the doe grazing, gnawing at the grass,
His eagle spirit flies above, making pass after pass.
He often compares life to this moment now,
The stillness of the world, his creased constrained brow.
The power that he has over the life of this doe,
The quickness of the arrow that so soon will leave his bow.
He makes his choice he pulls and lets go,
But seconds after it was released, on the ground wasn't the doe
But the fresh fruit once hanging above, the warrior now walked to stow.

© 2012 Sunshadow Coyote

Author's Note

Sunshadow Coyote
This may not be entirely understandable because it was inspired by a good friend. Thanks Nick.

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Dang, that was a little more accurate than I thought it would be...especially he ending...great job bro. I loved it

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 4, 2012
Last Updated on August 4, 2012


Sunshadow Coyote
Sunshadow Coyote

northbridge, MA

I enjoy the small things. If you can perceive life at my level (few can) then well be good friends. Perspective is everything. more..
