True Friend

True Friend

A Poem by FireAngel42029

you showed me a true friend,

you was there until the end,

why did he have to take my friend?

over jealousy no one can understand,

you let so many people in,

helped everyone just to lend a hand,

I am so sorry my friend,

for when you needed me so,

I did not know,

for I was on the road,

on a rampage he had to go,

unfortunately I was far to slow,

he had no soul,

and your life he stole,

I'm sure you know,

forever I will love you so,

never forgetting your kind soul.


© 2009 FireAngel42029

Author's Note

R.I.P. Tara 8/12/80/-4/22/05

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I wish it was a tad longer but it is a good but sad story that you have written. :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

I can't say that my prayers go out to you as I don't believe but I feel for you. I am so sorry for your loss and this is a beautiful poem. I can feel your passion and sorrow in this. Its very beautiful.

Posted 15 Years Ago

I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you, tonight and always. Debileah

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on January 12, 2009



Evansville, IN

I am married with 3 wonderful children more..


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