For Lack Of Truth, We Eat Lies

For Lack Of Truth, We Eat Lies

A Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

A look at a few seldom known facts of history in relation to the current events of today ...


For Lack Of Truth, We Eat Lies

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Copyright © 2021 Marvin Thomas Cox

DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

All Rights Reserved

In this mindless age wherein the (News & Social) Media induced power of suggestion all too often seems to reign supreme over the power of logical and common sense reasoning, perhaps, it is time to open our eyes to think and see for ourselves, rather than the Media (allowed to consolidate with a stroke of Reagan's Presidential pen) telling us what to see and think -- as well as telling us what not to see and think. Just maybe, it is time to learn to think for ourselves, rather than depending upon the Media to do our thinking for us all, as though we are incapable of discerning that which is going on in the world around us. And, sadly, if we have ceased thinking for ourselves, then, we have, indeed, become incapable and, thus, mentally handicapped. However, we can determine and succeed in reversing this debilitating mental condition that has overtaken us over time of becoming dependent upon others to do our thinking's reasoning for us in that which we falsely have been led to believe is attainment's discernment of fact and falsehood, truth and lies, and that of mental sight's blindness in respect to reality and and endlessly unceasing barrage's bombardment of Media created distortion and delusion.

In his autobiography, The Ragman's Son (a book I own, treasure, & highly recommend) the late and great Kirk Douglas (a Democrat in full possession of logical common sense reasoning) asks the reader a question in pointing out the obvious change's transition in our nation's News Media, as per the excerpt provided below:

Sometimes, don't you get the feeling that newscasters are not reporting the news, but creating it? Several years ago, I was in Pakistan, visiting Afghanistan refugee camps at the invitation of the Pakistan government. I made a documentary on the plight of those refugees. I watched a very well- known American television reporter doing a broadcast. Why didn't he just sit behind a desk and tell us, clearly and rationally, what was happening? No. He has to be in show business. He has to do his broadcast from the field, crouched behind a big boulder, peering up at the camera, clutching a microphone, gunfire in the background.”

Kirk Douglas was correct in his assessment of a change in news reporting that actually began well before World War II, perhaps, as far back as the Mexican-American War, American's perception of national events were already being shaped and obscured by our Government's sway of influence over the Press as that soon to be referred to as the Media, as per a few examples below, which make clear that our government has influenced the Press, as the Media, to conform to reporting events towed into line of that which our government wishes for us to believe and know, rather than exercising Freedom of the Press, as the Media, to simply report, exactly and only, the facts which transpired in every detail of accurate, unbiased, reporting without insertion of editorial-styled embellishment's nuances of what Americans should think or believe -- and that without alteration of addition, omission, or deletion of even the tiniest, minute, detail of events in distorting the facts by means of interpretation of what has transpired, rather than simply, dutifully, carrying out a trusted position of responsibility to the American People to report all of the facts, all of the time and every time no matter the event or crime, and leave interpretations to the prerogative, discretion, and discernment's intelligence of the every day average Joe citizen on the street.

Below, I share a few historical examples of our government swaying the (News & Social) Media to perpetrate and orchestrate the influencing of that which we think and believe, as citizens, through reports that are, in fact, biased, doctored, altered, and altogether different than that which have actually transpired as facts, but which we have been denied accurate knowledge of in steering our minds to think and believe only that which our government wishes for us to think and believe, with the Media as its companion and cohort in the crime of deceiving the American People, as per exampled by the following excerpts taken from the facts of history based book, Flyboys, (a book which I do highly recommend), written by renowned author James Bradly, also author of the book, Flags of Our Fathers, which quickly became a Steven Spielberg movie shortly after its publication.

On Self-Determination Of Peoples and Nations

As Per League of Nations Resolution:

Indeed, when the League passed a resolution calling for self-determination for countries and the end of colonialism, the United States slipped in a clause exempting itself. Freedom was a nice concept, but in the real world, Washington pre- ferred its Monroe Doctrine lock on power in the Americas. So why should Japan, the only civi- lized power in Asia, not have similar rights in its backyard?

On The Justness Of The Mexican-American War

President James Polk fomented a conflict Americans called “the Mexican War” (later, “the Mexican-American War”). The Mexicans re-ferred to it as “the U.S. invasion.” Ulysses S. Grant, later a general and president, fought in the war as a young man and wrote in his mem- oirs that “we were sent to provoke a fight” and that the war was “one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation.” Mexico was unprepared for the invasion ...”

    On February 2, 1848, just as diplomats from the United States and Mexico were about to sign the treaty, one of the Mexicans turned to Amert- can commissioner Nicholas Trist and remarked, “This must be a proud moment for you; no less proud for you than it is humiliating for us.” To this, Commissioner Trist quickly replied, “We are making peace; let that be our only thought.” But Trist later wrote to his wife, “Could those Mexicans have seen into my heart at that mo- ment, they would have known that my feeling of shame as an American was far stronger than theirs could be as Mexicans. For though it would not have done for me to say so there, that was a thing for every right-minded American to be ashamed of, and I was ashamed of it, most cor- dially and intensely ashamed of it.”

On American Encouragement Of Japanese Aggression

& Imperialism In Southeast Asia

Teddy Roosevelt stood in admiration. At Muk- den in February and March, Japanese forces had killed 97,000 Russians in the biggest land battle in the history of modern warfare. At Tsushima, the Japanese navy had lost only 600 sailors, compared to the 6,000 Russian dead. “Neither Trafalgar nor the defeat of the Spanish Armada was as complete and overwhelming,” Roosevelt wrote about Tsushima. He considered Japan “the great civilizing force of the entire East.” He believed that “all the great masterful races have been fighting races,” and Japan had won the fight. “I was pro-Japanese before,” Roosevelt wrote, “but... I am far stronger pro- Japanese than ever.”

    To Teddy, Japan had the all-important “race capacity for self-rule” and could now take on the responsibility of a civilized race -- to dominate its neighbors. The president told his Japanese friends that he expected them to take their place

    In a White House meeting, Teddy told diplo- mat Baron Suyematsu that Japan should have a position with Korea “just like we have with Cuba.” Four months later, Teddy lunched with two other Japanese diplomats at the White House and reiterated that “Korea should be entirely within Japan’s sphere of interest.” To Roosevelt, Korea was weak, Japan’s Darwinian “natural prey.” In January 1905, he told his sec- retary of state that America would allow Japan to swallow up her frail neighbor. Sensing what was coming, the king of Korea looked to the United States for protection. Instead, Roosevelt ordered the withdrawal of the American legation from Seoul to pave the way for his Japanese friends. Within days, the other western powers also with- drew their ambassadors. “It is like the stampede of rats from a sinking ship,” observed an Ameri- can diplomat. The Japanese army quickly de- posed the king and took over Korea in 1905. Soon thousands of Korean nationalists swung from gallows.

On The U.S. Government's Media Transformation of Tokyo

Into A Military Installation, Rather Than A Purely Civilian Population

In 1937, when Japan first bombed Chinese cities, the New York Times headlined two hun- dred deaths as a “Slaughter of Noncombatants.” The very idea of airplanes killing “civilian vic- tims” was shocking front-page news. Now the press followed the American government line. Newspapers noted, “Tokyo is a prime military target, so recognized under the rules of war and .. . civilians remain there to man Japan’s ar- mament industries at their own peril.” And in case anyone was feeling bad about napalming women and children, the New York Herald Tri- bune assured its readers that “the incendiary raids cause little loss of life but drive inhabitants into the country and destroy their industrial utility.”

General Curtis LeMay said, “We scorched and boiled and baked to death more people in Tokyo on that night of March 9 to 10 than went up in vapor at Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

Japanese military experts would later agree that the napalm dropped by these B-29s had more to do with Japan’s surrender than the atomic bombs. Certainly, napalm killed more Japanese civilians than died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

Please do ponder upon the historical facts shared above, facts that fly in the face of the history we have been taught and led to believe, facts which we deserved to know at the time, and well deserve to know now, for, in reality that you eyes have witnessed above is but the tip of deception's iceberg. Also know this: I am a Patriot, a defender of the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence, as one who loves this nation and this land, but does see, and am fully aware, that the greatest threat to the American People is that of our own Government (not speaking of our government as a Republic but those allowed to pervert our Republic from within our government), which does, indeed, lie to us, deceives us, tricks us and manipulates us via such means as False Flag Attacks and ridiculously exaggerated events of outbreaks of epidemics magically transformed into a very questionable Pandemic.

How so? Well to begin with, the numbers and statistics are but a couple of the obvious signs waved in disgrace before our very faces in taunting us with the fact that we, The American People, are being had and duped once again, with that even more obvious sign that something is amiss being the fact that no effective vaccine for any disease has EVER been developed (historically and scientifically evidenced as fact) in less than 5 to 10 years, and up to this slight of hand point in time, no effective vaccine had/has ever been developed for any strain of Corona Virus, which is why there is, to this very day, no existing vaccine for the common cold. The symptoms of a cold can be treated, but coming down the the cold, itself, cannot be prevented.

In addition, three shining absurdities are poking us in the nose of something damn sure stinks in that Denmark of what we are told, and what we are expected to believe:  An effective vaccine developed, developed against a corona virus, and in full defiance of human nature and corporate laws and rules of good business sense dictating that the billions of dollars1 paid to pharmaceutical corporations (CanSino Biological, Moderna, SinoVac, University of Oxford, BioNTech, BioNTech, Novavax, Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Beijing Institute of Biological Products/Sinophar, and Chinese Academy2) cannot be invested in the development of any product for manufacturing and distribution to the public without, somehow,  making a buck (or gaining obligation as means of future coercion) to cover expenses and a profit to boot. But this vaccine, in almost all cases that I am currently aware of, is being GIVEN AWAY for free to the public, which goes against the very grain of everything that Capitalism and Free Enterprise is said to be all about. Unless, a transformational change in the very makeup and composition of our nation's Government has come to pass, and that right before our sleeping with eyes wide open cluelessness of having been slipped a Mickey in the night's light of day of never detecting the time of eventuality's incremental stages of our Government taking on a new face, a new personality, a new character of operation for the future that looms before us ever so insidiously, nefariously, and ominously as a reality that shall change our position as We The People into we the Human Sheeple-People Cattle who owe all allegiance to a Government that owns all and has, in fact, paid the tab, without us wondering as to the true motive of why) of saving Americans from a nonexistent Pandemic in order to gain absolute control of our lives and our minds. For it is our Government which has invested the 19 Billion dollars plus3 to manufacture and fabricate vaccines to give away for free. And that without motive of requiring something from us, as citizens, in return -- sacrifice of individual freedoms and nullifying of Constitutional Rights? My friends the sacrifice has already been made and the process of eliminating our individual freedoms and Constitutional Rights has begun with no intent of cessation or relent short of the enslavement of every citizen of this nation, wherein We The People are no longer the master of our own fates as those who rule over our Government, because our Government now rules over us as Freedom-less and Liberty denied Americans -- and we simply haven't yet awakened to smell the roses of our new misery of existence reality.

Consider this: If our Government, sight unseen, influences and controls the Media in directing the Media to deceive us as citizens, who influences and actually controls our Government (in the trickle down effect of each one of us as you & I)? The answer is this: Those in league with today's disguised and euphemized Soft Fascism's operatives known to the Elite as Corporatism, Corporatism being equivalent to Corporations. In further addition, I know not of any Billionaire, including Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin (Putin said to be the richest man in world4),George Sorrels, Bill Gates, etc., that became a Billionaire outside of attaining and owning a major interest in one, if not several, large Corporations. Therefore, where there are Corporations, there are sure to be Billionaires who own those Corporations, and where there are Billionaires, you will surely find large Corporations who daily bombard and lobby our Government (cut to the chase: they DO control our Government, lock, stock, and barrel) for laws and regulations that allow for more and bigger profits for such Corporations and their owners. Revealing this most pertinent fact of our reality as Americans who continue to want to believe that our nations stand as, and remains as, a Republic: The rug of our Republic has been pulled from beneath our feet in the darkness of daylight's night, and right before our very eyes, as we slept wide awake, entertained and deceived by that Media which is servant to both Government and Corporatism as Soft Fascism reveal as our Republic gone down the tubes by those who deceive and steal from those who have been entrusted with protecting our individual freedoms and civil liberties, as traitors to our nation and traitors to Humanity.

Consider this as well -- and that in quiet contemplation of what is to be gained by all that so called time and money spent to just up and give the vaccine away at no obvious visible cost to the population of this nation, and the very fact that the Flu Vaccine is not free, as are not vaccines for other diseases, but are sold at a reasonable price of that which the Human market of need can stand or requires Then couple this fact with the reality of mandates which dictate requirements (in nullification's defiance of our Constitutional Rights) to wear masks that do not, and will not, prevent or, stop the transmission of the virus, and harness this fact with the obvious reality that in all the bullshit of feigning to defending our nation's people, all the alleged money spent (in behest of a SARS-2 test that does not test, explicitly, for COVID-19, but tests for RNA traces of any and all viruses your body may have come in contact with) on a vaccine that kills people and is not effective against so called variations change's in the virus (as a virus which is doing exactly that which all viruses do over time) that more than suggests, metaphorically, that eventually we may be faced with taking a different vaccine for each and every day of the, "you gotta be shittin' me," week.

Lastly, CONSIDER THIS:  The N-95 Face Mask is the only mask proven to be effective against the transmission of viruses, such as COVID-19, but we HAVE NOT witnessed our government propose or set a program into motion of mass production in providing the American People with full availability to N-95 masks, and most certainly not for free, whilst in the land of Israel, due to the threat of chemical attacks by Saddam Hussein, every Jewish citizen was provided with gas masks to protect the citizens of Israel from that very real threat of death and suffering in the event of a Chemical Weapon's attack against their nation, land, and people. against their land and their people. So, if we must wear masks, why are we not wearing the very masks than can, and do, insure the stop's transmission of the alleged Pandemic of Covid-19, as an intelligently deduced means of protecting all citizens of this nation, even that of the world, from public chance of becoming infected with COVID-19; as intelligent means of reducing new cases of COVID-19; as intelligent means to make the forced need for a vaccine next to nihl of zero's zilch of nada? Whereby is easily realized: The threat of exposure and becoming infected is a purposed program of insidiously nefarious intent's of means of inducing Fear's coercing of all Americans to take a vaccine that wearing of an N-95 mask could have, just possibly, totally negated the need for any alleged emergency development of a vaccine that flies in the face of history, and defies the tried and tested facts of Science, up until that mystery of now.

Folks, it's not about any Pandemic. It's not about any COVID-19. It's all about pressuring and persuading every Human Being upon this Earth to take the vaccine, and continue taking newer and more vaccines, until that day we will lack the intelligence's cognizance to recognize the why of why we no longer feel Human, no longer look Human, or are Human any longer, as Humanity Eugenically transformed into docile, domesticated, placated, neutered and spaded Sheeple-People5 Cattle -- mark my words: You can take them to the bank of our coming reality.

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

(Written November 23rd, 2021)

© 2023 Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Author's Note

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

1 It Was The Government That Produced COVID-19 Vaccine Success — Most recently the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Biomedical Research and Development Authority (BARDA) alone has spent $19.3 billion on COVID-19 vaccine development. In addition, Lisa Cornish projected $39.5 billion in US spending.

2 COVID-19 Vaccine Producers —

3 It Was The Government That Produced COVID-19 Vaccine Success — Most recently the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Biomedical Research and Development Authority (BARDA) alone has spent $19.3 billion on COVID-19 vaccine development. In addition, Lisa Cornish projected $39.5 billion in US spending.

4 Vladimir Putin — Elon Musk Concedes The Richest Man in The World Title to Vladimir Putin Read more:

5 Sheeple-People — Sheeple People—A word and term I find myself favoring in my attempt to communicate the all too factual reality that people tend to allow themselves—even seem to want—to be led, watered, and fed, much like sheep, trusting others with decisions and truths regarding their lives, their futures, their welfare, and their safety, rather then shouldering up such responsibilities themselves as individuals, in finding and enjoying the comfort of numbers. The word sheeple was first coined by actress and Wall Street Journal writer, Barbara Anderson, in 1984.

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Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham
Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Smalltown, TX

“Hello! Welcome to my profile page. As a Creative Writer, I pen a variety of material that ranges from piss poor attempts at Poetry, to morbidly Dark Fiction, to investigative, in depth, re.. more..
