Yes. Why did I not see this? I have been oblivious to my friend's dark corners far too long. Playing with my old box of plush toy animals (tigers, lions and bears... oh my), those pushy-whirly-things that ram flint against steel and spark like the backend of a 1932 Buck Rogers rocket ship... should I feel guilty that other's cannot experience these wonderous things, except prehaps vicariously though these words? Should I feel guilty that I want to hug the pot-bellied bear or snuggle the lion with ears that stick out from it's too-curly hair or dance with the adorable orange-&-black striped tiger that was sat upon once too many times so that its chest (and pretty much everything else) is a bit too flat? Perhaps, but I don't. Is that strange? The waters look muddy from where I sit too; probably because I forgot where I put my glasses. I agree, expectations can be a terrible thing... I have learned to avoid them at all costs, for better or worse. What's past is past, the future is not yet and there is only "now." And now I read of "Armor" and yet another use for that shiney concept -- in defending oneself from our own expectations. Truly, I have not yet lived to so long or become so dull and dim and cowardly that I will not venture into the dark with a friend... you can hold the lion or the bear, I've got the tiger. Don't forget your sparky thing; it's dark inside that closet, that large, mysterious wardrobe of the mind.
100 special treks
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
You are so precious. Thank you. ^^ Tea, Tiger Rider?
'.. until 'living' became a synonym .. for 'fighting one's self' .. '
Seems your poem was written like as a fact-finding mission and what you found was more than alarm than satisfactions - perhaps.
But you know, what i read is a wonderful journey through a grand life of normal flaws and pleasures, in other words a real life. So much pressures placed on us, we go on until we except too much or too little for selves and end up wrapped in grey instead of rainbows.
This is such a touching, near inspirational piece of writing that finishes not with darkness but a rainbow flourish. May i just end by saying., whatever your age, Go Girl!'
Yes. Why did I not see this? I have been oblivious to my friend's dark corners far too long. Playing with my old box of plush toy animals (tigers, lions and bears... oh my), those pushy-whirly-things that ram flint against steel and spark like the backend of a 1932 Buck Rogers rocket ship... should I feel guilty that other's cannot experience these wonderous things, except prehaps vicariously though these words? Should I feel guilty that I want to hug the pot-bellied bear or snuggle the lion with ears that stick out from it's too-curly hair or dance with the adorable orange-&-black striped tiger that was sat upon once too many times so that its chest (and pretty much everything else) is a bit too flat? Perhaps, but I don't. Is that strange? The waters look muddy from where I sit too; probably because I forgot where I put my glasses. I agree, expectations can be a terrible thing... I have learned to avoid them at all costs, for better or worse. What's past is past, the future is not yet and there is only "now." And now I read of "Armor" and yet another use for that shiney concept -- in defending oneself from our own expectations. Truly, I have not yet lived to so long or become so dull and dim and cowardly that I will not venture into the dark with a friend... you can hold the lion or the bear, I've got the tiger. Don't forget your sparky thing; it's dark inside that closet, that large, mysterious wardrobe of the mind.
100 special treks
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
You are so precious. Thank you. ^^ Tea, Tiger Rider?
Umm... Yes. The answer is always yes. O_o
Love me not for who I could be, but for all that I am. ^_^
I like manga and anime (various kinds, message me if you wanna chat! ^_^) and doodling in not.. more..