Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion

A Poem by Fran Marie




   The man, woman, poets as beings, connected to the force

the alliance, melding muses of light and darkness,like a sword

strike forth with the mighty pen of midnight ink

Stained pages of powerful poetry lay bare for hungry eyes to

devour each line~not useless words that are merely uttered in

somber whispers,then forgotten

No,this is the art of poetic verse penned upon fine parchment

filled with passion, deeply expressed to impart and imprint 'pon

mind and soul, should others read and behold its mystical notes

and consume the artistic value of its magic,as coherence affirms

and defines poetry's validity

Fly on the wings of pegasus~lighting the moon

Releasing the stars

Burning words, scorching the depths of hell's raging inferno!

Cascading words, cooling the zenith of heaven's meadows!

Achieve the power of distinguishing your emotions, take up

your pen and put poetry in motion~sharpen your mighty sword

and share the adventure with the honor of a poet in quest of

beauty and grace of the written word


            'Lest it ceases to be

                    and the soul doth wither

                                    for lack thereof~









© 2010 Fran Marie

My Review

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Beautiful!! And the graphic.... stunning!

Wow, Fran -- your talent shines very brightly in this piece --
I believe this is my favorite of yours so far ....

"Stained pages of powerful poetry lay bare for hungry eyes to
devour each line~not useless words that are merely uttered in
somber whispers, then forgotten"

Poems leaving a permanent mark on the minds and souls of others --
so write from the depth of the soul -- with purpose --

I was especially taken with the last lines..

~'Lest it ceases to be

and the soul doth wither

for lack thereof~

Such piercing truth lies therein.
Outstanding work Fran! Good luck in the contest! :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


A beautiful expression of your reason to write...
Especially loved the concluding lines. you are a truly gifted poet.
Good Luck and Congratulations on your win in Julie's contest :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

Thanks nazia..so much appreciated;
As always, nicely done Fran-- congrats on your win.

Posted 4 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

Thanks Nolo. so 've y much;
Beautiful and true.
"Achieve the power of distinguishing your emotions, take up
your pen and put poetry in motion~sharpen your mighty sword
and share the adventure with the honor of a poet in quest of
beauty and grace of the written word"
The above lines. Great wisdom shared dear Fran. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

Thanks John..for stopping by ..I so appreciate your words as always my friend;
Coyote Poetry

4 Years Ago

I loved the poem and you are welcome dear Fran.
Thanks again for entry into my current competition good luck 😉 love it still

Posted 4 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

Thank you Julie..so much appreciated;
Julie McCarthy (juliespenhere)

4 Years Ago

Hi just read this again judging very soon great piece, :)
quote..strike forth with the mighty pen of midnight ink love this to bits
i loved your poem and thanks for entering my contest
good luck

Posted 6 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

6 Years Ago

Thanks Julie so very much for the lovely comments on my poetry..I always enjoy entering your great c.. read more
The words in this poem are well... how can I describe it... Well, I actually can't in one word. Oh, wait for it. Breathless. This poem leaves me with goosebumps all over, stripping me all until I'm vulnerable to the message of this poem.

Inspirational Poems Contest

Posted 6 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

6 Years Ago

Thanks so vey much for reading..I so appreciate
Great, beautiful, masterly, important! What a great way to convey what you want to say, and what you feel and everything. Excellent :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

8 Years Ago

thanks so vey much, ever so appreciated
Nice submission. The format of your poem is truly unique and provocative. Your extensive vocabulary helps define poetry as a whole.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Wow,, that was done so well, and did you nail what poetry is all about, I need to work on metaphor and you sure had that down pat. I will read more of your writings to help with metaphor. Thank you...A great poem....

Posted 9 Years Ago

  Fran Marie

9 Years Ago

Thanks bscribber, so very much appriciated..
NO, poetry will not die. It will always be with us. There will always be poets who pick up pen to express deep emotion. Your prose is well written and so very emotive, Fran Marie. Loved the reference to Pegasus! Lydi**

Posted 9 Years Ago

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45 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on August 28, 2008
Last Updated on September 17, 2010


  Fran Marie
Fran Marie

Paris, KY

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