You think you know fear?

You think you know fear?

A Poem by Douglas Levi Gribbins

Main description: A short poem about fear itself and just how deep you can get into what it is.

There's a fool that lived a dark
Unspeakable, silent life
But that's all laugh at the start
Until you gift him with a knife

Now he's vanished from the room
Someone's taken out the lights
As soon as you notice the full moon
The beast comes out from the night

You think you know fear?

You think you know fear?

Now it's coming back to you
The shoves, your words,your post, the fights
And your soul retreats down to hell
Once you finally see his eyes

As you quiver in your fear
You're an sitting duck on ice
You want to cry golden tears
As he lets you meet your own demise.

You think you know fear?

You think you know fear?

Now you're alone in the room
All other souls are outside
You break out five little words
"I thought you committed suicide."

© 2015 Douglas Levi Gribbins

Author's Note

Douglas Levi Gribbins
My family is currently going through a huge tragedy causing my father to lose his job, the only person where i live who works, since mother is extremely sick and cant get a job, and myself, who is ineligible to work due to me not being able to get a drivers license.
I came up with this off the top of my head, no thinking, If I can do this, that's a bit of talent, right?
I'd like to ask you, the reader, this.....If you enjoy my work, PLEASE...share it? Do something that helps me spread to a wider audience...I'm not asking you to share it nonstop to make me famous, no....I just want my work to be appreciated enough for someone to notice and maybe get me a writing job or me be a freelancer writer....and maybe then I can support the family a bit because at this time, pretty much everyone is either ALWAYS at work, On drugs, or always in the hospital, this is probably my "Last Breath" but it's just worth a try...Thank you for reading.

My Review

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Critique: (You're an sitting duck on ice) it should be "You're a sitting duck on ice).

You seem to be a good at telling a story and you have a good imagination, I would suggest you consider short stories as this poem could be developed into a short or even a novel easily. Also if you are looking to earn money from your writing talents, you will find story writing is much more profitable even for someone your present age.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Well written piece with a powerful message. Keep it up, and don't ever give in.

Posted 8 Years Ago

everyone deserves a chance to express themselves in a public medium/ even more so if they are gifted and they are speaking about something that the the public has it's collective eye on, as this will garner attention.
This attention could go as the wind blows or as the public issue goes or she may invent herself in the eye of the newsmedia

Posted 8 Years Ago

A nice flow of thoughts led the reader to the surprise ending. I like the feel of danger and mystery in your words. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Such a sad piece, but are an amaIng writer and i will share this with as many as I can. I hope being a writer works out for you and i truly hope things get better for you. The last catches you off breath. And the thing's not little words, they mean so much. And yet they are little. I know im not making sense, but as the writer, maybe. Always admired your writing. Youre truly talented

Posted 8 Years Ago

such a tragedy! my hopes and prayers are with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 8 Years Ago

there are many things in this world beyond our control but how we respond to them isn't one of them... that you live in an abusive world where sickness and the struggles are rampant and still manage to write and share it with us means you have already chosen to do something about it...I commend you for sharing your story in poetry and for your drive to want to help your family...and if you want to be a writer then just keep writing and remember to read, read, read... on this site you will gain far more recognition if you read and review the work of others...good luck...

Posted 8 Years Ago

Fear affects those who submit to it. Stay firm and believe things will get better because if you don't they never will.

Posted 8 Years Ago

U have immense talent in you and the way you expressed... is simply superb...

Posted 8 Years Ago

You are a talented writer! If this just came off of the top of your head, then you clearly do have a knack for writing :)

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Writing, as I'm sure you know, can be a really great release. I can't say I can understand your living situation, but hang in there. Keep writing and try to get noticed - I know that's easier said than done, but it can be a goal you set yourself.

One way of getting more recognition is if you review lots of other peoples' work, as they're then more likely to check you out and review yours back. Stay strong :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

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23 Reviews
Added on September 1, 2015
Last Updated on September 1, 2015
Tags: Dreams, Inspirational, Love, Hate, Get over it, I love you

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