Jane Doe

Jane Doe

A Poem by Geralyn Miller

Who are you?

Heard about you on the televsion news;

height, weight,

approximate age,

eye and hair color;

--even the drawing, an artist's image;

doen not tell who you are.


You were somebody's daughter.

Did you come from a happy home,

or a family hell?

Do you have sisters or brothers?

Uncles or aunts?

Does a Grandmother miss your love?


Was there an empty chair

at a Thanksgiving feast?

Unopened gifts

under a Christmas tree?


Does a Mother pray for you

each night before she sleeps,

and dreams you are home again?

Is there a Father

who worries each day

about his little girl?


Does anyone care

that you are missing?

Does anyone still search for you?


© 2010 Geralyn Miller

My Review

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So many young girls go missing, and then turn up, alive or not...........a very thought provoking piece, that these women have families who are desperate, all seasons and celebrations passing..........and do people care now there are so many?
It makes us have to think, with your words.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 29, 2010
Last Updated on August 29, 2010


Geralyn Miller
Geralyn Miller

Phoenix, AZ

I was born in the year of the Dragon, and am prone to roaring for amusement's sake. I have been writing poetry since I was eight. That's right, fifty years of poetry, all written in longhand. In ad.. more..


A Poem by Geralyn Miller