A Dream But Not A Dream

A Dream But Not A Dream

A Poem by Jeffrey Gershom

Sometimes what we think are dreams are really realities at the threshold of being defined. One dream, this dream, partially crossed that threshold.


A Dream But Not A Dream

By Jeffrey Gershom



A breeze caresses the boughs

With gentle force.

Slowly they move with

Rhythm from Nature’s overture.


Watching up above,

Luna fills the night

In radiant light.

Her soft glow blankets

The ground and trees

As they nestle together,



The wind rustles the tall

Prairie grass. Seductively,

This invisible touch

Moves across the lay of the land,

Finally reaching the hem of a

Small wooded patch.


Ever so carefully, the fragrant air

Moves up the trunks

Of the trees…the delicate legs

Which Gaia stands with

Leafy elegance.


Far within the muted darkness,

A lone wolf howls with

Powerful ecstasy, stirring the

Calm with primal satisfaction.

All the while, Luna glides gracefully overhead

Enjoying the reoccurring play of

Light, air and earth.


Over and over again,

These visions sow themselves

In my mind as if wanting

To take root and grow in

My secluded hope of being



Can such a crop ever be planted?

Can such a crop ever be reaped?

Can such a hope ever be dreamt?

Can such a hope ever be realized?

© 2011 Jeffrey Gershom

Author's Note

Jeffrey Gershom
This was from a dream that made itself known to me very recently. I have to park my van somewhere secluded as not to be disturbed. Usually at a rest stop off the interstate in the middle of the prairie. Laying in my van, many sensations are felt and the mind goes...elsewhere.

My Review

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Beautifully penned...I enjoyed your words very much...Dreams are wonderful and mysterious at the same time...Everyone should have such a lovely dream as this.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Jeffrey Gershom

11 Years Ago

Thank you, SyberRose. I wish I could have such a dream as this every night.
In truth it is a marvelous piece. I especially liked "the invisible touch", which could either be the wind or some other powerful force that moves it.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Jeffrey Gershom

11 Years Ago

Thank you, Kenaz, for your kind words.
Love the last stanza, deep and amazing, Like the flow, simply wonderful.
I can feel the emotion through out as well. Awesome!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Jeffrey Gershom

11 Years Ago

Thank you, asixx, for your kind words. It's hard to believe that I wrote this over a year ago. To so.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on July 1, 2011
Last Updated on July 1, 2011
Tags: loneliness, prairie, Gaia, Luna, light, nature, night, dream, sensual, need, belonging


Jeffrey Gershom
Jeffrey Gershom

Grand Island, NE

I'm a survivor, a writer, a poet and a photographer. I love music in its varied forms. more..


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