Waking Up

Waking Up

A Poem by Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

my eyes have adjusted to Eos’ rosy fingers --

the waking Queen beyond my casement fans her fronds

to form shadow wings upon my walls, and I am revived

            from a curious sort of dreamless stasis


this is a morning scented with sugared vanilla

and the crisp chill of open-windowed abandon


            what does it feel like to be     alive?


            because I have not known until this moment --

I have collected minutes and hours like dollars and cents,

counting them until my fingers are numb     forgetting

to stop the clock (occasionally) to savor unmarked time


but today the sun is bright     the restraints of worry and regret

are burning like Greek ships before battle


the possibilities are as infinite as the arched back of the sky,

because these early hours are for lounging contemplation --

            these precious pearls belong to me

© 2013 Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

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"I have collected minutes and hours like dollars and cents,
counting them until my fingers are numb forgetting
to stop the clock (occasionally) to savor unmarked time"

These lines stood out to me.. I find myself wondering about your age.. I write a lot about aging.. Fantastic piece Sarah.. xo

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

I'm 32...but I have been told I have the mind a 200 year old...lol
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10 Years Ago

Well I am near double that.. lol You are far too young to be worring about age.. xo
Every stanza was perfection! Great job!


Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much, Cody!
Cody Williams

10 Years Ago

No problem:)
With this new dawning day comes the realization that life is good, every moment to be savoured, cherished, appreciated, filled with wonderment and excitement of the natural beauty all around us and so the burdening, worrying demands that a materialistic culture thrusts upon us are swept away into the oblivion, where they belong ! Life is short, so enrich each moment with its generous, (free) bountiful gifts it offers!

Grasp and savor the moment! A message you so beautifully relay and impress upon us in your poem!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Tom...I'm so glad you saw what you did in this.
Sarah I do love this line;
I have collected minutes and hours like dollars and cents,
counting them until my fingers are numb

Such great description in this. It really does reflect deep and raw feelings. Well to me anyway:)
A great reflection of what mornings can exhibit Sarah.


Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

Thank you so very much, Troy!
I love the outlook. The "waking Queen" is definitely an apt moniker for the light that is reflected anew each day giving warmth and eschewing the cold darkness from life. I wrote a poem once that this reminds me of, it was a description of my having to wake up very early in high school to catch a bus to school. I described how I liked having to get up that early because I awoke with the sun and had time to reflect on what dreams I had had and what things truly mattered. Enjoy those pearls, they're more than just decoration. Great stuff.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Astro...the "Queen" was really a "Queen Palm" outside my window; she always greets me wit.. read more

10 Years Ago

Well I guess I can't always be on the money, but my shortcomings aside you did a great job....and th.. read more
but today the sun is bright the restraints of worry and regret
are burning like Greek ships before battle

the possibilities are as infinite as the arched back of the sky,
because these early hours are for lounging contemplation --
these precious pearls belong to me

Those lines really encompass such powerful images and are my favourite.
Great write, as always. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much, Lola...I truly appreciate your words.
Oh you morning people making the rest of us look bad. Tee Hee. But yes, things always look the best after good night sleep. Most lovely write.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Pryde...well, I'm not really a "morning" person, it was just this particular morning ;)
Pryde Foltz

10 Years Ago

;) Good to hear.
Loved every stanza from start to finish. Another classic poem to add to your catalog. Marvelous work here my favorite writing partner. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

You are very kind, my friend!

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38 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on August 26, 2013
Last Updated on August 26, 2013


Girl Friday (Sarah W.)
Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

The Beach, CA

"She's mad but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire." - Charles Bukowski A NOTE TO MY FRIENDS: Thank you, everyone, who has supported me so kindly on this site. I am humbled by your kind revie.. more..


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