October 27th

October 27th

A Poem by Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

i have become an old book -

     dog-eared pages, water stained cover,

i am weathered from too many readings


fumbling fingers have followed my lines,

brushed the once black ink from my skin,

     thin as parchment paper - now -


my words have all run together,

     paint upon paint until

i am more muted shadow than shape


i attempt to season the leftovers

     of half-written poetry -  al dente imagery,

too firm to mold and too soft to exist

without teetering between unyielding similes


i am the ashes of bravado, the skeleton of pride,

seven layers of dust on a desk with one short leg

     propped up by the folded pages

of a manuscript that will never be more

     than what it is right now

© 2013 Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

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This is brilliant work...I love this...I would really like to know in what state you wrote this...I would be surprised if these words have come out of a worriless mind...

Posted 10 Years Ago

A very metaphoric description about a writer suffering from what sounds to me as 'burn out syndrome'!

You show no signs of displaying any of the symptoms you so eloquently describe in this creative, somber poem!

Posted 10 Years Ago

If this poem was written about you, I don't buy it, Sarah. The actual poem is excellent. You are not the person I see when I read this. I see someone resigned and tired. You are an amazing poet, continuously surprising me and amazing me with fresh new takes and fresh new word combinations on things that I relate with. I will stop scolding you now, missy! Ha! Nicely done, once again. Angi~

Posted 10 Years Ago

Loved the creative written imagery you've conveyed here. Another fine write from an ingenius talent. Great work Girl Friday. A splendid read. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

We are weathered and worn and when we are done that which is left behind will never be more or less than it was at that moment. The voice in this was weary and resigned to what this world might have to offer.

Posted 10 Years Ago

old books are the best kind....weathered,water stained, dogged ear means they were lived, loved, and above all read! While other writers leave me lazy..in lands of wonder and mystery ...you leave me .....real...I never leave your words feeling like I need to hide or play part. I always just wanna feel everything here in the "me" of it all. Lately, your works make me wanna scream and run ..throw everything from the desk...thats real ..thats talent!

Posted 10 Years Ago

we are an unfinished work in progress, we poets...and sometimes i wonder myself...are my pages only good for propping up that uneven table...when my words and emotions seem as uneven as it is.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

I'm glad someone I hold in such high regard can relate to this one...thank you so much, Jacob!
What a splendid metaphor for a poet's life....parchment, dog eared pages, etc. My favorite line, though, is this one: "i attempt to season the leftovers of half-written poetry - al dente imagery". Is there some signifcance to October 27th? Is it your birthday? If so, I hope it was a happy one. Great write. Lydi**

Posted 10 Years Ago

Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

10 Years Ago

Hi Lydi... actually, it was Sylvia Plaths birthday :) I'm glad you liked this one!
Lydia Shutter

10 Years Ago

Ahhh, I see. Makes the poem even more powerful!
this one spoke my heart out. I will quote some lines from this !

Posted 10 Years Ago

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21 Reviews
Shelved in 6 Libraries
Added on October 28, 2013
Last Updated on October 28, 2013


Girl Friday (Sarah W.)
Girl Friday (Sarah W.)

The Beach, CA

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