Love and Betrayal in the Kingdom of Hassa.

Love and Betrayal in the Kingdom of Hassa.

A Story by Grayciey

A love story that will keep you wanting more....

There was once a Queen Fytera, Queen of Hassa, the land of pure & good magic.
The land was feared by many as legend was the forts of Hassa were unpenetretable and the magic unattainable and powerful.
A traitor from her palace told their enemies about the secret ways of Hassa
I.e the entry points. In return he would receive ownershp of a small community, the Gyrsy, for his cooperation with the enemies.
The Queen who was immaculately beautiful with long white hair was unmarried.
She had a secret, no one else knew about it. It was a way to protect the magic from gettin into the wrong hands. Only the Kings before her knew of this well kept secret.
It was a secret path which would allow her to travel into the future and carry the magic with her in times of danger as it was at this time.
The path was a maze & it had deadly traps. She knew about each trap and how to avoid them til the end of the path.
So she took the path & only went with her loyal servant who was also her lover Tedesy.
They did not wed because he was not a noble neither was his caste high in the land.
He was a pauper but he loved her genuinely & deeply.
They set forth the future.
They arrived in the period of 470T9.
A different time, a different galaxy, here the people were kind.
He got work in a Manufacturing plant. This time he was superior as he was the sole bread winner. It made him feel strong & he worked even harder.
She was planning on going back in the past & to solve the problem before it happened. Problem was she did not know who betrayed her & she was with child. When the child was born they named the beautiful baby boy after her father, Bhequega the third.
She forgot her quest. She was happy. She could be with her forbidden lover and she was a mother...

© 2013 Grayciey

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Added on December 7, 2013
Last Updated on December 29, 2013
Tags: love, betrayal, fantasy



Nairobi, Kenya

I am a versatile and sublime writer I am everything under the sun! I am a road sign, the north star! Enjoy.... more..

bRoKeN bRoKeN

A Poem by Grayciey


A Story by Grayciey