That Voice Inside Your Head

That Voice Inside Your Head

A Poem by Green

Dear ___________


Dear _______,

I am just a


inside your head

as you read this letter.

That's all I am.

You can try to read it like you think I would.

Putting all the

inflections where I would.

Trying to give it

that 'thing' that was

distinctly me.

But it doesn't fit right anymore

does it?

Because all I am now

Is that voice inside your head

That can only


like me

as you read this letter.



© 2013 Green

Author's Note


My Review

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A really insightful look into a part of ourselves that we take for granted. Love how you left a blank space for anyone's name to be inserted. That it could be anyone's inner voice talking.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Interesting poem, love the creepiness and message that it holds.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Nice submission. This poem has a very rhythmic layout which makes reading this poem easy. Good job conveying the after lying thoughts a person may feel after a break up, or loss of friend with their voice still in the back of their head, possibly hinting at regret.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Awesome job! it was very cute and nice! I liked the __'s it makes me stop and think…
I see great potential!

C. Lee Battaglia

Posted 9 Years Ago

Very clever. Interesting choice of perspective. Also, nice continuity with the way you began w/ dear ______& ended w/sincerely_______..

Posted 9 Years Ago

The "You can try to..." line sticks out quite far.
The lines that end in "would" felt awkwardly close together like you were about to start rhyming.

Random thought. The voice that read this letter to me - whose is it? I wasn't thinking of anyone in particular but it sounded slightly British.

Posted 10 Years Ago

An interesting idea. I like the unique way in which you think.

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is such beautiful heart-felt piece that left me with a sigh!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Clever little poem.
Well done

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sounds like our struggle as convey in writing and still impart the same meaning as we do in person. What made you write this? A voice inside your head? ( : O )

Posted 10 Years Ago

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18 Reviews
Added on December 14, 2013
Last Updated on December 14, 2013




I'm living in the good ol' south of the US of A. Professionally, I'm an engineer and I guess that means I'm supposed to know things. I don't always. I write because I can, and because I can write word.. more..

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