Beyblade Metal Clans: Grand Serpent's downfall

Beyblade Metal Clans: Grand Serpent's downfall

A Story by

LAST TIME ON BEYBLADE! The Shadowscythe clan held Angelo's apprentice ceremony where Mark, the first clan member that Angelo met, battles a clan member named Milo for the right to be Angelo's mentor. Despite the fury of Milo's Midnight Wolf, Mark's Scythe Libra defeats him easily.
The morning came too quickly for Angelo. As he drug himself from his bunk in the storeroom that functioned as apprentice living quarters, Mark came just about crawling through the door. "I'm NOT a morning person.
"Neither am I." Angelo replied drowsily.
"Well, you'll never learn anything sitting here. Let's get breakfast, and head outside."
"To train. Bruno doesn't allow training in the warehouse."
"Oh." They went out to the lunch area that had been for the workers when the warehouse was functional. The breakfast was a heaping platter of french toast, and bacon. The french toast was pre-buttered, but you could choose to have jam, syrup, or powdered sugar on it. So Angelo put powdered sugar on his.
After breakfast He and Mark stood out in what used to be the warehouse parking lot. Mark had already shown him how to load his bey.
"Now, we'll count down, and we'll both yell let it rip, and you pull the ripcord as fast as you can.3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" They both launched their beys, and Angelo felt something strange at the back of his mind.
"There's something nagging at the back of my mind."
"That's your bey trying to connect with your blader's spirit. Let it come." So Angelo relaxed his mind, and then he saw it. It stood there as big as life. A huge black bull with razor sharp horns, but what was alarming was the fact that there were several places where ribs, and other bones showed through gaping holes in the flesh. The bull looked like a half rotted carcass brought to life. The bull let out a mighty bellow as it charged Libra. Red and black smoke poured from his nostrils. The charge hit Libra with a shockwave that shook the parking lot. Suddenly, his vision cut back to the beys. Libra was reeling from the viscous attack from Bull. Then Libra went on the attack. He zipped in and battered Death Bull, but to no avail. All he did was bounce off. Angelo realized that Bull was responding to what he wanted him to. So he used his mind to tell bull to try to flip Libra into a wall. As Libra came in for the hit, Bull tilted his fusion wheel down, and deflected the attack. He was just about to tell Bull to charge, when a yellow bey slammed into Libra, and knocked him out of the battle. When Mark and Angelo looked up there was a boy with blonde hair, and designer clothes standing on a crate. He wore a chain with several tokens that looked like they were made of gold. Mark narrowed his eyes at the boy, and said only one word. "Royal." The boy sneered at him.
"Well,well,well. Look at what I found. A Shadowscythe blader, and what appears to be a new Shadowscythe apprentice. I bet I could take you both out." Angelo immediately disliked the boy. So while the boy was distracted, he had Bull slam into the yellow bey. Angelo saw Bull's true form as it charged, and hit  a large yellow snake. The yellow bey flew, and slammed into the crate that its blader was perched on. The crate cracked with the sound of crunching wood. When the boy stopped reeling from the force, he turned, and gave Angelo an ice-cold glare. "Well, it looks like we've got a fighter. I'll finish you with one shot! SPECIAL MOVE...GRAND SERPENT...SPARKLING STRIKE!" The serpentine bey flew across the ground leaving a trail of sparkling smoke.
"ANGELO!" mark yelled. Angelo gave the command for Bull to block the attack even though it was a special move. Serpent slammed into Bull, but all it did was push him back a little bit. 
"WHAT THE HECK!?" The boy from royal screamed in shock. Bull gave a mighty shove that sent Serpent flying into a guard rail near by. Angelo was seeing red. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Mark was paralyzed with shock from Bull's defiance of Serpent's special move. Suddenly there were words that formed in his mind, and came out his mouth as loud as they could.
"SPECIAL MOVE...TERROR BULL...DOOMSDAY TERROR CHARGE!" Black and red energy surrounded Angelo, and erupted from Bull's spintrack as the black bey shot forward with alarming speed and power. There was a small explosion of the frightening energy when the two beys collided. The guard rail was ripped up by its concrete roots, and serpent flew about twenty feet before bouncing to a standstill. Even from here Angelo could see there was a large crack in his fusion wheel.
"GAAAAHHH! SERPENT!" The boy cried out as he ran to his fallen bey. Mark just stood there dumbfounded. Angelo held up his hand, and Bull zoomed over and jumped into it. Mark staggered up to him, and stared at him.
"Do you know who that is?"
"That's Shane from Royal clan, and you beat him! That's unbelievable!"
"Yes it is." They both jumped when they heard the voice behind them. It was Bruno with most of the clan standing behind him. He walked up to Angelo. "I've only ever seen one Blader become fully connected with their bey that fast." When this was said, the crowd parted to reveal a girl with flowing red hair that hung down to her knees. She was easily the most beautiful thing Angelo had ever seen. She had Shamrock green eyes that seemed to send off sparks every time she blinked. Angelo was jolted back to earth when Bruno spoke again. "Shane, come here." He ordered. At first Shane looked like he was going to stick his nose in the air and refuse, but he stepped forward like a whipped dog. "Let me see your bey." Bruno held out his hand, and Shane dropped the defeated yellow bey into it. Bruno examined the damage on the offending blader's bey. "Good thing you Royal bladers are rich, he really clobbered your bey." He tossed the bey to it's blader. "Now go tell your fellow bladers this, Shadowscythe clan has grown stronger! Your days of stomping on us are over. We'll see you at the Quarterstrike." He then sent Shane home with a boot in the seat of his pants, and turned to the crowd. "All Bladers and apprentices are in full training from now until the Quarterstrike. Mark, Angelo, I want to talk to you." He led them into the warehouse, and over to the junk pile. He reached behind it, pulled out a wallet, and handed them several 100 dollar bills. "If we're going to stand a chance in the quarterstrike, our beys are going to need to be in top condition." He handed them a book with "Shadowscythe" clearly printed on the cover. " This is the clan book. It tells which bey each member has, and what components it's made of. I'm trusting you to take this money, and buy new components for everyone in the clan. I'm counting on you." He dismissed them, and they left. As they left the warehouse be hind, they walked through an alley, and emerged onto a busy city street. Everyone who saw them drew away.
"Why are they afraid?"
"The clans are always battling each other for territory."
"What's the quarterstike?"
"Every quarter of the year the clans meet to battle in a tournament, but we haven't been to a quarterstrike since before I was here. They told me that when they did go they generally lost."
"Oh." They continued along the sidewalk until they came to a small store with a sign that read "Bey-Stop." Mark led the way in, and Angelo saw a guy a little older than them behind the counter.
"Hey, Mark. Who's that with you?"
"Morning paul. This is angelo, he's my apprentice. Just fell through the portal yesterday."
"No foolin'?"
"Nope." Mark put the clan book, and the money on the counter. "We need new components for everyone in Shadowscythe clan." Paul's black eyebrows shot up into his obviously-dyed blonde hair.
"You guys almost never buy components."
"We're going to the quarterstrike." The mismatched eyebrows shot even higher.
"Alright. I hope your apprentice has a powerful bey."
"ARE YOU KIDDING!? Today was his first day of training, and he mastered his bey's abilities, AND defeated Shane." The eyebrows disappeared into the sea of blonde.
"Shane? From royal clan!? That Shane!?"
"One and the same." Paul turned and gazed at angelo.
"If you don't mind, could I see your bey?" Angelo fished Bull from his blader's belt that the clan gave him, and handed him to Paul. Paul examined they bey with a mysterious air. "I've never seen this fusion wheel before. What is it?" Mark answered for angelo.
"Terror, the beys name is Terror Bull." Paul handed Bull back to Angelo.
"Well, I guess I better get on that order.
To Be continued.

© 2013

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1 Review
Added on January 25, 2013
Last Updated on January 31, 2013



There's not much to tell... I LOVE RANDOMNESS!!! more..
