Beyblade Metal Clans: The bite of spiral Kerbecs

Beyblade Metal Clans: The bite of spiral Kerbecs

A Story by


LAST TIME ON BEYBLADE! Mark and Angelo went out into the old parkinglot to train when their training session is suddenly interrupted by a blader from Royal clan. The blader's bey Grand Serpent knocked Mark's Scythe Libra out of the battle, But was charged by Angelo's Death Bull. When the blader used his special move Bull easily blocked the shot. Then Angelo found his bey's special move, Doomsday Death Charge, and used it on serpent. The blow defeated Grand Serpent, and cracked his fusionwheel. Seeing this, Bruno desides to take the clan to the exciting quarterstrike.

As Mark and Angelo Came into the alley a group of boys stepped out in their way. "Hello Mark." The leader of the group sneered.

"Hello Josiah." Mark replied with poison in his voice.

" We heard Shadowscythe is finally going to make an appearance at the quarterstrike."

"That's right."

"Real shame you'll all go down in flames." Josiah gave a nasty laugh that would have better suited a snake. Angelo immediately disliked him and his buddies."What do you say to a battle?"

"Save your power for the quarterstrike, you're going to need it."

"Somehow I doubt that." Josiah and his crew loaded their beys. Mark and Angelo didn't have a choice. So they loaded their beys too. Josiah counted down. "3...2...1... LET IT RIP!" They all launched their beys, and began to batter Libra and Bull with attacks, but they weren't expecting Mark to use his special move.

"SPECIAL MOVE...SCYTHE LIBRA...SCYTHE SPIRAL DESTROYER!" The blades of lavender energy sprouted from his spintrack, and took out about three beys. Mark had Libra charge with the special attack, but he didn't get a chance to do any more damage, because josiah used his special move.

"SPECIAL MOVE...BURN SCORPIO...FLAMING STINGER!" Scorpio burst into flames, and blasted right through the lavender blades and defeated Libra. Angelo realized that Scorpio and the other beys were all heading for bull. So he decided.

"SPECIAL MOVE...TERROR BULL...DOOMSDAY TERROR CHARGE! The fear inspiring energy sprouted from his body, and Bulls spin track. Bull shot forward, trailing the hair raising energy. When he hit the charging beys, most of them flew and bounced to a stop. Except for Scorpio. 

"Well, well, well. Not bad, but you'll have to do better. Scorpio shot forward with enough speed to do some serious damage, but suddenly they heard Bruno Yell.

"SPECIAL MOVE...SPIRAL KERBECKS...FLASHING FANG BITE!" Suddenly a green bey flew forward. Then Angelo saw it as a huge, green, three-headed dog with green lightning flying from its teeth. Kerbecks smashed into scorpio, and hammered him into the wall. When the dust cleared, Scorpio was almost split in two. The only thing holding him together was his fusion wheel, and even that was cracked.

"SCORPIO!" Josiah yelled as he ran over, and picked up his bey. He turned to Bruno with a poisonous glare. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" He signaled to the other bladers, and they all left. After watching them go, Bruno turned to Angelo, and began to laugh. Completely confusing both Angelo, and Mark.

"MAN! Do you guys know how long it's been since I've done that? Let's go home. You guys look exhausted." So they began to walk through the alley. That night, another Apprentice woke Angelo, and whispered.

"Hey, is it true you took out a fully trained Royal clan blader?" The question, and its timing kind of annoyed Angelo.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, the other apprentices and I were wondering how you found your bey's special move."

"Isn't that something you should be talking to your mentors about?"

"Maybe, but we were just curious. Most of us can hardly make our beys spin, let alone attack. How are we going to stand a chance in the apprentice division at the quarterstrike? It's this friday." Angelo could sense the boy's anguish.

"I just let my mind clear, and I let Bull enter." The boy's eyes got as big as saucers. Angelo examined the boy. He was a thin pale boy with limp brown hair, Coal black eyes, and a hawks beak nose. "What's your name?"

"I'm Bug. I was born into the clan."

"I'm Angelo. I'm sure you've heard my story. What's your beys name?" Bug climbed up to the bunk above Angelo's, and came back down with a white bey. Angelo took the bey when Bug handed it to him.

"His name is silver Leone. He's a defense bey." The bey was very sleek, and had a small fusion wheel that was surprisingly heavy. Angelo handed Leone back, fished out Bull, and handed him to bug.

"That's my bey, Terror Bull." Bug's eyes grew wide again.

"He's monstrous, and he looks so fatal." Angelo took bull back, and examined him closely for the first time. The fusion wheel was large and heavy, and was decorated with what looked like engravings of the dark energy that powered bull. The energy ring was black, with black and red decals on it. The spintrack was red, and the tip was Black.

"Your bey is so much cooler than mine."

"Nah, he's kinda ugly."

"No he's not!"

"Have you seen his true form?"


"I rest my case. Let's get some sleep." When sleep finally came, Angelo dreamt of Bull. Bull just stood there chanting Fatal Bull Charge. Suddenly his horns blazed with what Angelo called the terror energy, and he charged at Angelo. Just as Angelo was cornered, he woke up, and hit his head on the bottom of Bug's bunk. He looked around, saw he was safe, flopped back down on his pillow, and watched the moon through the window in the wall.

To Be Continued

© 2013

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Added on January 30, 2013
Last Updated on January 31, 2013



There's not much to tell... I LOVE RANDOMNESS!!! more..
