Beyblade Metal Clans: The claws of Silver Leone

Beyblade Metal Clans: The claws of Silver Leone

A Story by

LAST TIME ON BEYBLADE! As angelo and Mark were returning from Bruno's errand they're confronted by a group of bladers. Forced into a battle, Mark and Libra take out some of their beys with his deadly Scythe Spiral Destroyer, But then Josiah, the leader of the bladers, Defeats Libra with his Fiery bey Burn Scorpio, and his special move Flaming stinger. As the blader's beys all attack Bull, Angelo uses his beys special move Doomsday Terror Charge, and obliterates all the beys except Scorpio. As Scorpio zooms in for the finish, Bruno appears out of no where, and Hammers Scorpio into the wall with his bey Spiral Kerbecks. Scorpio is completely devastated by the damage caused by Kerbecks' Flashing Fang Bite. That night Angelo makes friends with an apprentice named Bug, and the two boys compare beys. Angelo with his monstrous Terror Bull, and Bug with his sleek Silver Leone. Later that night Angelo has a terrifying nightmare that just might be Bull trying to tell him something. But what could it be?
The day came early again. Angelo almost fell off the ladder getting down from his bunk, but Bug reached down and caught him. For someone who was so skinny, He was definitely strong. When they got to the food court, a breakfast of eggs and toast was being served. At first they ate in silence, but Bug soon struck up a conversation. "So, you think our Mentors might let us train together?"
" I dunno." Angelo replied taking a bite of his toast. The toast was almost soggy with butter.
"That might be a possibility, if Mark agrees." They turned to the speaker, who had a shock of red, a large nose, and Glasses. He was sitting across from Mark. He looked to be about in his early thirties. Bug turned to Angelo.
"Angelo, this is Bernie. He's my mentor." Bernie turned to Mark.
"What do ya say, fellow mentor of mine." Mark just Shrugged.
"It'd probably be a good idea." Bernie grinned.
"Then it's settled." 
They all finished eating breakfast, and headed for the parking lot. As they were walking, Angelo pulled Mark to the side.
"Who were those guys in the alley yesterday?"
"Firesword clan bladers. Thus the crack about us "going down in flames." When they got to the parking lot, the Mentors told their apprentices to face each other. Then Mark gave more instructions. "Bernie and I have decided to pit you against each other in a practice battle. Hopefully you'll learn about battling, and about your beys. Bernie raised three fingers as the apprentices loaded their beys.
"THREE...TWO...ONE...LET IT RIP!" Both contenders launched their beys as hard as they could. The two beys clashed together so hard it made Angelo jump. He had only battle Scythe Libra, and various attack beys. He realized that this Defense bey was going to be a lot harder to knock around. Though he was definitely inexperienced, Bug managed to keep his bey going. Bernie shouted encouragements to him. "Remember, open your mind, and let Leone in!" Bug looked at Angelo.
"Just like you told me." His features relaxed, and Leone  suddenly went on the offensive. He zipped along the ground, and pounded at Bull. Angelo made bull fight back, and that's when he saw it. He saw Bull Fighting with a white lion that he presumed to be Leone. The lion swiped Bull across the face with his paw. The beys slammed together with a frightening clang. The beys zoomed around, and took turns ramming each other into crates, walls, and what was left of the guard rail. Finally Bug roared at the top of his lungs. "SPECIAL MOVE...SILVER LEONE...STERLING FLASH CLAW!" The spintrack on Leone lit up with a white light, and a series of silver bands flew at Bull. A projectile Narrowly missed Bull, And put a dent in a nearby Dumpster. Angelo made Bull shoot forward, and dodged the Flash claws.
"SPECIAL MOVE...TERROR BULL...DOOMSDAY TERROR CHARGE!" Bull Smashed into a Flash claw attack, But it only slowed him down a little. He rammed into Leone, and just about Bulled him over, but Leone held up under the attack. He zipped away from bull, got around behind, and slammed him into the dumpster. Bull pushed him off, and went back on the defensive. Suddenly Angelo heard the words in his mind again. So he decided to try it. "SPECIAL MOVE...TERROR BULL...FATAL BULL CHARGE!" Bull was completely enveloped in fear energy, and Shot forward. Leone Zoomed along to meet him.
"SPECIAL MOVE...SILVER LEONE...SILVER FANG!" As the two beys clashed their was an explosion of both energies. When the dust cleared, both beys laid on the ground. Neither of them was spinning. Angelo was completely exhausted, and Bug looked about the same. Mark and Bernie stared at them in shock. Angelo had the sensation of being stared at. Bug must have felt it too, because they both turned to see other mentors and their apprentices staring at them. Bug turned to Bernie. "What are they staring at?"
"Are you kidding, not only do you both have a special attack, You both have two! Most bladers train all their lives to do what you've just done! Precious few make it." One of the apprentices came running from the warehouse with Bruno at his heels.
"Jeremiah tells me that both Angelo, and Bug have found two special moves! Is this true!?" Mark jolted out of his shocked state enough to nod. Bruno turned to the two apprentices. "Well. Then I guess we'll be having a double blader's Ceremony tonight.
To Be Continued

© 2013

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It's is interesting

Posted 11 Years Ago

Interesting. I think you need to add a female character. ;)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 31, 2013
Last Updated on February 1, 2013



There's not much to tell... I LOVE RANDOMNESS!!! more..
