Beyblade Metal Clans: the speed of Duo Lacerta

Beyblade Metal Clans: the speed of Duo Lacerta

A Story by

LAST TIME ON BEYBLADE! The Shadowscythe clan finally arrives at the stadium for the quarterstrike. As they filed off of their buses, a mysterious man and his son sit in a nearby limo, and watch them. As they watch, they hold a conversation about Shadowscythe clan, and speak of the boy's bey having an unspeakable secret.
As Angelo turned to walk with the others, he saw the window of a nearby limo rolle back up. The limo was a sleek vehicle parked in a section of parking lot marked with another sign.
parking reserved for 
Royal clan
Angelo caught up and followed the rest of the clan to the stadium. As they walked, Angelo. caught sight of a group of bladers with tokens made of machined steel. Some of the tokens had emeralds on them. He nudged Bug. "Hey Bug. Which clan is that?"
"That's Earthshock clan." Angelo looked at the other clan again. The leader was an average height guy with blue hair. The only part of his hair that wasn't was a tuft of green hair that hung down in the front. The strangest thing about him was the fact that he was wearing chain mail gloves. The clans both met at the entrance to the arena. as they came together, the leaders met face to face.
The other leader smiled, and extended a chain mail coated hand. Bruno reached, and shook it.
"Good to see ya Bruno. Still holding on to the territory my idiot predecessor lost to you?"
"You bet Deacon."
"So, you finally decided to show up."
"Yeah, But don't expect us to be push-overs this time. Say, how's Earthshock?"
"Good,good. Our population is booming. Shadowscythe?"
"We've got a good amount of apprentices, and two new bladers." He turned and gestured for Angelo and Bug to step forward. He put his hand on Bug's shoulder. "You remember little bug don't you Deacon?"
"Bug? Little Bug? He's gotten so big."
"Yep, And this is Angelo. He was sent to us through the portal. He's only been with us for four days, and he's already at a blader's level."
"I see that. It looks like they both did something special." Deacon replied pointing at their tokens. The two leaders walked through the entrance as they talked like old friends. Angelo spotted Mark nearby.
"I thought the clans didn't like each other."
"Earthshock clan has been pretty down to earth, No pun intended, since they impeached their old leader Greg." Mark replied.
"Impeached him, Why?"
"Greg was an arrogant son of a gun. he decided one day to run Shadowscythe clan out of our territory. They drove us as far as the warehouse. But we stood up to them, and not only drove them back enough to reclaim our territory, but drove them out of almost a quarter of theirs. The members of Earthshock clan turned on Greg, impeached him, and threw him out of the clan. Now he roams the city with a pack of rogue bladers, and they attack any clan bladers they find." The clans had been following their leaders through a tunnel, but they were suddenly in an open area with a large bowl like structure in the center of it. There was a temporary stage set up on one side of the area with four different chairs on it. The one chair was more like a throne with velvet cushions. The next chair was an old blue recliner. Then came a regular chair that you'd probably see in a dining room set, and finally came a fold out lawn chair that looked like it had been salvaged from the local garbage dump. A dark man with sunglasses was sitting on the velvet cushioned chair. Deacon jerked a thumb toward the stage. The motion causing a jingle from his chain mail.
"Royal clan's "ever-so-generous" contributions for the leaders.You can guess who's is who's." he sneered to Bruno.
"Yep, they always set them up in the same order, or did they change it?"
"Nope, still the same." Suddenly another person appeared, and sat in the recliner. She had purplish black hair, tanned skin, and flashing blue eyes.
"So, Christine's still leader of Firesword huh?"
"Yep. Shall we join them?"
"Let's do it." Bruno turned to the clan. "Shadowscythe, you'll be sitting in that section." He pointed at a section of seats that had a roof over it. Angelo and bug got settled in just in time to see Deacon sit down in the table chair, and Bruno on the lawn chair. Other people started to trickle in, and soon the stadium was full. As the crowd settled, a group of people walked out, and stood in front of the leaders. The leader of Royal clan pulled his sunglasses down, and narrowed his eyes at them in obvious distasted.
"Can we help you?" He snapped. A blonde haired boy stepped forward.
"I am Jacob. This is my team. We're tired of giving up the arena for your little quarterstrike, and being kept out of the action!"
"We've always made other bladers welcome to join in. You've got some wires crossed buddy!" Deacon piped up. Jacob looked confused, and turned to his team. They just shrugged.
"Well, that was unexpected. We'd like to make a deal, we take on the quarterstrike, and if we win, you have your quarterstrikes somewhere else, but if one of you wins, we won't complain ever again." The leaders all looked at each other, and nodded.
"Alright, you're on." Bruno stated. Josiah looked at him like he'd just noticed him.
"Who's that? I've only ever seen three people on this stage." The leader named Christine gestured to Bruno. This is Bruno, Leader of the reclusive Shadowscythe clan. You've probably never seen them because they haven't been to a quarterstrike in five years." Bruno cleared his throat.
"Can I talk to you guys?" He asked the other leaders. They all agreed to this, and gathered behind the "thrones". "Look, I don't know about you, but I don't want to lose rights to the arena."
"So you're backing out?"
"No, We should get them to agree to let us change the rules." The leader of Royal clan sighed.
"What would you suggest?"
"That it doesn't matter the blader's rank, and all battles are five way."
"What would that do?" Christine asked.
"We form a four way alliance. One member from each set of contenders. Our bladers work together to take out their bladers BEFORE they go after each other." The dark man peered over his sunglasses at Bruno.
"Ingeniously insidious."
"I thought you'd see my way Roman." Roman nodded, and turned to address the bladers.
"Would you be willing to agree to some changes in the rules?"
"Yes." Jacob answered. Roman threw his head back to adjust the crowd.
"Ladies and gentlemen. There will be changes in this quarterstrike. the Blader's Ranks are hereby randomized, and all battles will be five way. With one member of each group of contestants in each battle. my fellow leaders and I must speak with our clans."
When Bruno reached the Shadowscythe clan, he called for attention. "We have a plan for this crisis. We've agreed to an alliance. When you battle, help the other clan's bladers to take out the regular blader before you go after each other. Everyone understand?" Everyone nodded assent. "Good. NOW GET READY TO KICK SOME BEY!" Everyone cheered.
The leaders scooted the chairs over, and got a folding chair for Jacob, as leader of "The Bey Busters", to sit on. Roman chose Shane, Christine chose Josiah, Deacon chose a guy named Dean, Bruno Chose Bug, and Jacob chose someone named Dale. To be the first contestants. As the bladers gathered at the bowl, which Mark explained was a stadium. Angelo examined them. Bug was...Bug. He had already seen chase, and Josiah. Dean was a tall boy with yellow-green hair, and a red and black shirt. Dale was only a little boy with silvery hair, and a bright green shirt with non-matching red shorts. They loaded their bey's, and Roman counted off. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" The bladers launched their beys, but instead of attacking each other, all the clan blader's beys sandwiched Dale's into the side of the arena. Jacob leapt from his seat.
"HEY, CAN THEY DO THAT!?" The leaders just nodded. Jacob just sat down, and yelled. "GO DALE!" Suddenly, Dale's orange bey took the form of a lizard being pinned down by a snake, a scorpion, a ram, and a lion. The lizard bucked the other creatures off with a shake of it's head. The orange bey zipped along, and smacked the other beys until they clanged together, but Dale's seeming victory was short lived. Serpent Shot forward, and attacked the lizard bey. A giant yellow snake appeared, and began to constrict dale. As Dale and Shane struggled, the other beys joined in, but Dale got away again.
"SPECIAL MOVE...DUO LACERTA...HIGH SPEED LIZARD STRIKE!" Lacerta went up to the edge of the stadium, started spinning in circles. and suddenly seemed to be everywhere. Scorpio flew out of the stadium, and slammed into the wall. Suddenly Dean's bey shot forward.
"SPECIAL MOVE...THUNDER ARIES...THUNDERING SHEEPHORN RAM!" The two orange beys collided, and Lacerta flew out of the stadium in a burst of lightning.
"GAAAHHH! LACERTA!" Dale howled. Serpent, and Aries started to fight each other. So Bug decided to take the advantage.
"SPECIAL MOVE...SILVER LEONE...STERLING FLASH CLAW!" Leone started to send out the flashing bolts of white hot energy with lightning speed. Before they new it, Shane and Dean were defeated. Aries flew into a ceiling over the crowd, and Serpent was ground into the side of the stadium. All the other bladers, Dale included, stared like they were posessed.
To Be Continued

© 2013

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Added on February 7, 2013
Last Updated on February 12, 2013



There's not much to tell... I LOVE RANDOMNESS!!! more..
