An Insomniac's Love Letter

An Insomniac's Love Letter

A Poem by Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

sleeping without her


Sleeping without your love,

can't be called sleep at all.

Only a sharp descent from madness;

mania fades to exhaustion

and the shakey hands

of my subconscious mind

cradle me to safety.


Nights are never easy, so

mornings are never good.

All white spheres rise and fall

against dotted colorless horizons.

Flashes of reds, yellows, and blues

come and go as I finger paint

by memory from a ghostly palette.


I'm running barefoot

on the serrated edge of insanity,

fleeing the pointing fingers

of faceless drones.

They speak in an obscure language

and forgetful phrases; my ears

only seem to hear, she--- her.


Reality has become a blur

moving to fast for me to focus,

but I press on (with weighted feet)

searching broken images

and slightly remembered shadows

for even the faintest trace of you.


Wide awake dreaming

always lead me to that bed--- our bed.

Where cold sheets weep

and abandoned pillows cry,

and I break along with them.


This is the only place

I can still see colors so clear,

and it always reminds me...

I haven't slept since you left.

© 2013 Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

Author's Note

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)
Thank you for reading.

My Review

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Very deep.... I see the emotion involved. Nice job!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you for your review. I'm glad it translated well to you as you read it.
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Such emotion in this, to have that feeling of loss and acknowledging those sleepless nights. I especially loved:

"Where cold sheets weep
and abandoned pillows cry,
and I break along with them."

Been there, done that.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, You review is completely humbling.
"All white spheres rise and fall
against dotted colorless horizons.
Flashes of reds, yellows, and blues
come and go as I finger paint
by memory from a ghostly palette."

I want to highlight the entire poem.. This is vary very good. I love the lines and the metaphor is outstanding. shallimarRose

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Shallimar it is wonderful to have a new face review my work so sincerely; I am left humbl.. read more
really like this sleep, no dreams, since you left...

i lie awake just thinking about what we had, and what has been lost.

when i am awake i dream...but the sheets are my heart.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, I pleased you enjoyed it so much.
Wow you've captured that feeling here PH...such vivid imagery in this one, some of it actually hurts! Excellent read my friend!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Well thank you this one, my pleasure, it's in my favorites....
Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

I stand humbled and honored.
Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Muchly deserved my friend....
Love is sickness enough in itself (albeit a lovely form of sickness), PH but combined with insomnia and you have a deadly combo meal right there.
Abandoned sheets and weeping pillows - the language of bed.
Bravo - Peace, my friend

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Anto I'm humbled by your thoughts and always appreciate your insightful reviews.
Flashes of reds, yellows, and blues
come and go as I finger paint
by memory from a ghostly palette.

I'm running barefoot
on the serrated edge of insanity,

stellar write. you've captured that craze and crave when we are without the ones we love.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you for such a spot on interpretation... "craze and crave" is exactly the manic state i was tr.. read more
Fantastic write. I loved the imagery, your words paint such vivid pictures in my head. Moving and well written :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, anna. Your thoughts are both inspiring and appreciated.

10 Years Ago

you're most welcome :)
This is bittersweet, PH - and really emotional. I think you've done an excellent job here.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Noodle... i wrote it about 5am after barely any sleep. I'm glad to know it's still a good.. read more
the refusal to move on from a heartbreak resonates in this piece. i could feel raw emotions in this and the circumstances describe to show loneliness and emptiness are very relateable.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, you have hit the emotions in this piece accurately.

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28 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on August 12, 2013
Last Updated on August 13, 2013
Tags: Love, loss, insomnia, sleep


Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)
Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

Oblivion's edge, OH

Been here for some time... My work is my life. Read and I hope you enjoy. I will return the sentiment. more..
