Neath My Pen

Neath My Pen

A Poem by Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

Happy Valentine's Day, Kitten.

As my heart finds its way to you,
so does my pen; encoding passion
in trails of ink. Confined to quiet sheet'd
entombment till poetic imagery is awakened
on the crowded streets of interpretation.

What definition, then, shall I leave of you?
Should it be modest, or shall it be flamboyant?
This pen speaks honestly, so whichever is left,
know it will be of the most sincere cloth.

Then again, my heart knows you and its love for you,
to be boundless. Let me commit a grave injustice
should I limit my pen to the spectrum of one emotion.
Where else, but a page should you exist as I see you...
grand wonderment, in every fixation. Is this pen prepared
for the clutch of an obsessed heart, venting through
aching fingers awaiting a sweet release that never comes?

I want to paint you golden with black ink... as the Sun.
Only always afixed, nearer nor further from either goal.
With no horizons to fall behind, no cloud clusters
to obstruct your radiance. In days of you, I feel no rain.

Let this pen ship you to the stars, I will write still, of you,
of the trip, till I am drinking the dregs of my own
depleted ink wells; maniacally wondering, where has all the
ink gone. Less words themselves abandon me, I shall pen you
without pause. Through the blackest ink, the light of you
will project itself into the world, from neath my pen.

© 2019 Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

Author's Note

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)
Thank you for reading.

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Be still my heart...."I want to paint you golden with black ink... as the Sun"

You've painted the most elegant of Valentine's here Travis, straight from the heart, with light and dark shades, just as love is, a boundless fixation indeed. Whoever kitten is, she's a very lucky woman. Happy day to you both.... 'depleted ink well', let's hope never and oh my! Outstanding my friend.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

You might be right. Lol
Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Ha I'm always right, I'm a woman! ;-P haha
Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

I won't argue with that. Lol


You do it day in and day out for all of us and that in and of itself is amazing. The desire to write something so identifiable can be a sickness and a blessing. To learn from writing such as this is a miracle. Great work!!

Posted 5 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

5 Years Ago

You've left me completely humbled. I would like to take credit for this, but my muse was entirely re.. read more
This feels like a tug-of-war between the relationship you're having with the pen/writing . . . & the one that's rumbling around inside your head, concerning your beloved. This tussle feels realistic & interesting & unlike any similar poem about how to write that desired poem -- so huge points for originality! Good use of details & giving a true-to-life story of how this can feel when trying to say everything so right for that perfect message to a true love (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 6 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

6 Years Ago

Thank you, Margie... your visit and exceptional thoughts have left me beyond humbled.
Glad I read this ! On one hand the words were a bit tangled (which was good) yet on the other hand simple and straight-forward (which is equally good.) Your choice of words was interesting and although the poem was quite long the scenes and descriptions always kept me going. Nice job :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

8 Years Ago

Thank you, your thoughts and review are greatly appreciated.
That's a very strong piece! Great work! Just keep writing!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

9 Years Ago

Thank you so very much for the fantastic review, I will keep to your advice. I look forward to readi.. read more

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much. I can't wait for you to read it!
Your pen trails your heart into my mind helping me to recreate your own personal thoughts. A great accomplishment from a great poem.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Michael... Sorry for such a long delayed response, I've been away from the site and writi.. read more
Very romantic, Poe....:) I love the way you write. You're very expressive and imaginative, and the flow is smooth and very fluid. This piece is a beautiful tribute to your love. Your heart shines through like a thousand rays. Very moving and incredibly touching.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Anne you continue to humble me greatly.
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WOW. Very powerful poetic heroics. This one had my heart crying for more.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Ron I appreciate you leaving me with such wonderful thoughts.

10 Years Ago

You are most welcome poetic heroics. Thank you for sharing a wonderful write with us all.
How can she not be transported to the stars after reading the amazing poem you have penned for her? "I want to paint you golden with black ink... as the Sun. " Heavy sigh! Magnificently romantic love poem. Lydi**

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Lydia I'm very pleased you enjoyed it.
There is a sensitivity to the needs of your lover. She may not be where you want her or need her, but she will a presence of influence and power always.
The pen can never match the presence of those we love... Yet we must write, for this is what we have even if the writing is not who we are completely.
An imperfect offering for the gratitude of the perfection we find in life.
I really did enjoy the sensitivity and perspective of your pen here.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much, David. I appreciate the great insights of your comment, your are truly a man of l.. read more
Well, you may have had some trouble with jotting down quickly, but what you have penned here is beautiful, and well thought out, with good flow and great images.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

10 Years Ago

Thank you for those wonderful thoughts.

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43 Reviews
Shelved in 9 Libraries
Added on February 14, 2014
Last Updated on July 26, 2019
Tags: love, writing, pen


Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)
Travis Gibson (poetic heroics)

Oblivion's edge, OH

Been here for some time... My work is my life. Read and I hope you enjoy. I will return the sentiment. more..
