Light? What is that?

Light? What is that?

A Poem by Pookie


Light? What is that? I live in Darkness,where the rats creep and the spiders leap. Only there; is when I am myself. There is the time to be in my TRUE form. When this is only us, the cobwebs, the roaches, the rats and bed bugs. Where we can come out of our shells and go up above to the world of horror and light. They think they can rid themselves of us.

 But they think wrong; it will be US who will rid ourselves of THEM. The flies, they talk. They say the creatures above have devised a plan.

 I asked him, "What is that plan they are creating?"

 He buzzes and buzzes thinking, "They are going to come at us from behind. They will try and get us in our own territory." A smile is big on my face.

 "They think they can get us? Here? Ha! They think Madness!!!"

I run and tell the rest what is to happen. They laugh and chuckle.

 "Yes, they are mad. Me thinks they have gone crazy. We will take them down. They will regret taking us on."

We think of a evil plan just as they are. We will ambush them when they think we are not home. We will sneak up on them.

The cobwebs talk and hear they tell us whn the enemy is near. Thy shall fall and thy will fall HARD.


© 2009 Pookie

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i liked it. very good pictures. love the creepy crawlies

Posted 14 Years Ago

I really like the colors this paints in my mind. I also like the way the point of view is, how the narrator-although I'm not really sure what it is- is so confident that they will prevail. oh, and the format is cool too, the way you center your writing, i like that!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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I loved this write .. full of movements ... i hate insects ... and am afraid of spiders oooohh!

Nice write!

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on April 17, 2009
Last Updated on April 17, 2009



Middletown, NY

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