Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Chris

The school year starts.



        It is the beginning of another school year at Blooming Buds Academy. Both students and teachers walk across the large campus with their luggage in hand, getting themselves ready for their stay here. Some students are excited for the school year while others aren't too enthusiastic about it.

        A sixteen year old boy walks across the campus, his black gym shoes making imprints in the grass beneath him. His luggage hung down just inches from the ground as he made his way in the direction of the boys' dormitories. Beads of sweat sat on his forehead due to the late summer heat this place was currently experiencing and they glistened in the sunlight that continuously beat down on him. The boy has short, somewhat messy brown hair and green eyes. He is wearing black athletic shorts and a white T-shirt with the school's name on it printed in red letters.

        This was going to be Adam's second year at this academy, and like some of the other students, he wasn't really too enthused about being here. He had enjoyed his summer and really didn't want it to end. However, he did enjoy it here at this school and it was a better place than what he would have been going to if he never decided to attend this academy in the first place.

        There was one thing that Adam didn't really believe in though, and that was the school's motto, which was, “Here we'll make sure your little bud blooms into something magnificent.” Last year's seniors never really seemed to turn out to be anything magnificent. Not only that, but there never even seemed to be anyone here that ever truly changed for the better at this school. This really only made Adam question the school's motto being accurate. It even made him wonder if this school would even ever help him change into something magnificent.

        These thoughts only ended up leaving the Sophomore's mind though when he finally reached the boys' dormitories. Adam entered the nice, cool building and made his way up the stairs. Once he got onto the second floor, he walked down the hall until he finally came to the room he would be staying in for this year. A bag was set down onto the floor so Adam could reach into his pocket to get his key. After pulling it out he unlocked the door before heading in with his luggage.

        The room was just big enough for two people to share. There were two beds, dressers, nightstands, and desks. One set of furniture sat on one side of the room while the other was on the opposite side. There was also a bathroom, but the door to it was closed at the moment.

        Adam moved over to the bed on the furthest side of the room, claiming this side as his own for the year. He dropped his bags onto the bed before starting to unpack all his things. When he was in the middle of unpacking, the door to the room was heard opening. Adam looked up from his suitcases and bags and towards the door to see who his roommate was going to be for the year.

        A boy about the same age as Adam stepped into the room and closed the door behind him with his foot since his hands were full with the luggage. The boy had short, spiky blond hair and blue eyes. He is wearing jeans and a red short-sleeved shirt.

        Adam mentally cursed when he saw the other boy and he quickly looked back down at his luggage, not wanting to make eye contact. The boy's name was Jake and he was the only known gay guy on campus. This was someone Adam really didn't need as a roommate. He had only been here for about fifteen minutes and he was already beginning to get the feeling that this school year wasn't going to be that great.

        However, Jake never bothered trying to speak to Adam. This relieved the brown-haired boy a bit. If this was to be the case for the rest of the year, then maybe this year wasn't going to be as bad as he thought. Adam kept quiet just like the other boy did as he continued to unpack his things.

        After a few minutes, Adam finally finished. Not wanting to stay here any longer, he quickly left the room, though tried to act like he wasn't too eager to leave. Once he was finally out, he made his way out of the building and started to walk around. His eyes began to search the campus now, trying to find his friend. He didn't seem to be anywhere nearby though, and something already told Adam that he knew where he must be.

        The brown-haired boy made his way across campus and headed to the basketball courts. Once there, he started to look around. There were several people here, one of them being the person he came here to look for. Adam walked over towards the other male, who was shooting hoops at a court by himself.

        “Hey Brad,” Adam greeted.

        The basketball bounced off the hoop and went back towards the teen, who caught it before turning around to face Adam, his brown eyes resting on him. He stood to be about a good three inches taller than Adam and is wearing baggy blue jeans and a black T-shirt. Both Brad's round bald head and small diamond earing shined a little in the sunlight. A small smile now came on the taller boy's lips when he noticed that it was his good friend.

        “Hey dude, what's up?” he said.

        “Nothing,” Adam said, taking the ball from Brad's hands and throwing it up into the hoop before looking back at the other. “How was your summer?”

        “It was alright,” Brad said while going to retrieve the basketball. “It's great to finally get away from the family again though. How 'bout yours?”

        “Okay I guess. Nothing really special happened.”

        “That's cool.”

        Adam and Brad's other friends now came over. They all talked to each other for a little bit before starting to play basketball. After playing for about thirty minutes, they decided to take a little break. As they all sat around the court, Brad noticed Jake and a couple girls walking across campus.

        “Hey look, it's the f*g,” Brad said.

        Everyone else looked in the direction Brad was looking in. One of the other boys chuckled a little before saying, “Can't believe the stupid queer is still going to this school after last year.”

        “Better make sure you stay away from him guys,” Brad said. “Otherwise you might end up becoming gay yourself.”

        Everyone except for Adam laughed a little to what Brad said. Adam just sat there and watched Jake and his friends, thinking a little.

        “Yeah, and the worst part is that I have him as a roommate too,” Adam muttered when the laughter died down.

        “That sucks dude,” Brad said. “Better hope he doesn't try to do anything to you while you're sleeping. But don't worry, if he does I'll make sure that little f*g gets the crap beaten out of him.”

        “C'mon, let's stop talking about him,” one of the others said. “It's already bad enough we have to see him around campus. Let's just keep playing.”

        Everyone else nodded before they started to play basketball a little more. All of them played for a couple hours. By then the sun was beginning to set and everyone slowly started to leave until only Brad and Adam were left. The two just started to shoot hoops instead of actually trying to play a game.

        Afterwards, the two friends made their way to the cafeteria to get something to eat for dinner. All of their other friends were there and they sat with them while they ate. By the time they were finished, it was a little dark out. Since there was nothing else for them to really do, Brad and Adam headed back to the boys' dormitories to head to their rooms.

        When Adam walked into the room, he saw that Jake was laying on his bed. The brown-haired boy didn't bother speaking to the other male as he just made his way over to his own bed. He laid down on it and just stared up at the ceiling.

        Neither of the boys said anything to each other for about two hours. By then it was starting to get a little late. Jake sat up from his bed and looked over towards the other. Adam could feel Jake's eyes on him, but made no attempt to make eye contact with him.

        “I think I'm gonna go to bed,” Jake said.

        Adam didn't say anything. From the corner of his eye he could see Jake stand up and strip down into his boxers. He looked over towards him a little more. When he realized this though, he quickly looked away and back up towards the ceiling. A nearly inaudible sigh escaped the boy's mouth before taking off everything but his boxers too, his slight muscular build able to be seen now.

        “Want me to leave the light on?” Jake asked.

        “No, just go ahead and turn it off,” Adam said.

        The blond-haired boy nodded before turning the light off that was on the nightstand beside his bed. Both of the boys got into their beds before falling asleep moments later.

© 2008 Chris

My Review

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Featured Review

Typical intro but written in a catchy manner. I noticed the shift between tenses which I see the first reviewer already made comments on. I found Brad's baldness to be somewhat odd considering his age but maybe you'll comment on that later or maybe he just likes being bald! Overall, I like it and look forward to seeing how it develops. You might want to place the Mature content warning on this story if you're going to use a word like 'f*g' as it is prolly considered strong language unsuitable for certain audiences. Cheers!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I really liked this. I only saw a small problem with the tenses(but looking now, it seems everybody already pointed that out lol). It's really nice and once again your character and setting descriptions are fantastic. I can't wait to continue reading what happens next ^_^

Posted 14 Years Ago

Typical intro but written in a catchy manner. I noticed the shift between tenses which I see the first reviewer already made comments on. I found Brad's baldness to be somewhat odd considering his age but maybe you'll comment on that later or maybe he just likes being bald! Overall, I like it and look forward to seeing how it develops. You might want to place the Mature content warning on this story if you're going to use a word like 'f*g' as it is prolly considered strong language unsuitable for certain audiences. Cheers!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Very good. I like it.

Posted 15 Years Ago

This may be one of your older works, but even so, you might want to come back and edit a few bits. Nothing wrong with the story it's self. Just a few grammatical errors. I noticed that you used a present tense verb in conjunction with past tense. Make the entire story one tense. That little bit will help the story to read more smoothly to a reader and will not conuse the hell out of him.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on August 12, 2008




I'm a 23-year-old Web QA who graduated from NKU with a major in IT and a minor in creative writing. I'm a bit shy, even on the web, so don't take it personally if you try talking to me and I don't say.. more..

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