The Insolent Lust

The Insolent Lust

A Poem by Heartless Dove

The sequel epic poem to Traversing Paradise. What happens when an innocent youth falls in love with a beautiful angel?


O how I sing of the child of man, who so ever falls in deep affection for those that he desires to embrace

I the child of the man named after the conquer of the ancient world from Macedonia to the valley of Indus

The one who was tormented in the desert for three days by Satan himself, yet choose to forgive and to love

How his journey drove him with love over the course of eight fallings of the sun whose birth awakens life


I stand before man shamed and condemned for my obsessive act of evil that drove me to madness

To thee I announce my name as that of the angel with eyes of the most soothing blue that embodied the purity of serenity, and whose golden hair flowed from her seraphic complexion like a cascade of riches

She who saved the life of my father from the very grasp of the devil’s clawed finger tips drenched in blood


Sharing the named of how the liquid flows in its purest manner from the rejuvenated spring

I am the child of love shared between the climber of the most substantial peak of the Heavens and Earth

The woman whose beauty drove him to be plagued for many nights until he wrapped his arms around her fiery figure in the security of paradise where nothing would ever separate them from each other ever again


Now I share my tragic tale of how my story unraveled and soon hung by a thread that was ultimately sliced

To share in my fatality and my transgression from the burning of the obstreperous passion that filled my heart, mind, soul, and strength, which lead to the grandest demise of the spirit of man in the world

Cry and weep as you will as I converse my story with you who read these words of my insolence


As my friends and relatives gathered at the table that stretched across the center of the theatre I gazed at the millions of faces who convened upon the feast of love and celebration for the most High, Jesus the Savior

The present and the absent arrived to share in the breaking of the bread and the salvation of souls by blood

We, the beings made in the image and likeness of the Heavenly Father, were dazzled as the angels descend


First were the four seraphim that assisted my father on his journey to regain his love from the imprisonment of the foul spirit, who tormented her soul and encouraged her to commit atrocities to disgust my father

My namesake angel fluttered towards me calling out, “Aquarius Currentus Purus, my child chosen by the baptism by the anointing of oils and pouring of water upon thy forehead, how art thou my sweet friend?”


She stared into my hazel eyes with gladness to again see her son by the sacrament of initiation

I leisurely sauntered towards my angelic mother who guided me in the times of my greatest confusion

My smile widens and my heart opens to be in her divine presence once after the long duration of time that has passed since the last supper of the Lord, Our Light that sacrificed his very existence for the sake of us.


Acqua Currente Pura offered the opportunity for me to embrace her celestial figure again to express her ture affection for the child of hers by the covenant between man and God at the moment of conception

“O my seraph that guards me during the light and in the rays of the moon that stands still in the sky every fortnight.  I am overwhelmed by joy and compassion to once again feel the warmth and security here.”


Her grin gradually expanded and she embraced the child she ahs not seen for the past two decades

Though she observed me from the stars that danced and twirled in the heavens above my head

Her six wings expanded to display her ethereal figure to my unworthy optics and allowed me to see her one last time before she wrapped her empyreal body with her wings to hide her features from the other humans


The delicious scent of the food pervaded the air the disciples of Christ inhaled as they gathered together to share in the consecration of the body and blood of essence with the angels and saints singing canticles of the glory of our Lord, as we all entered into the state of eternal love that Jesus the light and love has provided for those who believe.  Eventually, everyone, both physical and metaphysical, sits at the plentiful table


I sat between my gorgeous sister named for my mother and grandmother, who radiate beauty more lustrous than the rays of the brilliant sun in the brightest of  days, whose combined name contains the mother of the Holy Queen who carried the sweet infant of our salvation in her warm tender arms of greatest adoration, and my father’s brother who asked my father to promise him to return to the Empyrean with mother in his arms


I occasionally raise my eyes to glance at all the countenances that surround the grotto of abundance

Suddenly, my eyes are attracted to a female of virginity and love that embodies the emotion with her heart

Her complexion is perfectly sculpted into the most perfect round shape I have ever seen drawn

The rosy red cheeks of shyness and blush brings my mind to be reminded of the strawberries of a field


Her hair flows of aurum with a luster incomparable to even my sisters halo of beaming blazing light

The eyes of green bring the image of a field of grass rising and falling to the blowing of the wind in a meadow causing the beat of my heart to harmonize to the sway of her calm white robe that laid upon her

The robes themselves had not a single discoloration and were the most brilliant tone of white seen by eyes


I simply could not take my concentration off the glamorous being that was positioned directly across from me at the table of a nectar like wine that carried the odor of the flowers of love found in the meadow

I did not let my eyes leave her body and did not notice a single other human or animal encircling me

My thoughts were of her and my words of her alone not carrying about the speech of prior Octavian


Only after the drawn out period of time did I notice that the woman that filled my thoughts possessed wings with feathers that calmly twinkled and rose in the wind as the dances of love commenced performed by the angels of the arts and of love for the songs of affection announced by the words written upon paper

As I sat being regaled by her graceful motions I heard the whisper of the angels voice, “Afferrare d’Amore”.


Her name echoed through my mind as I returned to my dwellings for the night

I cannot help to feel this severe emotion come upon my heart that cannot be restrained by a single mortal

I wish to love only her and not a single other being in this universe

Now I wonder if my eyes will ever lay upon her beauty in this world ever again, yet hope that they do.


The sun rose to let its rays spread across the blue sky the following dawn, the morning of weeping

Heaven shed tears of sorrow for the loss of the King at the hands of the soldiers that nailed his precious figure to the wood tree that would become the symbol of his undying love for the entire world and our salvation his warm blood to signify is constant affection for us that caused his heart to be the flame


My eyes were clouded by the tears that had swelled up from my severe piercing of my heart by the same thorns that entered the dearly beloved head of my Savior, who accepted the pain in order to succeed

I find myself rising from my bed gathering my garments to wear for the day considered to the Lord’s victory

The black brought darkness to my mind and the deepest state of morose anyone could experience


My heart felt impelled to leave from the edifice and clear my thoughts with a short walk to the beautiful garden located between the mountain of my father’s love and the forest that is coated by a light snow

The trip seemed treacherous and wearisome; however, my fatigue would not prevent me from entering the meadow filled with the flowers of greatest emotion of passion and true sanctity


As I glided over the decomposing leaves of the forest, I noticed that some of the leaves had been disturbed by something.  I do not know what, but I can tell that the entity was light a swift on its feet

My concentration becomes acute searching the wood for a possible predator that may be lurking in the shadows of the trees that linger beyond my erected height, surpassing and ruling the vegetation


I stealthily reach the entrance of the garden at which the sunsets and the night conquers the sky

The morning is still quiet young even though the sun has risen to the horizon in the east and its arms lights the clouds that still linger from the downpour of the night

I gaze at the sky inhaling the intoxicating aromas of the ambrosial fruit that prospered in the serene garden


Gradually my eyes become sealed as the memory of that single glorious angel, Afferrare d’Amore, enters my mind at the scent of the roses that represent eternal love and unity of spirit and heart

Her graceful movements are that of a dove flying through the air with great speed and passion

The luster of her golden hair as it flows and sways from her perfectly sculpted countenance is wondrous


My reverie concludes abruptly from the sound of melancholy sobs and the falling of tears from a being’s wonderful expression, which drives my heart with complete sympathy for those who cry

The plummet of each tear is so audible from where I stand my heart sinks with each one that touches the Earth .  I listen carefully to determine the position of the one who is mourning in the garden


Suddenly I hear the calm and beautiful voice of a woman call out, “Domini mi, Domini mi, valdi amo te.”

My ears ring with the reverberation of this cry to the Lord by this humble and faithful woman mourning over the Crucifixion of her greatest lover, who at this time has been  judged at the seat of the stone

His divine shoulder has already bared the weight of our sins by accepting the Cross of the World


Turning towards the epicenter of the garden, I begin to hesitantly tiptoe towards the mourning woman

As I stand by the arch that leads into the center of the garden where the divine flowers of love rest only touched by their maiden, the Queen of Heaven and Earth that wears a coronet of roses as her crown

My sight finally catches the woman that kneels in agony and sadness at the foot of a blooming rose


Her tears flow down her face and gradually cascade down to the ground beneath her bent figure

The cold signs of sorrow and loss begin to form a puddle of mud that soaks her hands that support her body

I move towards the lamenting soul but halt immediately at the sight of her superiority from the wings that extend from her arcing back at the area of the shoulder blades, which are covered by feather like a swans


My heart skips a beat when I remember the radiance of her halo and the aurora of the angel’s fiery blonde hair that gently cascaded down the angel’s neck which carried the odor of the flower she lamented over

I quiver in fear when her sculpted complexion covered by the outline of the tears that rolled down her expression turned to acknowledge my presence in the garden of love that surrounded us


Afferrare d’Amore instantaneously stood up and fearfully began to retreat towards the rose at which she cried.  She spoke out with little confidence stumbling over her words, “Who… who-o art thou that stands in the  presence of the divine in this garden surrounded by thousands of flora that are possessed by the Heavenly Queen and the mother of our Lord?  Who are you that has terrified me, Afferrare d’Amore?”


Her balance slowly deteriorated and the angel fell down to the ground with a gentle thud, and she began to crawl away from me when I spoke, “O Glorified Angel, whose entity I am unworthy to be in propinquity to you, I am the child of the man who ascended to the apex of the mountain of love to reunite with his beloved.  The child by baptism of Acqua Currente Pura, the seraph that preserved my father’s life from the Fallen.”


At the amiability and compassion in my voice, the angel stopped her attempt to elude a subordinate being and was attracted towards the man who stood filled with love and affability towards her.

I continue my greeting announcing, “My most sincere apologies, Angel of the Most Graceful Dance.  It was not my intention to cause you to be surprised by my presence here in the Garden of Love filled with life.”


The trembling, that caused my mind to not be able to grasp the concentration I desired, ceased to exist

I can hear my heart reverberate in my throat as I stand alone in front of the angel, whose charisma has drawn my attention at the festival that we had attended the night of the supper where we shared our bread

Perspiration began to form on my forehead and small droplets began to drip from my brown strands of hair


She felt the warmth and security  that surrounded my spirit and no longer felt intimidated by my company

The angel smiled and laughed at her reaction that was just exhibited the moment she caught sight of me

Her voice rang out, “I remember seeing you the previous night at the grand festival we had in the Lord’s honor, at which I saw your gaze fall upon me and was inseparable from every gesture I made in the dance.”


I could not help but to grin and express how embarrassed I am that my eyes were deceived by beauty not and did not obtain the vision of spiritual essence before physical features.

Afferrare d’Amore smirked and granted me forgiveness for thinking of the physical form before quality

She finally spoke, “It was wonderful conversing with you my Brother, Aquarius.” offering her hand


Knowing that only angels can touch humans and never the reverse, I extend my hand and wait

She then holds my hand in hers and I become quite elated by the stirring in my chest

The sensation feeling dazzles me and I do not even notice the beautiful angel fly out of the garden

My eyes widen and I stand motionless for a few minutes dreaming of my love who I have touched


Her smooth skin was that of the softest down from the feather of a soaring dove in the atmosphere

The warmth ignited a flame that will always persist in my heart for I have been touched by an angel

No longer do I desire any object on this earth but her because I can feel her perpetual love and eternal felicity that could never leave my existence in the shadows of darkness because she is the light


As I remained standing in the garden immobile, a newly blossoming rose caught my interest

The red hue of the petals reminded me of the color of Afferrare’s luscious lips

At that moment the petals of the flowers that had been laid to slumber upon the Earth arose and danced around me.  They swirled in a vortex that engulfed my body in their sweet undead scent that was ambrosial


I could not help but to sing with great affection the canticle of love my mother taught me how to recite

The melody would always bring peace and great admiration to any heart no matter how solid the possessor of the heart believed their spirit was, they would constantly be attracted to join in the choir of the exaltation of my mother’s greatest affection for my father who traversed all of paradise to be reunited with her in love


My rejuvenated and jovial soul felt that it could no longer be withheld in my body compelling me to surge forward with such great might that every vibration of my heart could be felt as an earthquake sent through the Earth and shook the Heaven in a single beat.  All of nature began to resound the canticle of my tongue

I ran faster than a leopard hunting its prey to obtain his meal and most substantial aspiration


The sun danced in its envious region with great passion and brilliance that it reached out its arms to escort me to my home where I could explode with the utmost ecstasy any man has ever experienced in history

As I laid down on my comforting bed, I envisioned the memory of conversing and touching my love’s skin, which was impervious by any human unless she permitted it with her full intentions


The hour at which our Savior bowed his head came upon those of his worship; the community traveled to the parish to send the orisons of devotion and morose to the King of Kings who traversed the surface of the Earth for thirty-three years- three of which he preached the scripture and teaching of The Father.

We all knelt before the symbol of his dearest love and prayed for hours of total compassion and sorrow


Throughout the entire night and juxtaposed rising, the silence of the world was the only audible sound that existed for no one dear to risk the possibility of breaking down into complete sadness for the loss

From the billows above came the downpour of rain that saddened the Earth as it usually does during the days of true devotion to the King as he enters through to Paradise and is joined once again with his Father


The sun could not be seen behind the cover of darkness yet all who stared at the heavens knew that nightfall had arrived since nothing was visible as the tears covered the face of the life

As I stared at the abyss between my countenance and the ceiling of my bedroom, I entered a pensive state

During the days of sadness, I had forgotten the beautiful angel I encountered the previous day in the garden 


I thought to myself, I wish I could just gaze into your beautiful jade eyes that resemble the grass that elegantly dances in the meadow where the Lord allows the wind to blow as it pleases.  In entering the entrancement of your eyes I want to always get lost in those jolly eyes of love and fidelity.  If only I could say to you that I will love you for the remainder of my existence and every single day that comes so after.


After reciting my prayers before entering the state of celestial dreams, I calmly shut my eyelids and rolled into the serenity and peace of the surreal world of any imagination

The sun awoke outstretching his arms across his pillow of the bluest color which lit up a plethora of hues at the instant of his yawning cry.  That is when my eyes opened with great joy because the celebration of God


The Sunday of our Lord’s triumphant victory over death has arrived and I sing in great joy for having my third opportunity to meet the wondrous eyes of the most elegant angel, Afferrare d’Amore

I jump out of my place where I lay my head at night; consecutively, I put on garments of the purest white that resemble the tranquilly descending snow at the season of winter the second most celebrated feast


My kin have gathered in the atrium of the house where the grand corridor is raised by seven arches to allow a portal to gaze upon the celestial sky that is surprisingly turning dimming as the time pass until the glorious festival of light is commenced later in the evening.

It is always my most cherished holiday to celebrate for all the entities of Heaven and Earth are together


The member of my kin with the name of the eighth month of the calendar, along with the one named after the patron of animals, who are my father’s brothers that journeyed with him to the seventh degree of affection, greet me with a firm embrace of virile stature yet filled with significant affection

The member of my family who sat beside me at the dinner of Thursday spoke to me these words,


“The child named for the female angel, who saved your father--my brother-- and is the water that streams through the Garden of my brother’s love for my sister, I wish you a joyous Easter and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus the Christ, who was anointed by God, our Father, to redeem the world.  Now, my nephew, where art thou mother, my wonderful and beloved sister, who has ever been pure and untouched?”


My uncle with the namesake of the patron saint of Italy and Assisi walked towards the Caesar, who adopted the name of the first citizen, and grabbed his forearm and pointed in the direction of a woman descending the stairs towards the parlor in which we stood discussing those words of wisdom and compliments

The woman wore the dress that was sown by the hands of angels without a single seam present


The gown swayed created the illusion that the woman was floating off of the ground and soaring in the air

Gold linen interwove throughout the garment shined with a fiery luster which was similar to her hair that flowed so serenely over her shoulders that no man would ever be able to take his eyes off her figure

She, the woman clothed in purity and love--my mother-- approached us men in the midst of candlelight


Her faint, yet precious smile, she directed towards me; my maternal adorer inquired, “My child, where is your father and your sister who constantly smiles and sings the exaltations I sung to her as she slept in the warmth of my arms at night before I laid her in her crib to enter the world of such heavenly dreams, who your father carried in his very own arms as the moon reflected off her golden hair the night he ran to me?”


The answer I had formed to inform my beloved mother was interrupted by the persuading giggles of my sister, who for the recent days had not smiled a more radiant grin than the one she expressed at that moment

Joanna resonated, “Mother, O Mother! The Most Beautiful Woman I have gazed upon.  You who possess gold for hair, with the attitude of the most tranquil mare.  Precious Eyes of Jade I hope to never fade.”


Her chant of love continued with, “ To see you smile is so cozy.  Luscious lips so red and rosy.  Yes, I like you my love, O Josie.”  Her canticle that my father always sings around the dwelling brought a smile to all those of my kin her were listening to her praise of my mother, whose beauty was incomparable to any other woman other than the Blessed Virgin of the Savior, who we were venerating on this Easter day.


Before anyone could pronounce a word, an applause came from someone not within our circle of relatives

The sound calm closer and closer in proximity to where we all stood pondering who produced the noise

My father, the poet who rescued our mother from the beast of curse and false love, congratulated my sister and embraced her in his arms and lifted her into the air dancing with her as he would do when she was little


The man of the fidelity, who was tormented for three days in the desert by images of lust and addiction-- who still triumphed over the devil because of his act of faith and devotion to the Lord my his incantation of his words that have ever so been repeated by all to this evening, emoted his paternal love for me by wrapping me in his hug and placing a kiss on my cheek which he did the first time he held me in his arms


Before my father’s tongue could resonate another sound I generously questioned, “Father, may I engage you in your personal quarters for I have the necessity to discuss something with you that has my mind preoccupied and causes me to be a constant state of pensiveness?  It is quite urgent, my father.”

My countenance was distorted by the urgency that was plentiful in my mind which was plagued by thoughts


Seeing the appearance of my facial features he did not relinquish the opportunity to assist his child in this desperate state of compensation by conversation; therefore, he exhibited his signal of affirmation and began to walk towards the section of the house in which the classics of manuscripts were located in the thousands

He conducted the company into a division of his library where all echoes were inaudible


My father confronted me with a solicitous shadow across his complexion hoping that a terrible event had not occurred to inflict my intellect or essence with severe adversity to the edge of inducing insanity

However, the smile that pervaded my face brought the terror and fear in his heart to an instant conclusion

The paternal lover grinned as well and inquired, “What do you wish to discuss, my Son-- Aquarius?”


Surging with significant energy my heart seemed to beat out of my chest and shatter ever bone of my ribs as I prepared to tell my father of this glorious woman that entered life whose character and charisma was irresistible and I how I wished to eventually express my most sincere affection for this what I described to him as an angel-- though not realizing that his ears might have interpreted the words in a different manner.


Father firmly, but caringly, set his warm hand onto my broad, strong shoulder and interlocked our his eyes of the celestial color with mine of the tone of the earth declaiming, “Love is what impels the heart to continuously beat even after the moment a person is inclined to believe that meaning has dissipated even though affection will never come to a culmination because no one can destroy the first virtue experienced.”


His epigrams of wisdom gained from his scrutiny of phenomenal literary novels which now encompassed us forever will bring a sense of knowledge and tranquility to my harried mind

The man who understood love and challenged the Highest Order of Angels to simply obtain his love from the beast with six heads drenched in the blood of the spirits who fell into his grasp of temptation, led me out


With a few minutes having passed since my declaration to my father, we returned to the atrium of the house where the other members of my kin stood patiently waiting for the arrival of father and son

The elder affiliates of the family conceded to the notion that we should all ready ourselves to depart

The stars had already begun to leap across the sky with the poise of angels and their artful motions


At the advent of our presence to the feast bestowed upon the devoted Christians of Paradise, a multitude of spectators saluted my mother whose gown caused her to sparkle in the brilliant flames that calmly stirred

The seraph, whose name I bare as my very own, flew to me and embraced me in her arms which skin was exposed instead of what I am accustomed to seeing an Angel dressed in; I still felt her genuine compassion


My family found a portion of the table of copiousness that was vacant at which we decided to sit

Servants of God came and served the delicacies that would please our pallets

Their was wine to symbolize the Lord’s spilled blood for our salvation that has now gained victory

Along with this the entrée for the banquet was a tender lamb that which represents the slain Lamb for us


The meal proceeded until the late hours in close proximity to the time of the closing ceremony which is the most beautiful and the event I anticipated the most because when it came I would be able to allow my eyes to wander as the angels performed their routine of celebration in honor of the Lord with the swaying of their movements in which the angel of my persevering love, Afferrare d’Amore, would participate in at the center


The chiming of the most relaxing bells rang transversely in the dinner party of the Lord to recognize the reign of midnight and a the final ritual of merriment in veneration of the Resurrection of the Son of Man

Everything within the radius of the reverberation of the sound grew quite expecting the presentation of the Angels and their wondrous artistic expression in the motions of the body swaying and wings fluttering


A lily appeared in the center of the stage on which the Angels were to perform

The lily blossomed revealing the most elegant angel, Afferrare d’Amore, clad in a gold sleeveless robe

Her wings expanded to their full extension exhibiting her reawakening from her long and dreary slumber

She then engaged the audience as she stepped out from the center of the lily and then bent at the knees


She outstretched her hand and gradually erected her figure, during which gorgeous rose sprouted

Afferrare d’Amore turned to the left side where she repeated the gesture as before causing another flower, a cherry blossom, to grow form the where her hand was placed on the earth

The angel of beauty and art then elevated her hands and bowed her head to hide her countenance from us


When she had completed this motion, the flowers between which she stood entered the state of full bloom displaying two more angels in the same position as my love, who stood at the center of attention

The sound of the harp and flute resonated animating the angels into the trance of the dance of affection

The trio swayed and allowed their soothing wings to flutter at certain times to synchronize with the music


My eyes could not be separated from the single angel in the interior of the ballarinas of divinity

Her hair that flew through the air with such intensity that an aurora radiated brilliantly with every spin

The perfect harmonization of her movements reminded me of that single touch of her velvety skin

I could not help but to fell the pounding in my chest fluctuate between her celestial gestures


The performance came to a close all to suddenly in my belief, yet I was still overwhelmed by the beauty

I heard the roaring apllause as it swept the audience who watched the three angels’ finesse in the motions

Arising I joined in the ovation for the angels especially since the one I loved stood there

All of the supreme spirits of divinity bowed and exhibited their gratitude towards those there and the Lord


The audience began to disperse from the amphitheather at which the performance was held; however, I arose from where I was sitting and strolled towards Afferrare d’Amore, who wore the sleeveless gold dress

My heart pulsated rapidly as I approached the majestic figure that smiled as I neared her

My throat swelled. Yet I could not restrain the words that were to pour forth from my tongue driven by love


Afferrare d’Amore addressed my presence and the other two angels left her solitary to converse with me

I grinned and exhaled a single breath hoping to ease the nerves that erected on their very ends trembling

She placed her hand upon my broad shoulder that suddenly quivered to the touch as she proclaimed, “I express my greetings to you, Aquarius Currentus Purus, the acquantence of mind with those brown eyes.”


I released a brief amiable laugh to continue to reduce the stress that was building pressure

Observing her green eyes the color of emeralds caused me to finally gain the confidence I so desired

Inhaling, the chest that was preparing to explode from the pressure and paplitations of my heart sent the words I saught to speak.  I spoke to the Angel of Beauty and my Love, “Afferrare d’Amore, I love you!”


Joy vanquished the agony in my heart at the moment the phrase of the three words rolled off the tongue

I temporarily lowered my countenance, but immediately rose my face to see her reaction to my revelation and expression of the humblest affection from the heart of a virtuous man; the complexion I wished to see apparent on her countenance did not appear filling me with terror at the possibility of offending the Angel


Her head was let down not willing to meet my gaze as I patiently prayed for an affectionate response

An iota of sadness entered the heart that instantly became fragile from the emoting of the ardor for the her

Afferrare d’Amore’s animated optics transitioned to a misty state inundated by tears that flowed down her complexion as she positioned her hands upon her heart as if to prevent it from shattering


She elevated her face to encounter my very own as she sighed, “Aquarius, the son of a man who comprehended the greatest adoration of both Heaven and Earth-- that traveled for days to reach his affection, I express my modest request for forgiveness because I cannot…,” shedding tears she concluded, “love you even though you are a man of virtue and morals, who is a devout follower of Christ the Savior.”


The pulse of my heart ceased to exist and the source of life and love had been fractured into shards beyond repair.  I could not bear to stand humiliated in front of the angel and fleed from the amphitheater not halting at the call of my name by the Angel, whose rejection ripped a crevice down the center of my soul.

Entering the wood I did not permit my feet to stop since my heart no longer continued.


The branches of the dark forest tore throw my clothes tearing skin in the process of my impulse to run

Pain simply had no meaning to my corpse after the point of the loss of the significance of my heart

Reaching the brink of the forest that shouted and screamed tormenting my mind with the call of the wild

I was a savage among the animals finding myself howl out of tainted logic in any aspect of existence


My exposed carcass crawled on its hands and knees as it came closer to the area it seeked to discover

Erecting myself I gawked over the edge of the precipice that lingered above the dimness of a chasm

Limping towards the rim of the cliff on which I stood, I positioned my feet partially on the rock with my toes hanging over the emptiness more than willing to allow the entire foot to enter the mouth of vacancy


As the demented yell came from my vocals the ring was absorbed to nothingness which now greedily prepared to gorge the soul about to submit itself to its gluttinous mouth opened ready to swallow

The jeers I would receive if I were to recede from the place at which I stood reverberated through out my mind plaguing it into convincing me to cast myself into the shadows and conclude this worthless life


Thunder roared above my head and lightning severed the sky of cumulonimbus clouds filled to the brim

In a short ellapse of time the cumulonimbus shades poured the water they contained in their bellies upon the Earth causing my cadaver to shiver in the downpour that resembled all I wished to do at that moment

Retreating a few steps I collapsed to the ground shedding tears of sorrow and morose at what had happened


I cannot recall how I found my approach to my residence, but I knew that the event that had just occurred was distant from that of a dream since I awoke in the reing of night drenched in what did not have a semblance of perspiration and still in the identical tattered clothes that were torn by the branches

I could feel the blood oozing from my punctured heart by the angel, Afferrare d’Amore, initiating antipathy


I allowed the lids of my eyes to seal shut for I could no longer tolerate this despicable world and wished I had hurled myself over the precipice to my culminating doom which would have been rather swift

I held an enmity in my mind that would never be devastated like that of the affection in what was my heart

Anger, Anger is I all I chose to think as I cross the threshold of dreams


The light shined forth as I stood on the grains of sand created from the weathered mountain in the distance

Shining warmth the sun poured from its potent rays of strength that nothing could prevent from being touched.  A peaceful displacement of air encompassed my body as I stood on the porous particles

The long robe of balc with flares of red silk encircling my shape did not cause me to experience the heat


The hood of my dark garment blocked out the brilliant sun from blinding my eyes with its rays as I stared out across the desert with dunes sluggishly rising and falling with specks of decomposed stone

I heard a voice calling out to me as it descended from the heavens above with a serene sweetness as it pronounced each syllable of my name declaiming, “Aquarius Currentus Purus, my Love, come to me.”


I saw her, Afferrare d’Amore, descending towards where I stood with her arms wide open to embrace me

Her golden mane gleamed with the a blazing light that could not be extinguished which itself ignited a conflagration in my heart that burned away the sin and pain that my heart had suffered

I ran to wrap my arms around the angel once and for all of eternity to never again be pulled from her


As I awaken the vision I experience perpetually reoccurs in my mind building a passion to feel the Angel

I did not have th echance to see my arms, which would be like a blanket of warmth constrict her celestial immortal body but I could feel the rush and surge of energy and life in my heart at the moment of contact

I grinned knowing that there was no reason to continue to grasp the intense hostility within my heart


The slashes on my figure caused by my pursuit for death still had not sealed and expelled blood, but the blood embodied heat and erased any pain that originally formed in my heart the night before

The gash that stretched across my torso spilled forth almost microscopic traces of hemoglobin

The blood seemed to cascade down my upper body removing the impurities contained along with anger


I attempted to attain the white garment I was accustomed to wearing on the occasional diurnal routine; the blood though would be easily seen since it would stain the white linen of the purest strands of snow

Instead, I grasped the heavy wool of the blackest robe I possessed knowing it would absorb the crimson blood that streamed from the slits around my entire body that produced buckets of essence


Wearing a black leather tunic under the robe of the fur of sheeps brought a surprising comfort to my flaming body that was engulfed with the passion to obtain the angel, Afferrare d’Amore, and enthusiastically kiss her luscious scarlet lips that possessed a semblance to the rose at which she wept under sobbing for the Lord

I left the room in which I had laid my head down to enter the state of imagination and ambled in the house


Entering the banquet hall at which my whole family was seted at the table delaying the consumption of breakfast until my advent, they all gasped at the robes I enwrapped my shape in

I did not respond to their immature gesture for I am an adult and no one shall prevent me from what I so choose to do even if that so mean grasping the very desire in my heart with every cent of strength I have


My hazel eyes roamed from one countenance staring each of my relatives frimly until they released their concentretion upon my stature shrouded in the darkest robes and garments of the emptiness of the night where no star shall shine, no moon shall reign, and no light shall ever blaze in my presence

An expression of solicity befell upon my father’s face at the sight of my eyes and attire


With great apathy I dismissed the concern of my kin and consumed the food servered before me on a platter

I chose not to engage anyone of them in conversation knowing how reluctant they would be to accept my concepts of why I decided to clad my body completely in black, so the meal passed by in total silence

Excusing myself from the finished meal, I rose and left my those individuals of my heritage pondering


I did not wish to remain isolated in the villa at which we resided; therefore, I exited through the door and sprinted as fast as an animal, a cheetah to audaciously declare, to the autumnal forest in which my figure was torn the evening befoe by the branches that struck my melancholy stature dissecting my precious body

I recognized that I had came upon a grotto deep in the thick vegetation where no one would ever find me


There interior of the forest, I sat inhaling and exhaling with my legs positioned across each other

Clsoing my optics I visualized a strategy of how I would reach Empryean to acquire the Angel of my dreams and most affectionate in my life.  As I mulled the concept, I exclaimed each idea that would instigate the crucial factors necessary to finally embrace the love of my life and woman of my dreams


“Aquarius,” I heard an all to fimiliar feminine voice call out of the trees that encompassed the grotto in which I sat contemplating the gambit I would imploy, “why would you ever consider such a thing to do?”

I did not rise for that would exhibit respect and honor towards the insubordinate human that was in my presence , who was a trivial pawn in the chess game battlefield of passion.  I spoke out to the female,


“How long have you been listening into my personal thoughts as I meditated in these arcane woods, sister?”

She did not reply to my inquiry, yet she reprehended me by proclaiming with fortitude, “Brother, you cannot allow this… this lust for an angel to control your mind otherwise your downfall shall come from you arrogance and your false reasoning.  Please, I ask of you to reject this feeling and continue forward in life.”


In response to her statement I refused to retort since she ignored my question which was a greater priority

I remaind sedentary until I noticed the sound of footsteps leaving the circumference of the grotto

That is the moment I arose with great contempt towards my sister who wished to withhold and restrain my love for the one entity I chose to devote my essence to because I cherished her, Afferrare d’Amore, forever


The enmity of my passion proliferated as I traveled through the forest of darkness to return home

The burning in my heart could no longer be restrain by the puny declaration of a mortal for I was not human

I realized that the female, which could be considered a relative of my very own blood though now I disembodied myself from any mortal for I was now entering the rank of supernatural


I could not accept the presence of any opposition to my passion to intertwine with the glorious angel of art

The stench of her, Joanna’s, giddiness commenced a pain in my stomach which I relieve by vomiting both the meal I consumed and the blood that composed both our bodies and ran through our veins

That is when I revitalized a notion that had shockingly never entered my mind before-- Eliminate obstacles


She, the daughter of the man who lead his brothers, friend, and wife to the summit of the mountain of love, awoke to the eerie noise of the crackling of a door to the adjacent room open and close, along with the echoing of footsteps as they, or whatever entity, descended the steps leading to the atrium of the villa

Joanna hesitantly contemplated screaming out for assistance, but conceded to the fact that it was trivial


Slowly escalating the confidence to follow the mysterious sound, Joanna rose out of bed and grasped a silver cloak made of the finest and smoothest linen and furtively exited her room of comfort and relaxation

She went down the stares cognitive not to generate a significant decibel otherwise the house would arise

Noticing a frigid draft lingering in the house, Joanna shivers and observes that the intruder has left


Her skittish behavior did not subside with the reassurance that the trespasser had fled from their residence because the air her lungs took in was filled with the odor of fresh blood causing her complexion to transition to a pale white color in which the blood had drained from her face

Her fears were intensified by the menacing observation that the main door to the house appeared ajar


Joanna quavered for a short duration of time daunted by the darkness that surrounded her in the house

Beads of perspiration formed along her forwards and she held her breath as she dared to walk through the egress of the house into the moonlight that conquered the night of beleaguered minds

Examining the moist mire created by the rains of the previous dormancy of the sun, a footprint was visible


The muck had the impression of the intruder to the house conducting Joanna’s path away from the property of her father which sat quietly on this evening of the shadows

Pursuing the trail of tracks, she arrived at the edge of the malign forest in which she discovered her brother’s insurgency against tradition and confronted his obstreperous lust for an angel


The girl petrified by trepidation decided to continue the hunt for the predator that had trespassed his bounds

Howls of insanity and sinister laughter reverberated throughout the what seemed shriveled vegetation announcing death and adversity, along with the yelping of vulnerable animals of innocence that were tortured by the evil that scoured the fatal forest in search of a soul to consume in its wrath


Moonlight, or what she conceived to be the presence of the satellite, seemed to amplify its strength allowing more of its gleam to be received by the optics distracted by the slightest movement of a what she thought were immobile underbrush that seemed to be animated and possess a spirit, though one that was tarnished

She then recognized the trail that she traveled along was the exact one she had used to find her brother


At that instant the possibility that her brother, who had unknowingly transitioned from a compassionate person into a beast engulfed by lust, was the supposed intruder of the house brought comfort with magnified concern because the force that had impelled her brother into the recesses of the mortal woods was unfathomable.  Joanna’s advent was unnoticed by the figure who stood there gazing up at the Heavens


The unidentified man was enthralled at scouring the overcast sky for what he desired to shine in order to commence the ceremony that bewildered Joanna, who camouflaged herself in the vegetation along the circumference of the grotto of the woods.  She discovered that the light guiding her was not produced by the celestial body orbiting above but an enormous conflagration that stretched its breath into the darkness above


Joanna knew that this was no ordinary ritual she had ever attended surmounting the confusion pervading her mind immobilizing her ability to process the situation before her vision

The moon, carrying the name Luna, displayed itself in the overcast blanket of darkness and the first rays of light centralized focus upon the fire, which Joanna realized too late would be her very own obsequy.


I turned to welcome my once beloved sibling to her very own funeral pyre with a my ominous ridicule of her ignorance to follow me deep into these dark wood where her very shout for auxiliary support would be inaudible.  The malign tongue of my mouth said to her, “Welcome to your personal ceremony of the deceased, Inferior.  You are only an impediment to my affection for Afferrare d’Amore.”


The petite female cringed in fear begging me to spare her life by stating, “Aquarius, you are not well.  I beg of you to revoke this lust and unruly passion and reconsider the sin you are about to commit by executing this act of brutally murdering me.” Her, what I determined to be verbose and tirade of vexation, I grinned at the infidel of love who could never comprehend any reasoning as glorious as loving the most beautiful girl


The weak female was appalled by the sight of a crimson liquid that soaked my solid black robe and showed a pattern of scarlet that spiraled around my complete figure, which also symbolized the passion that could never be extinguished in my heart by my disgustingly jovial sister or any other insubordinate being in the universe because my love was the most substantial article present in existence.


I extended my muscular arm and grasped the garments that clad my sister’s puny body

She resisted my grasp and attempted to retreat with all her might causing her robes and gown to be torn from her body exposing her virginal flesh untouched by a single man not including our notorious father

Writhing in the grasp of my hand, I started to lose control of my sister, who struggled desperately to be free


I retracted my arm closing the distance between her body and mine to strengthen the stability of my grip upon her body that wriggled intensely to escape the certain death that approached

At last constricted by my arms that were as durable as the wall of steel, I tightened the hold on her

Placing my mouth by her ear so she could understand what I was about to speak I exhaled,


“Let this be known to anyone who tries to prevent my attainment of the angel, Afferrare d’Amore.  You will only be a stone in the river of my journey of passion and love, which will ultimately have to be effaced from my channel by certain death.”  After concluding the proclamation I snapped my sisters spine and ribs with my bear arms that contracted to release the air from her lungs.  I said to her, “Goodbye, Joanna.”


With all my strength I hurled the woman whose bones were shattered by the brute force of my arms collapsing around her body into the inferno that inflamed the night sky with its brilliant light

As a precaution to ensure that the inferior being did not attempt to liberate herself from the flames that engulfed her form, my hands remained firmly positioned on her body to immobilize her soon to be corpse


Her screams of severe agony were muffled by the roaring and yawn of the lioness that consumed her precious mortal substance which so easily combusted in the flames that danced around her

She slowly was incinerated by the lukewarm fire that raged directly in front of my countenance twisted by the grin of success and the obliteration of one obstacle standing between the grasping of love


The cremated flesh generated a sweet aroma that I inhaled with significant pleasure to smell the formation of ash.  The heat which proliferated from the source of substantial temperature brought a sodden sweat to my complexion and entire body, which as it flowed down my cadaverous vertebrae causing a state of relaxation to be obtained once again after the prior elevation of my heart rate when I cast her into the fire


My hazel eyes no longer were of the similar pigment as the soil of the Earth on which my feet treaded upon, but mutated to a deep scarlet hue that ignited and symbolized the very passion held within my heart for Afferrare d’Amore, the most beautiful woman ever to traverse paradise since the initiation of time itself

Feeling the essence contained within the flesh and tissue of my sister leave due to suffocation brought joy


I lifted my head to gaze into the brilliant conflagration used to enact the ritual of the infidel’s obsequy

Erecting my prostrate figure from the ground on which I laid as if I were a serpent, I ridiculed the hopelessly courageous being, who futilely engaged the endeavor to admonish the thought to be transgression of my heart because I chose to express my dearest affection for Afferrare d’Amore, the angel


My derision of all humans lasted for but only a few seconds because I become conscious of the occurrence that my hands were still in the throat of the lioness that had gorged upon the delicate skin of the one considered to be a relative.  Leaping in the direction away from the flames, I believed that my hands had, too, been the victim of the conflagration’s gluttony for the fragile tissue and organs of a human body


I jostled and swung my objects used to constrain and immobilize the now carcass of my sister with great fury hoping that if the flesh had been singed by the fire that they could continue with their value

After lowering my optics to examine the deformed and burnt skin, I noticed that not an iota of soot had been formed upon my manuals and my arms also were unscathed by the large conflagration that breathed death


I stared in awe and amazement at the magnificent unscathed hands whose survival was quite miraculous

Rotating my hand from certain gestures to other positions, I reassured myself that this was not an illusion

A sudden and idiotic, yet curious, notion entered my mind causing me to ponder if what had just happen would repeat in the same manner as what I had just recently observed with my unconvinced eyes


Reluctantly, I sluggishly extended my left hand towards the teeth that were able to pierce human flesh and bone as they illuminated the night sky with their swirling swaying from side to side and back and forth

Turning my head away from the sight of my hand as it was enveloped by the flames, I could not bear to see the possibility of mutilated skin as the cause of a consequence of this temerity, but I did not experience heat


My hand was not scorched by the great conflagration that was amplified by the source of oxygen

Twisting my hand in the flame, the fact was instilled that my hand was unable of the incineration that had occurred to the skin and skeleton of my already engulfed counterpart and rival who contradicted my passion

With this recently revealed ability of invincibility, the passion burning in my heart multiplied significantly


No longer could I respond to the name given to me at the instant of my birth because it was the opposite of what I now embodied and what I had now developed into because of the flame of affection and passion that encompassed my heart.  Now, now I could not be referred to as Aquarius Currentus Purus for I did not arrive at familiar qualities of water.  I adapted to the characteristic of passion now baptized Cordis Inferni.


She, bearing the name granted to her by means of tradition signifying the female version of the name Jehovah increases, awoke from her deep slumber lamenting and screaming from the agony of the vision she had recently experienced.  The gruesome and vain annihilation of her precious daughter named after her caused her to nearly vomit from the sight of the ashes of her once gorgeous figure that embodied passion


The possibility that the child her womb had carried for nine months, the son she had brought up by having him repose near her bosom, committed such an act as tarnishing to the soul as homicide caused the wife of the man who enthralled in Satan’s demented and twisted games simply to retrieve her from his sinister influence, to quaver in trepidation to even reconsider the thought that her son’s hand spilled innocent blood


Arising from the interruption of his tranquil state of dreams, the woman named for the queen of  Napoleon felt the comforting stroke of her husband’s hands across her back that rapidly rose and lowered with the laborious breathing she was experiencing because of the sword that had pierced both her heart and womb that bore the child of obstreperous passion and the misconception to grasp the necessity to murder the weak


Whispering in his purely passionate tone while he embraced his companion with his right arm to allow the warmth of his heart to pervade through his wife’s frigid figure, the father of the son once named after a celestial entity said to his love, “My Beloved, what molests your mind at this late hour of the night that has been engulfed by darkness?  Please allow me to relieve you of this torment with my tender and eternal love


She hesitantly laid her head upon the shoulder of her devout husband, who would understand the images that initiated this sudden suffering, and as she did her husband positioned his chin upon his beloved’s gently flowing golden hair that radiated the sun in the rays of the sun which still gleamed in the shining moonlight

The mother, whose name derived from the saint whose feast day occurs under the stars of Pisces, spoke,


“My Love, I had a terrifying dream that exhibited both our son and daughter deep in the woods surrounded by the emptiness of darkness.  There our son stood in the center of a grotto adjacent to a roaring fire.  Joanna crouched hidden in the brush gazing at her younger brother.  He then conversed with her about a stratagem he had implored to attempt to seduce an angel into his arms.  Our son then apprehended her and,”


Her husband prompted her to continue to narrate this tragic vision of what had befallen upon their daughter, “… and then he shattered her vertebrae with his embrace of that was plentiful of lust and false desire.”  She began to lament over the loss of her compassionate daughter held dear to her heart.  The spouse of the woman placed his lips upon her golden blonde hair that fell down to cover her countenance and kissed her


The husband continued to listen attentively to what his eternally loved spouse integrated by love and passion attempted to declare to her husband but every word was indecipherable because of her loud sighs that drained out the very sound of his love’s beautiful voice; however, one thing was for certain that in the dream, Aquarius had brutally and mercilessly murdered his sister of the own blood in his veins


She looked into the eyes of her husband and lover until death do them part, and for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and spoke weeping, “O my love, my love, assist me in walking to our daughters quarters of her slumber that I may reassure myself that she still lies in her bed peacefully asleep similar to the time you ran with her in your arms to reach me in the circle of love that tunneled through the mountain.”


Nodding in affirmation, the most affectionate husband helped his fair maiden travel the short distance from her lodging to the bedroom of their daughter, who he hoped and prayed would be calmly lying dormant under the covers of her warm blankets inhaling and exhaling filled with existence and love

The master of the house gradually opened the door tacitly to ensure that he did not awaken his daughter


The ghastly inhalation of his wife and the bloodcurdling scream that echoed throughout the house brought substantial despair to both their hearts as they saw the tint of a crimson moon tinting the white sheets that were ruffled by sudden movement in which their daughter could not be found meaning only one thing-- the vision was no where near the proximity of fiction that the man had anticipated but the nightmare existed


The frigid breeze that persisted in the entrance to the room of the deceased girl only proliferated the sense of the terrible tragedy that had occurred to the innocent girl by the hand of incontinence embodied by the her brother and impelled him to slaughter his sister who was clean of any sin except for that of loving a man who ultimately executed her by the incineration of her precious and delicate flesh with fire.


The wind howled the newly anointed title of the person who was now condemned to be boiled alive in the blood of millions.  His name reverberated as an ominous derision of those who ever became an obstacle in his river of attaining his passion for the angel, Afferrare d’Amore.  The name represented the person he had now been baptized as.  “Cordis Inferni, Cordis Inferni!” the blood of the girl screamed from the forest


The entire community ran to the perimeter of the house of the man who rose to the mountain of love knowing that something dreadful must have occurred.  They waited outside the house solicitous towards the family sending their orisons that nothing had caused a detriment to those inside of the house.  While the crowds gathered, the men-- the brothers of the bishop of Alexandria that combated the Aryans-- conversed


They all acted as proponents and consolers towards each other with the realization that their adolescent female of the family had been murdered by her, what use to be, sincere brother.  The brother named after one of his heritage carrying the name of the third century bishop of Hippo, inquired, “What shall we do to impede this monster from devastating even Heaven itself with his unruly passion that possesses his heart?”


The brother who was the knight of chivalry in Italy transitioned into a saint by the vocation to build The Father’s church answered, “I purpose that we engage this beast that clearly is no longer of the status of human by confronting him and compensating the loss of the innocent by vengeance for her life.” 

The father, who sang on many nights to the girl, nullified the proposition of his brother and arose.


Gazing out the glass that allowed the still present light of the scarlet moon to pour into the room, the man who was only provoked by love and sympathy declaimed, “I know where my son is located.  He stands over a precipice peering into the infinite abyss of darkness.  I will go there to confront him and attempt to convince him to return home and reject this defiant passion that betrays both his emotions and inner-being.”


The brothers were not granted the opportunity to retort or attempt to contemplate the decision made for the father had already left the edifice wearing a gray cloak to signify his mourning and sadness that persisted in his heart.  The elder sibling faced the younger and questioned, “Should we follow him or wait here for him to return home with our nephew with his purified spirit?”  The younger displayed a sign of negation


I stood staring deep into the heart of the abyss with the wind swirling rapidly around my figure clad in garments of the blackest hue with red linen spiraling around the towering body I embodied.

I sensed someone approaching me by the echoing of footfalls upon the solid stone composed of sodium and limestone.  The sounds of the foot resembled that of a tall, heavy man who held confidence.


His voice rang out over the deafly howl of the wind that encompassed the cliff: “Aquarius, It is I-- your father that confronted the devil himself upon the burning deserts of violence and false passion.  I call out to you to tell you to return to the security and comfort of our home and to reject…” his proclamation abruptly concluded when I retorted, “Hello, Alexander.  The supposed man who apparently defeated the devil.


“You come to the presence of a superior being without acknowledging your unworthiness to be within my proximity.  How audacious a soul have you, inferior being and pathetic human!  Otherwise, what do you wish to petition to me as the proconsul of this feeble-minded world given to the children of God made in his image?” I said refusing to even set my eyes upon the subordinate that violated a major rule.


Slightly turning my head to gaze at the man with my peripheral vision, I saw his expression resembling that of being flabbergasted by what I had just spoken.  Waving his sign of confusion and ignorance from my thoughts I questioned once again, “What is it that you wish to consult with me about, human?”

The man, who was my inferior father spoke empathetically trying to tempt me to return to puny existence


“Aquarius, my son …” angrily exclaiming with my greatest fury I yelled, “I am not a child; therefore, do not address me like a juvenile delinquent!  Do you understand you insoloent creature not deserving of even the exhalation of my breath yet alone my very words?”  The words vehemently flowed from mouth directed at the man who so much honor was deserving of though he should act as a plebeain in my presence.


The love and compassion fell from his expression and only anger remained, which brought a smirk to my countenance knowing I won control of his emotions.  “I no longer care what you declare yourself as, for you have allowed your mind to be twisted by some false pretense that rules your heart and mind, along with your spirit.  You are not and will never be as powerful as God the Almighty Father.  Look at me when I speak!


“You may consider me as an inferior or what you so ever convince yourself that I am; however, I am your father-- whether you agree with it or not-- and you will never destroy the eternal bond that makes you my child,” the exasperating animal dared to speak to me with his tongue.  The man had not the slightest concept of what I had the capacity to do to him.  Realizing this, I knew yet another stone must be withdrawn.


I felt the slowly increasing warmth of the metal that lay against my hip attached to the leather cord around my waist.  The passion caused the blade to transform into a fiery red coal that flamed with the love of my heart eternally.  Outstretching my grip to permit my finger to encompass the handle of the blade temptaion tried to cause me to contemplate the decision and dissuade me from the concept.  I rejected the confusion.


Lifting the blade conspicuously directly in front of my complaxion, the gradually declining sun enclosed by the clouds radiated its final ray of light that reflected from the lustrous blade into my inflamed vision.  I cognitively declared For Afferrare d’Amore, my love and my life.  Pivoting on my heals, the celerity of my movement could not be perceived by the infidels eyes fast enough to react against the strike.


Flying through the air and cutting it like flesh, the knife swiftly approached the obstacole in my path of obtaining my love and experiencing felicity for the rest of my dreary life.  The steel blade of the knife penetrated the man’s abdomen with a voluptuous splatter that rejuvenated my heart.  I released the grip of the knife and allowed it to remain in the man’s stomach in order to process the situation that had happened.


The inferior laid his hands upon the wound hoping to prevent the substantial loss of blood from the detriment; his hope slowly deteriorated as soon as large amounts of a crimson liquid cascaded through his fingers and poured from his phallanges to the salt of the precipice on which we stood on which we confronted each other.  The still living man coughed and vomited a scarlet fluid from his arrogant mouth


I noticed the obstacle ( more so no longer an obstacle) dislodge the blade from his abdomen clenching the blade with his remaining strength.  I taunted him: “Oh no, look at how you have dislodged that poor knife from your abdomen, my father.”  I sneered at him, “Please, my beloved paternal influence, permit your vengeance to pervade your once affectionate heart while you still breath.  Come, father, Come.”


Moving in close enough so that my lips were by his ear-- enough distance for anyone with barely any strength to stab effectively-- I mocked him saying, “Here you are, father.  Take the knife and allow your hand to raise it against me and penetrate my heart to impede this, what you call “lust” from causing another trivial life from diminishing.  Stab me, father.  Stab me and conclude this nightmare of Mother’s.”


His eyes dilated with the comprehension that I, Cordis Inferni, possessed the capability to incite dreams and visions in other inferior beings.  His tears fell at the idea of me specifically desiring Mother to see what I did to their precious daughter.  He mumbled, “You cursed beast.  I thought I defeated you.”  My pronged tongue spoke, “Well, ignorant species, I am not Satan for he is not as powerful as I am nor any lesser.”


The man whose heart had been shattered into a million pieces similar to that of the devil’s instable sword, elevated the knife preparing to do what was necessary-- slaughter me once and for all to end the threat to humanity.  The metal of the blade came shooting downwards and I grinned knowing the blade could and would never be able to injure my figure.  After a few seconds confusion overwhelmed my mind.


Because my eyes were sealed waiting to experience the moment of my greatest strength I did not witness what had occurred.  The scene caused me to be bewildered and surprised at the simultaneously.  I inquired, “Why would you have ever done such a thing, you fool?  I bestowed the opportunity to bring this blight to a culmination, but you decided to let it persist its reign over humanity even after the moment of your death.”


The man had fallen to his knees by the time I ahd concluded.  The razor edge of the knife remained deeply inserted into the man’s chest piercing his heart when he declared, “I would rather perish under my own hand thean murder my child, evenif I denies my paternity.  A child may transgress the father; however the father will always forgive his child even to the point of dying to hopefully save his child from the sin.


“I no longer wish to live for I do not believe what I have seen and heard from my own son’s mouth.  That is why I have plunged this weapon firmly into my heart.  Revenge was never the reason I came.  I wanted to save you, but I have failed.  I pray for your soul, my child.  I sincerely wish that one day you will figure out that you are not this monster, Cordis Inferni,  but that you are Aquarius Currentus Purus, my beloved child.”


The carcass of my father collapsed upon the ground with a silent thud that not a single other person would ever heart because his final segment of his story would never be told since I rejected every single letter that was expelled by his dmented tongue.  He essentially spit in my countenance by not supporting me in what I chose; however, another obstruction on the journey to grasp my Angel, Afferrare d’Amore, was gone.


My heart impelled me to flee from where the corpse of my father lie lifeless and dead

I could not stand to see the sight but joy poured forth from my heart knowing that the one person that could have prevented me from achieving my love was now deceased.  I fervently ran through the forest of fatality that reverberated the incessant whistling of the wind that blew through the sylvans area that reeked of death.


The man who the knife impaled, called out with a lamenting voice, “My love, O my love, come to be with me by my side at this moment of my final vision of the world with my eyes.  I know that you are near to where I lie.  Please allow her to hear my voice, Lord.  I only wish to see her one last time before I am absent from this world.  Allow me to see her beautiful figure with golden hair, green eyes, and the sculpted face.”


She heard the lamenting of her husband as he summoned her to his side.

Her heart began to beat as fast as a drum providing the percussion for a musically ochestra.

Rushing to reach her beloved before his last breath was expelled and to quench his dying request to see her one last time before he no longer and stare at the world through his eyes of affection for her.


The mother of the anointed murderer of her husband sprinted with all her strength and shouted, “ My love, my love, I am coming, my love.  Please hold onto that single grasp of life that remains present in your body.  I will reach you, my husband.  Continue to call out so that I may follow your voice to where you are located.”  The man continued to talk listening to the instructions his wife had given him to do.


She arrived at the precipice and fell upon her knees at the sight bestowed in front of her eyes.  Crawling on her hands and knees, she sluggishly moved towards her husband ripping her seamless gown in the process

The wife of fidelity slide her ahnd underneath the head of her husband and assisted him in erecting himself into a position in which he was able to sit up straight.  More blood ran down his hands as a result.


With one hand remaining placed over the incision, the husband struggled to raise his other hand that was drenched in his own blood.  He set his hand upon the countenance of his spouse and declared with the greatest affection a single man would ever have for a woman of such elegance, “My heart is in your possession until the end of time itself.  Know that I will love you abundantly and forever, Josie.”


The man then relinquished his concluding exhalation and fell limp from the loss of his blood

As his hand slipped away from the complexion of his beloved, the scarlet fluid was smeared across her face running down her cheek.  She then laid the body prostrate on the ground and gently closed her husband’s eyelids.  She laid her head upon her husband’s chest causing her golden hair to absorb the oozing blood.


The woman that vowed until death do us part yearned for her husband to still live and embrace her in his warm and secure arms that were filled with the purest passion.  The widow lachrymose manner represented the weather that began to form as she lamented over the cadaver of her loving husband.  The tears fell one by one eventually spilling forth from her eyes just as the rain soaked the earth and the thunder rang out.


Heaven screamed as the thunder roared and shook the Earth.  The angel’s tears flooded the Earth and caused the soil to transform into a thick formation of mire deep enough to swallow a man up to his waist

The wind spun and hurled the pellets of rain against the figure of Cordis Inferni, who fleed from the storm as quickly as possible to seek shelter for the night.  The rain blinded him but he persisted through the storm


The roaring boom of the thunder and the strike of the lightning ravaged the dead woods in which I ran throw.  The thrashing of the ran against my figure ripped the very skin from my spine and revealed the organs that my skeleton protected.  The shroud of darkness that encompassed my body was torn from the area around my chest showing the continous oozing of the burning blood that streamed forth


Lightning fell from the sky and scorched the vegetation around me vaporizing it in a blink of my eyes

A arbor was torn from its roots and thrown directly at me by the savage wind that screamed an echoing yell that shook the entire world causing the ground on which my already unbalanced poise stood trembled

I collapsed and fell into the deep mire that had been created by the tormented heavens


I came to the realization that I could not rest or else the entire forest would engulf my body in the raging  falmes of wrath that the weapon of the sky had ignited.  The tempest beleaguered the sylvian region with its echoing cry for flesh and the consumption of its unsatisfied hunger to engulf every thing that was in its path

My heart reverberated its plea to move impelling me to rise to my unsteady feet and rush out of the forest


As I ran an acute pain penetrated my heart with each footfall causing my breath to be shallow and quick as I urged my body to not stop but to continue just as the man I had murdered did the night he neared the entrance to the third degree of his petite affection which would never compare to the one that my heart cherished above the world.  I darted with the celerity more substantial than that of the angels ascending


The flames of anger incinerated the entire woods of darkness, and as I ran through the conflagration, I was not impaired by the severity of the heat nor was I scathed by the disintegrating limbs of the mortiphied vegetation that lingered above where I sprinted.  The crackling of the foliage and leaves brought their once inaudible, agonizing yelps to my ears.  The felicity from the smell of their incineration was wonderful


I almost decided to desist my attempt to elude the fiery mess of death that encompassed me to bask in pleasure and warmth, but my heart drove me towards the edge of the woods for it would be anticlimactic and tragic for a man of my stature and power to die because he allowed himself to become a pyromaniac

My body surged forward as I saw the expanding panorama of the darkness and emptiness of the brink


As I jumped through the soaring flames of the forest, I landed upon the soft yet warm grains of a particle I was not familiar with but partially recognized by the touch of the rough yet smooth microscopic item.  My knees fell to the earth from exhaustion causing my hands to come in front of me as to soften to the impact of the fall.  That is when I remembered the particles on which I stood that the dead man said he fought -- sand.


I clenched a handful of the dust and permitted it to seep through the cracks in between my digits

My countenance rose in search of the geographic landform that would help distinguish where I was located

There it loomed in the far off distance rising high into the atmosphere with rugged sides and clouds surrounding its ever so gigantic zenith.  The mountain of love stood there.  I knew that this was the desert


The whiplike sound of the thunder drew my attention from the desert and mountain back to the forest.  All that remained now was a pile of ash that formed a summit almost rivaling the mountain that towered over the sands of the the fiery desert.  I erected myself to stretch physical figure to its full height that which is above that of the average human man ever since my baptism as Cordis Inferni and my renewal of life.


The rain continue to drench the Earth and as it did, the conflagration of enmity was extinguished with each and every drop.  The forest of fatality filled the tyrant of the heavens hunger for existence and vengeance

As the rain soaked the ground and the wind blew, a frigid chill descened the vertebrae of my dorsum causing me to shiver since my exposed chest was left to the weather. 


The blood poured out of my chest and pecurialy solidified, but not as a stone.  The blood formed the smoothest silk that was of the color scarlet just as my precious hemoglobin had been while it ran through my veins and arteries.  The ice-cold sensation no longer pervaded the essence of my heart and only the love I had for Afferrare d’Amore persisted.  I wearily limped from the ashes into the desert in seek of shelter.


The brothers of the man, bearing the name of the conquerer of Babylon, patiently waited by the window hoping to see their sister, brother, and nephew return from out of the downpour that lasted such a long time

Both of their hearts were wrenched with adversity as they saw only their sister sluggishly walking through the heavy rain towards the house of the man who was now know as dead in their hearts and mind


As the widow of the man, whose soul was taken by the child of her own womb, sopped her way home, her golden hair changed to the pigment of brown with the golden color lost with the tips of each strand stained with the precious blood of her lover and other half.  Her hands exhibited the crimson fluid as well.  The tears slowly fell from the corner of her eyes and plummeted to the ground with the roar of thunder


The twin of the woman named “God Rises” rushed out of the security and comfort of the home to his siter and embraced her in his arms.  She fell from the loss of a portion of her heart that would never be restored in this life because no one could ever replenish the loss of her passion for her daughter, husband, and son

The female weeped for the transgressions of her son and asked God to forgive him


The eldest brother carrying a name similar to that of a man who served as the vice admiral under Queen Elizabeth of England during the Great War between the Armadas, grasped the anger and hatred towards his nephew easily for killing his younger brother and choosing to keep this lust in his heart.  His enmity towards the beast could not be withheld any longer.  He outstretched his arm to reach his sword of iron and shield.


He soke in a dauntless manner declaring to his youngest brother, “Brother bearing the name of the adopted son of the Caesar Julius, console your sister another time for we must ascend the ladder of my ancestors legend that runs through heaven and is on the fifth step to climb to God.  It is necessary for us to consult with the Hierarchy of Heaven and to shed light upon the actions of our nephew and put an end to the lust.”


The young man arose releasing his embrace around his sister and displayed a sign of affirmation that the time had arrived to call upon the assistance of Angels in order to terminate this threat to the world and all of humanity.  The youngest brother returned to the house and exited with sword in hand and the shield of his older brother that used it to defend himself against the snares of the devil-- the shield of faith and love


The two men clad in their armor prepared for battle ran through the seven tunnels of love which the mountain contained striking fear in the people who resided in the passageways of the greatest degress of affection.  The celerity they possessed reduced the amount of time it took for them to arrive at the zenith of the mountain in under one falling of the moon and two risings of the sun. 


The first degree of love representing the eternal affection of divinity was not guarded by the Rock of the Church of Jesus the Christ, who was present the day they last journeyed to the glorious gate; however, a cherubim warrior stood with his blazing sword withdrawn from its sheath pointing it directly at the two brothers.  The men halted instantly because of the confusion and the divine presence of an Angel


The cherubim announced, “I am the Soldier of God and defender of peace who was stationed at the ingress to the Garden of Eden.  You have struck fear and terror through out Heaven by garmenting yourselves in armor meant specifically for combat.  Remove the metal from your body then you will be permitted to walk throw the golden gates into the amphitheater of the Angels and Saints and climb the ladder to Empyrean.”


The brothers obeyed the instructions of the entity of the second celestial choir without hesitation or reluctance.  They removed the useless metal from their figures and casted it aside allowing it to fall over the edge of the condensed water molecules and crystal structure towards the Earth.  By performing this gesture of good will the cherub replaced his sword in its sheath causing the falme to extinguish.


The Angel of the Lord then  swerved away from the path of the two men and permitted them to enter through the gates of paradise into the first degree of love.  As soon as they crossed the threshold, they immediately stopped at the sight in front of their eyes within the amphitheater of the Angels and Saints

All of the ethereal choirs and spirits had gathered into the vestibule of Heaven and conversed


Standing at the epicenter of the gathering were the four seraphim that formed the council fo the Highes Order who discussed the decisions that should be taken by Heaven on certain situations.  There stood the head of the Seraphim, Luce Potente, with his arms held high declaiming, “This is the final time that we sit idol in Heaven while an entity rampages the Earth below us.  We are the guardians of peace and justice.


“I propose that we no longer over the concept if this course of action would be right or wrong by the stnadards of the example of Our Lord, but that we immediately bring about the conclusion of the animal’s reign of terror upon the Earth by eliminating the man once and for all.  Therefore, let us all concede to the fact that we will give the opportunity for Cordis Inferni to relinquish his lust and be spared from damnation.


“However, if he so choose to not vanquish the obstreperous passion in his heart, then the beast will be effaced from the surface of earth and be thrown into the Bleeding Gulf to suffer for the transgressions he has committed and his consideration to be superior to man.”  At the culmination of his speech to imbue the hearts of the angels to go to combat, the Heavens rang out with cries to slaughter the beast of Lucifer.


The youngest uncle of the man who was now the hand of the evil spirit that plagued Earth, caught sight of the Godmother of his nephew and signaled her to notice his presence.  Acqua Currente Pura acknowledge the man’s sign and rushed over to where he was located.  She embraced the man and kissed his cheek to grant him peace and spoke, “I do not believe this is correct or the right thing to do to my Godchild’s soul.


“He,” she lowered her head in sympathy for her child, “requires guidance and help not destruction and war.  This action will only incite him to continue this tragic war to acquire the love Afferrare d’Amore.  If he only comprehended the knowledge of Angel, then he would understand why she could not express her affection for him.  Child, named after the Eighth month and Bishop of Hippo, I beg you not to kill your nephew.”


The man of virtue and truth announced with honor and respect, “Holy Seraph, I will not slaughter my nephew nor will I provide the final blow to conclude his life.  But I will cause him a detriment if I am given the chance to impede his lust.  Now, I must go, my dear friend.  Please pray for all of us who will enter this scrimmage between angels and lustful beast who ravages the Earth and torments the children of God.”


She kiss the man on his cheek as a sign of tranquility and agreement to send her orisons to the Most High to protect those who would charge into the confrontation against the demented Cordis Inferni.  The man then reverted to standing at the right hand of his eldest brother, who desired to converse with a certain angel surrounded by a multitude of Cherubim, Powers, Dominions, Virtues, Principalities, and Archangels.


While we remained idol an angel hesitantly spoke from behind the men and said something inaudible to their ears for the voice was so afraid and shy.  The two men faced the female angel who wore her armor of fidelity but held no weapon; as their vision meet the countenace of the angel they remembered spectating the angel as she danced at the ceremony of the Resurrection of the Lord that emerged from a flower.


The beautiful angel, with golden blonde that radiated a luster that was more bright than the shining sun that rises with an aurum every diurnal occasion and eyes of green that seemed to sway to and fro with grace and gentleness, did not seem to have the qualities of a warrior, yet she wore the armor of God’s Love.  She told the uncles of Cordis Inferni, “I am Afferrare d’Amore, the angel that your nephew Aquarius now lusts for.


“I apologize with great sincerity for your loss and mourn for the possibility that you will kill your own kin with your very hands today.  I wish not to participate in this terrible conflict, but if you are given the chance to allow your nephew to live, then please spare his life.”  The angel, Afferrare d’Amore, suddenly started to lament with a lachrymose emotion that nearly imbued the hearts of the brothers to shed tears as well.


The angel flew away from where the two men positioned themselves in Heaven not granting either of the men the chance to respond to her.  The adolscent brother began to call out to the angel, but was instantaneously prevented by the older man for he pointed in the direction of the crowd from which appeared a glorious Archangel.  The celestial being surpassed the height of the men and towered over them.


Though the angel was cald in armor not of abundant wealth and riches but of simple metal that displayed humility, the archangel held the status beyond that of any other angel in the entire Heaven.  His was the sword that vanquished Satan from Heaven and cast him into the deep recesses of the abyss.  He guards the souls from the temptation of the Lord’s greatest foe.  He is ’Who is like God’ and the Prince of Heaven.


The Archangel Michael acknowledge the men and already knew their intentions and reason why they had ascended the mountain in the same manner their brother had.  In his confident and powerful tone he declaimed, “You, brothers of Alexander, shall stand by my side during this battle against this beast.  I grant you both the armor of fidelity and sword of justice to protect and defend you in this conflict of souls.”


The righteous Michael signaled one of the other angels to bestow upon the men the equipment necessary for combat.  Michael then embodied the role of a servant and assisted in dressing the men in their armor.  He blessed them and said, “Whatever may happen today upon this battlefield, know that I pray for your soul and the spirit of Aquarius Currentus Purus that the Great Judge may spare it from his wrath.”


The gentlemen nodded as a gesture of gratitude that the Prince of Heaven and Commander of the Host prayed for the redemption of their nephew.  The mortal warriors then followed the archangel and commander to the center of the gathering with the adolscent brother on his right and the elder on his left

Micahel then proclaimed, “Form the phalanxes, raise the flag of the Lord in honor, and open the Gates.”


The wind ceased to swirl around me as I walked out of the cavern in which I had laid my weary head after the terrible downpour of the night before.  The arid environment shockingly did not cause me to sweat in the black wool of my robe with scarlet red silk swirling around the black figure and the length of my entire body.  I lifted the hood over my head to block out the rays of the powerful sun that shined more brilliantly


The mountain, of which I planned to ascend to find my most dear love in Heaven, loomed only seven hundred seventy-seven furlongs from where the egress of the cave was located. 

Leering into the sky directly at the blazing, I saw the clouds separate to reveal the Golden, Glorious Gate of Heaven.  I knew that Heaven now agreed with and accepted my affection for Afferrare d’Amore


The Gate swung open with gleaming radiance greater than that of the sun that was positioned adjacently to the entrance to the Kingdom of God.  To my disbelief an angel flew out of the Kingdom and wore the clothes of a messenger.  The angel trumpted with his angelic voice, “I am the Archangel who declared unto the Beatific Mother that she would conceive the child that would be our Savior and redeem man.


“I am the angel carrying the name that exhibits that God is my Might and strength and nothing else shall come before or after his love and adoration.  I come to declare unto the son of Alexander, the man who so loved those around him that he ascended the mountain to discover true affection and love, and Josephine, his loving wife that delivered an essence of joy with her green eyes of life that warmed his heart.


“I, Gabriel of the Archangels, proclaim as the messenger of Heaven and the will of God, that your mind has been spiraled from the true way, truth, and light.  That the man Aquarius Currentus Purus is no longer present in your heart or mind for by undergoing the false batism by the conflagration of your dearly beloved sister, Joanna, you have created this fake persona of Cordis Inferni from the temptation of Satan himself.


“I ask of you, man now called Cordis Inferni, to reject the lust you have for the angel Afferrare d’Amore and to inquire from the Heavenly Father the forgiveness for the sins that you have so committed against life and love through your actions.  Now my final question is, Do you reject your insolent lust for Afferrare d’Amore?”  Gabriel stabilized his stance when he caught sight of the burning flame in my eyes.


“Angel, whose name does not petrify my heart with his tone, I, Cordis Inferni, am completely disappointed by this message you so bear that I have transgressed the world and Heaven by my affection that is everso pure and lasting for Afferrare d’Amore.  I myself speak to they in great disdain for you daring to convince me that what I have done is wrong for I am in love.  I hold great contempt for those who sing not her name.


“Angel that is unworthy to converse with me because of his disrespect towards the name of another precious female angel, be gone from my presence or else you will be removed from my path for all you will become is an obstacle for the attainment of my love, Afferrare d’Amore,” I spoke to the angel holding great contempt towards his declaration that my love was considered by him to be lust.


Gabriel spoke once more, “Cordis Inferni, just remember that you were given this opportunity yet decided to turn it down.  Therefore, let it ring across the Heavens and Earth that all the angels and saints have made this an official proclamation of war against you.  On this day the sun that lingers in the sky will be blotted out by the downpour of the phalanxes of Angels from Heaven upon thee, you iniquitous beast of Satan.”


As the avionic entities of Heaven flooded from the gates with great rapidity their overlapping wings deflected the shining solar body relieving the desert on which I stood of the horrific heat that vaporized the souls of mortal men and left their cadavers lying upon the sands.  The battle cry of vibrated the sands causing them to fling themselves into the air and form a vortex around the central axis-- me


A single angel surpassed the hord of others as he plummted towards the sands of the desert on which I stabilized my balance and had drawn my knife with its gleaming blade that burned with passion. 

The distance between the power expanded as his speed gradually increased with the assistance of gravity and the transition of shape into that of a more aerodynamic object to gain enough velocity to his strike.


My sense actuated my concentration upon the flight of the angel who approached to remove my existence from the world.  The Power withdrew his sword and directed the honed saber at me; this gave me an unobstructed target that the angel would never expect to be exposed by his armor of great fidelity provided by the manufacture of Heaven and Earth.  I knew the inferior challenge accelerated beyond the usual speed


I grasped the blade of my knife in my right hand tightly almost feeling the cold object slice through my skin with the amount of pressure I placed around it.  Preparing the necessary position required for the motion I would attempt to reach the point of amazing success, I drew my elbow above my cranium and bent my arm causing the knife to touch the loins of my back as I assured myself that the concept would be executed.


Whipping my arm from the center of my back to the original position in front of me, I released the knife from my hand with the force and momentum beyond that of the normal standards of performing such an action.  The snap of me letting go of the knife attracted the angel’s attention, but it was too late for him to respond to the object that soared through the space in between him and his predator-- me, Cordis Inferni


The projectile continued its invincible trajectory towards the angel who knew that he would not be able to counter the inevitable weapon that would eventually hit him.  The knife deeply pierced the Power’s heart in between the open space between two of the metal plates situated upon his chest to defend him from such impacts, yet the precision of the assailants skills with a kinfe were beyond that of an average human


The blade of the kinfe surged itself six units into the angel’s chest penetrating completely through his soul

Petrified by the agonizing and tremendous suffering currently in his heart the fervent angel desiring to achieve glory crashed into the sands juxtaposed to where I stood.  He slowly brought himself to his knees while he settled his hands around the grip fo my precious knife that was lodged into his heart


I too brought my hands around the blade as the angel gazed into my eyes with ferciousness and enmity for committing such an intolerable transgression.  I simply smirked and twisted the handle of the knife to the left sixty-six degrees to ensure that the celestial being would experience the most adversity from the incision in his heart that he would never bring himself to rise from the ground on which he kneeled ever again


As the blade turned to the left and my expression of pleasure gained, the angel’s eyes went frigid and his face went blank and pale as his spirit was driven to insanity from the terrible throbbing in his dissected heart shattered by the steel blade of my passionate knife that had already taken the life of my father.  I placed my foot upon the tormented soul’s chest and clenched the handle of the dagger and dislodged the weapon


Reverting my eyes to the descending swarm of angelic entities, I comprehended the strategy that it would be impossible for a single superior being to survive such an army with a puny dagger soaked to the grip in still warm blood.  Lowering my head in the acknowledgement of my coming fatality, I noticed an elongated item of metal that the minature particles of dust hovered over tarnishing the objects luster and glorious radiance


Darting at the fastest interval of speed I could manage, I hoped that what my mind thought about would be affirmed by the discovery of the item I so desired and wished would be found lying under the blowing sands

As I came in closer proximity to the weapon I become aware of the shape of the handle of the thing to be in that of a cross to honor and praise the Lord for his selfless sacrifice for the entire world


Wrapping my fingers around the cross, I could feel the still warm metal of the sword of the defeated angel you had clasped it to stab me.  Lifting the blade high into the sky to cause the particles of sand to slide from the blade, the sword ignited immediately with a blazing conflagration almost blinding to the eyes except for the fact that my vision was accustomed to the fiery briliance of things with this form of potential


Cupping my left hand around my right, which already was in contact with the handle, I secured my grasp and prepared for the coming bravado of angels that were flooded from heaven such as a deluge of water cascading down the face of the eroded rock of a cataract in the Nile River.  The hood of my dark black cloak fell from my countenance exhibiting my long luscious hair that flowed down my face


The murder came flocking to the lion whose paws were covered by the blood of a pride to tear from his dignified head the glorious mane that danced around his face with ever gesture of his vilified complexion

The first phalanx of the Heavenly Host collided with my ensuing combat.  The finese of my movements flowed as if the strategy was choreographed in advance by the pirouetting ballerinas of war yet of serenity


The enflamed blade of the Power’s sword fell upon the bodies of the angels as I swiftly dealt with them concluding their sanctified lives and causing them the greatest adversity possible with their own sword branded by the labor of their own hands.  The carcasses of the diminutive angels collapsed to the ground writhing in pain immobilized by my indomitable technique that I possessed from the teachings of Love


The first phalanx of almost a thousand celestial individuals fell within a brevity of time that impressed the next wave of angels that came with such celerity that I was granted only a single moment to inhale one shallow breath to continue the mêlée of angels who wished to conclude the affection within a man’s heart

The Power’s blade twirled and executed the thoughts of the holder with great accuracy as it slaughtered


Dancing, swerving, jostling, throwing, stabbing, slicing, penetrating, and killing each of the millions of angels that came crashing down upon the Earth as I continued to augment the strength of my heart with every single angel slayed  by my hand.  As the surrounding pillars of bodies gradually rose, the remnants of the once unconquerable army became terrified by the observation that they could infilitrate the man’s guard


Blow by blow, strike with strike, counter with every counter, the angels fell by the fellow brethren’s once possessed sword of justice and powerful measures.  Each and every phalanx that confronted me fell under the wrath of my blade and my unyielding might that could never be impeded by a single one of these unworthy opponents to a man of my stature in the art of combat with the sword of justice for my love


Scattered across the desert laid the corpses of the surmounted angels who were not capable of vanquishing my eternal affection for the beautiful angel, Afferrare d’Amore.  Leering the sapn of the desert and the horizon, no longer visible were the descending angels who charged upon me to relinquish and oust my existence.  The voluptuous sensation proliferated in my chest causing my heart to beat twice as quickly


I lowered the flaming saber of the sword I held tightly in the grasp of my sweating palms that were glad for the brief moment of rest they had been given from the previously ensuing conflict

Inhaling I permitted my shoulders to relax after the great tension they had endured from the fracas between me and the Heaven above.  Gabriel’s declaration seems to be a fallacies since no angel defeated me


I contemplated the decision whether to keep the angelic sword as a trophy of triumph to display to those who I would tell this story to when my posterity arrived.  The cloud of pulverized substances drifted away to expose that the battle I ahd concluded to be finished was not concluded quite yet

Three sillhoutes converged towards me from the far off distance only identifiable by the illuminating swords


In the center stood an angel with wings expanding the length of two men from tip to tip of each feather, whose body was covered by metal plating that which exhibited humility and service even though it was a recognizable person since he was the notable Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ

He walked holding onto the sword that had induced pain upon the devil in the Battle of Angels so long ago


In the midst of his company were two men familiar to me that even with their inevitable death would still haunt me (who am I to consider haunt for they meant nothing to me except the obvious aspect that they were yet another stone in the river).  The three men approached slowly as if they knew that this would be their last confrontation and prayed the prayers they hoped would reach the ears of those who had departed


On the right hand side of the Anointed Archangel stood my uncle of flesh who I so wished I had no relation to-- which was the twin to the woman who I still respected for carrying me in her womb and teaching me what love truly means.  On the other side stood the nefarious relative whose brother I had deliberately slaughtered for his futile attempt to deceive me into forgetting about my love for Afferrare d’Amore


I histarically jeered the three men declaring to Michael, “You truly believe that these two pathetic humans are capable of toppling me in combat?  Look around you at your environment, men who stand on the sides of the Archangel and tell me what befalls upon your eyes at gazing across this arid and intolerable desert.  The entire army of Heaven has fallen under the hand of my might with a single crushing blow.


“If they did not have the ability to trample me in battle, then what so inclines you-- who are inferior to angels-- to consider the notion that you yourselves will be able to defeat me?”

The eldest of brothers surged forward driven by the emotion of affection for his beloved brother and charismatic niece, who was ever so pure and stayed in his arms during the three days her father was gone


As the man impelled by rage and revenge stampeded towards where my stance had already solidified as strong as the walls of Jericho for the seven days, he screamed out curses of derision.  He expressed his total hatred and disclaimed the blood relation to me and wished he had never felt such a love for me.  The extension of my mind and soul came at him inclined at an angle with substantial vigor


The man of similar descent immediately raised his sword, illuminating with vengeance, to parry my strike; however, the blunt force behind the attack tore through the man’s frail sword and continued on through to decapitate the man’s head from his shoulders.  The headless corpse toppled to the ground with the loss of the man’s soul and spirit for he thought of only revenge and so lost his life because of his thoughts of hatred


I grinned with pleasure that the man had simply wasted his resistance to obtain revenge which ahd tragically failed.  Looking at the decapitated skull of the man of kin, I thought that one eliminated now only two remain between me and Afferrare d’Amore. 

Nothing can stop me now: nothing ever has. 


Michael, the archangel, lounged from where he stood rushing towards me in an effort to overwhelm me with blow after blow; however, as soon as he came within the range of my counter-measure, the extension of my body promptly swung in an arching motion with the force of ten thousand angels following behind the blade as it impacted the warrior’s breastplate with a splintering crack.


The Chief and Commander of the Host stumbled upon his heels as he receded from the brusque collision of my sword once possessed by an Angel upon his chest.  The soldier’s breath was difficult to find since the very wind had been knocked from his lungs.  From the expeditious lack of oxygen to his mind, the angel fell unconscious in the scorching sands of the desert that swayed down the slip-face of the dunes


With the angel of the Lord incapacitated by the jolt to his chest, only one pitiable soul left standing confronting me-- the twin of my mother who I would soon discover if he contained the qualities of a true Caesar since the name he carried derived from that of the first citizen.  The dust swept over the casualties of the battle gently experiencing the process of saltation as they bounced off the corpse rising into the air again


The docile man furtively approached towards me with diminutive steps trying to cause the distance to diminish as stealthily and gradually as possible hoping that a sudden motion would not generate a sudden volatile reaction by me-- his opponent.  I could see the disagreement and bewilderment that plagued the man’s thoughts as he decreased the are in between where we stood prepared to engage in combat


Knowing the significant confusion present in his mind which tormented him, I pounced upon the vulnerable man; consequently, balance was not obtained causing me to suddenly fall upon the sand at the man’s feet close enough to stab his blade into the vertical column of my spine with unhindered ease.  The man believed that this was a blessing in disguise, but I knew that I  only feinged the action with my sword close at hand


The man’s thoughts deceived himas they attempted to concinve him of a plethora of choices to decide upon in the situation.  A part of him stated almost perceptibly, “Spare your nephew’s life and allow God to be the one to judge what is to be done with this… this Cordis Inferni.”  While the other portion of his spirit screamed with fervent passion, “Kill the beast, Cordis Inferni, and end his reing of terror and lust on Earth.”


The twin of the beautiful woman named Josephine remained idol contemplating what path he should choose but could not deliver the gesture that would ultimately be the cause of the road he would walk. 

I unnoticeably clutched the cross of my newly found sword and made the verdict for the man who could not come to one.  The blade sliced through the bone and flesh with such precision that the body was like butter


As the sword severed the man’s legs across the top of the joint, the top segment of the man buckled to the ground from the unsupported weight of the his upper torso. 

I arose from the prone position upon the sand which was only pretended to be a fallcy in my technique when it was purely planned.  I walked to the left side of the limbless figure who etended his left hand with a sword


Slashing at the arm immediately, I was not going to risk the loss of the delicious taste of victory that carries the taste of a nectar.  Uttering a declaration of grave agony, the man wrapped his remaining appendiges around the stump of his wrist.  He sealed his blue eyes for a breif second but opened them shortly after to say, “Aquarius, this is not you.  Please turn away from the evil.  Do not murder me.  No. No. No.  Nooo….”


The plunging of the saber through the left breat of the man silenced him abruptly relieving me of his whimpering voice pleading for mercy which would never be granted to him

Then, I extricated the sword of truth from the solar plexus of the carcass whose eyes still were open wide with fear and sorrow.  I commenced my paces once again knowing that the battle was completed


Suddenly, the rising of the wounded Michael astonished me, yet also brought indgination that this angel possessed the audacity to continue to challenge a superior fighter even though he had already suffered such a terrible detriment to the chest; however, I prepared to accept the ambush of attacks Micahel offered and considered him to be a worthy enemy since he was the only one to receive a single blow and persist


Using his fiery saber to assist in uplifting himself from the sands, Micahel struggled to regain his balance

I permitted the angel to recover what strength he contained for it would be a dishonorable sign to slaughter him while he fought to rise to confront me in the will of combat

He finally erected himself to his full mass and in the process exhibited the substantial indent upon his chest


Curtly nodding to Michael I declared, “Michael, you are the only person to have risen from one of my mortal strikes which usually caused the members of your army to exit existence instantaneously.  Why is it that you had the passion and reluctancy not to die or falter under the sharpened edge of my sword that so many have perished under on this day war was declared between Heaven and me-- Cordis Inferni?”


Michael responded in between each of his breaths showing that multiple ribs had been fracture if not broken by the collision of my blade upon his breastplate, “Cordis, my friend who sees still with the eyes of a human even though you claim to be a superior being to one, my faith to God and love for him and all those who surround me in this desert is what impels me not to allow you to embrace such an attitude of incontinence.”


Smirking and ridiculing the angel I exclaimed, “Oh Michael! You still convince yourself that only lust could drive a man to the brink of where I now stand since many have been pulverized by my hand and their blood pours forth crying from the soil of the Earth.  I must state though, Michael, that you are the msot worthy adversary I have confronted that controverses the love I have for Afferrare d’Amore.


“I will kill you, causing my heart to actually fell an emtion related to that of saddness, but I still will be gald that you no longer stand as an obstacle on the journey of my destiny to intertwine with Afferrare d’Amore.  Shall we then conclude this war with the certain fight to the death between the final warriors that survive?”

I waited intolerable for the response Michael would provide knowing that the fight would certainly ensue


Michael, the Vanquisher of rebel spirits, displayed a symbol of affirmation and said, “I wish you God’s grace for your lost and weary soul that it may find faith and God’s love someday.”

The honorable angel then saluted me with his flaming sword as a gesture of respect towards an opponent, as did I to him when he finished the finally motion to show his salutation which seemed almost like a dance


We circled around each other like vulture examining its prey to ensure that it has been killed or is nearing death before bring its life to the climax once and for all.  The sweat ran down from my brow because now I could feel the fatal heat that encompassed the two of us that concentrated on the features and flaws of the others position.  When I saw the small crevice leading to Micahel’s exposed chest, I darted forward to kill


Our blades clashed and clunked against each other as I tried to discover the slightest possibly way to stirke that small area, but Micahel’s defenses were impenetrable by my birage of attacks

I swirled and twisted and juked around where Michael defended from hoping he would reduce the guard he created around him even by an ich to allow me an increased opportunity to succeed


The skirmish seemed to carry on for hours yet we knew that only minutes passed and only the arid climate caused the battle to feel so drawn out.  The perspiration that formed upon my forehead flowed down my face as if it were drops of blood but the pigment of the fluid was not red which reassured my senses that I was not struck by Micahel’s potent sword that had caused the devil’s first experience of pain


My attacks became quite redundant since not a single one was able to infilitrate the angel’s defenses; therefore, I lessened the quantity of my attackes and reduced the pace at which I danced around the angel

I did not notice that this was an error until I saw the blade of Michael come down upon my grip and vaporize the skin from my limb causing me to drop the sword out of the occurrence of anguish


The angel then fluttered his grand avionic structures causing me, who was vulnerable to any siege such that as the city of Jericho after the trumpets were blown on the seventh day at the conclusion of the seventh march, to be thrown to the solid and rough sand that tour at my skin as I fell with an unskillful thud

Michael then brought his sword high above his head to end my dreary existence with a single blow


I began to rise to the position of a genuflection, one knee bent with the other lying on the ground, when the edge of the saber came crashing down towards my head.  That is when I remembered and important concept that I developed at the moment o f my baptism.  Gazing at the sword I only had seconds to react to the attack.  I reached out my hands to wrap them around the flaming blade and caught it before it decimated me


I could feel the wieght and pressure of Michael’s body let up on the sword since he was flabbergasted since I tighly clenched his sword-- the very sword that caused the Fallen Angels to be cast out of Heaven-- in my hands which were unscathed by the molten metal that created the sword.  Allowing all my passion and love to surge through my body to generate strength, I squeezed the blade forcefully causing it to shatter instantly


As the pulverized sword fell into a million pieces and amalgamated with the sand, I threw my entire mass against the currently incredulous Michael, who was petrified to the very tips of his nerves

The Archangel tumbled into the sands with the clanking of his metal plates against each other where they met.  I withdrew my knife that smoldered with the scarlet color to resemble the color of passion in my heart


I remained on top of Michael who was now trapped on the ground immobilized except for his wings.

Attempting to brush me off with his avionic extensions, I prevented him by slashing with my dagger at the location of his humerus on each wing causing both to go limp since the the incision severed nerves and a section of the bones itself deep into the very marrow of the skeleton


I conquered the Prince of the Church and he knew that he would for surely die, but in a desperate final attempt to perserve his life, Michael pushed off his scapula and arched his forehead in the direction of my abdomen.  I caught sight of the desperate gesture and brought my blade in a quick and curve downward towards his face.   The blade slashed across his countenance from his left eye to right lower mandible.


Michael now laid upon the fluctuating sands accepting the concept that certain death approached quickly with blood flowing. He no longer even chose to struggle and tossle with me any more for he had faltered once and for all.  I lifted my knife high into the sky so that it radiated the brilliant crimson red hue along with the gleaming sun that was presently highest in the sky at the time with not a shadow to be seen by eyes


I declaimed to Michael, “May by this blade piercing your heart be a sign that no man or angel shall ever stand between me and the grasping of my love.  You have failed archangel, who defeated Satan but was not capable of conquering God’s own creation that is only greater thatn you in One scenario.  Now my wrath shall come down upon you.  And may this be known that it was done for my love Afferrare d’Amore….”


As I gazed at the knife in my hand I detected another light other than that of the solar influence shining off the metal object.  I looked at the direction of the serene blaze that slowly descended towards Earth.  As it came closer I recognized I the radiant star to be an angel.  And not just any angel, but the one and only Afferrare d’Amore.  Her hair gleamed more brilliantly in the desert light and her eyes flourished the land


I heard her voice calling out to me as she descended from the heavens above with a serene sweetness as she pronounced each syllable of my name declaiming, “Aquarius Currentus Purus, come to me.”

I ran to wrap my arms around the angel once and for all of eternity, but as I drew near I noticed that when I tried to touch her I could not.  It was like walking through a phantom when I did.


I tried to embrace her yet again, but again she slipped right through my grasp for some peculiar reason that I did not understand.  The third attempt drove my heart to cry out in pain and torture for I could not feel my love, Afferrare d’Amore, in my everlasting and durable hug

I rushed toward the woman of my dreams once again but simply traveled directly through her figure


Turning to ask the angel of the performing arts and of beauty to permit me to tocuh her since that was the only way to do so, I notied an unusual sight that did not occur in the vision I had of this moment almost a week ago.  Afferrare d’Amore held an archery bow in her right hand and set the arrow upon the string pulling back and releasing immediately sending the arrow along a trajectory that sped towards me


Baffled by the reason that my beautiful angel would ever use such a weapon, I did not attempt to evade the projectile that came at me from her bow with great accuracy at the desired target-- my heart

The arrow pierced diametrically into my heart deep enough to touch the far wall of my atrium

My hands went around the wound in response to the stake it drove deep into my chest


The blood began to pour forth from the incision; however, the substance that came forth was not that of a liquid but that of the element of fire.  The falmes fell upon the sands and consumed them to continue to burn

Water followed cascading down my torso and little by little dripped upon the fire that continued to singe the sand  but the fire was eventually extinguished by the droplets of water of which so few touched the fire


The newly observed flowing of blood ceased and I raised my countenance to see Afferrare d’Amore glide to where I stooped with my hands placed upon my heart

She asked me, “Who are you that bleeds forth both fire and water in which the water extinguishes the fire?”

I looked with eyes that did not have the fiery luster in them upon the glorious female.


“I am Cord….” I unexpectedly stopped to think.  Who am I truly?  Am I this Cordis Inferni? No, I was never that monster. I just portrayed myself to be him.  But look upon the ruin and despair I have brought to this world over what-- a woman.  Was this even worth the condemnation I will now receive for commiting such brutal acts such as murdering my sister and father? No, It was never worth a single moment of it.


But the question remains: Who am I now that I have committed all these transgressions against God, Heaven, the World, my family, and better yet myself?  I guess I was always Aquarius just wearing a persona that no one-- myself included-- could see who I was.  I know who I was and I was nothing like this that is why I am no Cordis Inferni as I previously declared upon that night.


Returning from my pensive state, I looked Afferrare d’Amore in her green eyes of joy, life, and hope which brought me to my senses about this life.  I felt welcomed once again instead of ignored or hated.  I finally comprised of the confidence to say in a whisper to her, “I am Aquarius Currentus Purus, the son of Alexander and Josephine the Beautiful.  I am also the child of the Most High Loving God.”


Afferrare d’Amore grinned exhibiting her great radiance and threw her arms around me in the warmest embrace and my heart soared not for her body, but to know that I was still loved even after the terrible acts I  committed.  Afferrare d’Amore the most beautiful angel with golden hair that was more glorious than that  of the shining dawn with eyes that dance in the meadow, placed her lips upon mine and said, “I love you!”


As I stared deep into my beloved’s wonderful eyes, my vision became clouded by millions of black dots; I felt that I could no longer conjure the strength to hold myself vertically any more.  I drifted off and toppled over onto the scalding sands of the desert at which the battle had occurred and many years before my father defeated the devil.  As the darkness overcame my mind, I slipped into the endless realm of oblivion--death.













































© 2014 Heartless Dove

Author's Note

Heartless Dove
I suggest reading Traversing Paradise before reading this.

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Added on August 31, 2014
Last Updated on August 31, 2014