The Meeting and Transformation

The Meeting and Transformation

A Story by Hiddenvoice0904

I wrote this about my goddess, my all, the one who has my heart.

It was a beautiful night in the field, the night of the ball, when I first caught a glimpse of my goddess Olivia. She was wearing a stunning red, black, and silver dress. Her hair draped over both of her smooth shoulders ever so perfectly. No wonder she turned out to be a goddess, because her beauty was so elaborate that she stood out over every single fine woman out  and around. It was so hard for me to keep my eyes off of her, but I tried hard not to stare. I had spent most of my night trying to gather up the courage to talk to her or even get near her, but it took me almost the whole night to do so.
    I remember the first thing I said to her was,” Hello my sweet, you look quite ravishing tonight.”
    “Why thank you kind sir, you don’t look to bad yourself” she said to me in the sweetest voice I had ever heard. “It’s quite a beautiful night for such a wondrous gathering, isn’t it?”
    “Tis so, tis so,” I said in reply. Though my next words almost came out as if I was as nervous as a child on stage in front of all their peers, “Would you like to dance?”
    “I would absolutely love to,” she replied with a smile. As I walked her to the dance floor and began to ball room dance with her she said, “You are not like most men, you know. You see most men are so terrified by m beauty that they can hardly even look me in the eyes. For some reason you can’t keep your eyes off of them.”
    “Well,” I reply, ”They are quite stunning. I have not seen more beautiful dark eyes in my life. It seems as if you are from someplace heavenly. She stopped dancing that instant.
    “I have to leave,” She said as she quickly walked away with the click of her heels following her light step. I knew I had to follow, I couldn’t let her get away from me that easily. I nearly chased her away from the party into a dark field when I noticed something was absolutely different about her.
    “Wait up will you?” I said in an almost panting voice. “What’s wrong? I don’t care if there is something different about you, I have followed you out here because I can already feel a connection to you.”
    “That’s the problem,” she said as she turned to me. I noticed something was different in her eyes, a little golden ring around her dark center, but her pupils we very much dilated. “You need to leave, or you will ever be trapped into a world in which you might not want to be encountered with. So I advise you turn, leave now, don’t look back or you will forever be lost in your own mind.”
    “I have spent too many long years in my own mind that I will take the risk of having a new life. If it means that things will change, but I will have you in it, then I will take my chances.” Then I noticed that she started to ascend into the sky. “How are you doing this? This is not possible for a mere being! What is the means of this?” I say with the most perplexed tone of voice.
    “Take my hand and you will forever live in a dark paradise by my side. Do not let go or thou shall fall to ones death.” I grabbed her hand and began to ascend into the sky by her side. Things finally began to feel right. Then while ascending something miraculous happened, her wings formed. Great black and golden feathers and a wide structure. Then I felt a strong force coming out of my back and as I turned round to see what was happening a strong pain forced from my back. An agonizing pain but then I felt lighter. The I saw the beauty of what transformation had happened, I had grown wings too! This was very  odd and then we landed on stone steps that lead up a great castle.
    “What is the wonderful place?” I said while I enjoyed in the beauty of her transformation.
    “This is your new home, my home. You are now my consort, and I am you goddess. I am Olivia goddess of the wise and admired writers, artists, and musicians. You are my consort and are here to protect me for the rest of your life.” That was the night That changed my life. I went from a simple man to the consort of the very beautiful and wise Olivia, goddess of the wise and admired writers, artists, and musicians.

© 2011 Hiddenvoice0904

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Added on May 1, 2011
Last Updated on November 27, 2011



Summerville, SC

Just writing my feelings. That's all I really have to say. more..
