Apple Across the Universe(not yet finished)

Apple Across the Universe(not yet finished)

A Story by HoneyHoneyMomo

From a song i heard about how she had everything then lost it all.This short story is the oppisite.I need help to get a start with this story.


Walking slowly I stepped in the squares following the path the squares made,sighing,contemplating on this decision and just not so long ago I was by myself,just all me Judi Apple.Thinking nothing would change,now words are spilling out and I'm left to more thinking than i think my brain can take.Daydreams of future laughter and endless happiness float around like bubbles in my mind,but something tugs at my heart to make a decision before it slips away.

Just as fast as it appeared it can leave just the same.The lean,tall,green eyed man who looks clean cut,innocent,logical like a forest fairy,with that lavish accent or the man with the hair awild and tussled,carefree,a tan so dark that he looks like wet sand but smells like the sea water,with those blue eyes to match.The green eyed man who treats me to elegant dinners as surprises or the man who would have a picnic with me at the beach.


So i was gonna prove to that blue eyed boy named Jared that i wanted nothing to do with him by a harmless game of spin the bottle.If i just kiss chrs(the girl chris) then he'd back off.It was my turn and i just spinned the bottle,yes!it landed on chris(the girl chris) just as planned!Oh god,Oh god i can't he's staring so intently!I've never seen him look this serious,isn't he the carefree one?shouldn't he be laughing and joking?did he actually not want me to kiss her?would he prefer guy Chris?Oh no,i've been frozen too long.Everyone's staring now.Do i throw up like in the movies?


I got up and ran to the bathroom,locking the dorr behind me."Judi,are you OK?"girl chris asks."I feel sick,i feel sick"I say crouched on the bathroom floor,closing my eyes."Am i that disgusting?that i make you feel sick?"girl chris asks full of adittude."Noo,i want to,i really do i...i just haven't been feeling well today"i responded.


My breathing gets heavier,my heart goes racing as i think that everyone outside the door is gossiping already.That I'm panaicing just beacause he gave me a stern stare.I heard foot steps trail away,i felt nervous and giddy,why?maybe I'm too used to small quiet groups.


Knock,Knock i hear at the door,i bring my face up from hiding in my knees,but i hear it's really quiet not even anyone's breath.


"Judi,why did you come?I know this is not your type of group to hang out with on a saturday evening,don't....don't force yourself...did you come here because of me?"I hear jared ask in that deep husky voice of his.He had sincerity in his voice.


"I think...I think I'm not going to choose you...I'm sorry but i think i would my side...i tried to do this act to make you repent can't be a one-sided love,it's not right"after i said that all i could hear was the shifting of jared's feet.


"Are you sure you want to make this decision so soon?I'm always here with a smile for you,a real smile that's heart warming unlike...Adam' my eyes your the world,i can't see any other girl anymore bo matter what they try to do!It's like you cast a spell on me....i don't know why...what you did to me to make me want you so badly.."


I'm sorry,i really am,i know you liked me first but theres something about adam that pulls me toward him,a mystery i want to solve."As i say this i close my eyes,wishing i didn't have to hurt anyone.


No noise came from the other side of the door,soi crawled to it on my knees quietly and looked underneath,and saw jared's feet walking away.He left having to accept what i told him.

© 2010 HoneyHoneyMomo

Author's Note

From a song i heard about how she had everything then lost it all.This short story is the oppisite.telling of like how the explosion of the universe,Judi Apple(main character) had nothing but then out of nowhere she gets things and can not handle it.

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ok wait, forest fairies look logical?!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 15, 2010
Last Updated on December 17, 2010



noneyourbuisness, AK

I'm married to an Airforce man and I'm currently still in California and he is in Anchorage,Alaska! I'm a daydreamer and freelance writer,most of my dreams or daydreams are where my stories come from.. more..

Reference Reference

A Chapter by HoneyHoneyMomo