Chapter Two: A Day of Bliss and Poetry

Chapter Two: A Day of Bliss and Poetry

A Chapter by IceDragonOfPluto

At eight o’clock A.M., I decided it was time to greet the morning sun. I ate my breakfast and got a shower and shaved my face. At about eleven o’clock, I heard a knock on my door. I heard my father get up and answer. I heard him say, “Oh, he’s in there. How are you today?” At that moment I heard, “I’m fine, thanks.”

“Oh my God, it’s Cherice. She’s here!!!” I said astonished.

Cherice then walked into my kitchen.
“Hey Kit.”

“Hey Cherice,” I said, gazing into her eyes.

“So, still going to the mall?”

“Yes, we are. What would you like for lunch?”

“Just a cheese sandwich, if you please.”

“No way, that’s my favorite”, I surprisingly said.

“Mine, too.”

After we ate our sandwiches, we decided we should go ahead and leave for the mall. We got into my car and drove five miles to the local mall. Along the way, we talked of all the bands we like and I was amazed that Savage Garden is Cherice’s favorite band, too.

“Wow, Cherice! How many similarities do we share?”

“I don’t know Kit. It’s as if some kind of Providence has allowed us to meet.”

I blushed rather heavily and said, “Well, I suppose you’re right. I’m glad I’ve met you.” Telling someone how I truly felt was never my strong point. However, I could not help but notice that Cherice was blushing, too.

Not soon enough after that, we were at the mall. We walked out of the car, to greet my friends. Elijah, Michael, Garrett, Kyle and Jake were waiting for us at the front entrance.

Upon entering Elijah crossed his arms and said, “Dude, we were getting worried about you. You drive like an old man. It takes you forever to get anywhere.” Elijah patted me on the back.

Michael stood in awe and said, “So...Kit, you gonna tell us who your friend is, there?”

“Everyone, this is Cherice. She is new to town and I invited her along to hang with us today.”

Everyone looked at Cherice and in unison said, “Hello”

“You’ll have to forgive them Cherice. They are like puppets that I control.”

Garrett crossed his arms and said, “I’m no damned puppet”

Jake squinted his eyes and said, “You’re an a*****e.”

Kyle blushed and said, “Douchebag!”

Elijah looked up at me, while laughing saying, “Scorpios suck! We all know Aries rule.”

Cherice looked puzzled and scratched her head.

I looked toward Cherice and said, “What’s wrong?”

“I had no idea you were a Scorpio.”

I looked at her and proudly said, “Yea, it’s pretty awesome!”

Cherice blushed and put her hand on my shoulder. “No wonder we hit it off so well. I’m a Pisces.”

Everyone looked at me and started laughing. Garrett looked at me and said
“Oooh, hubba hubba. Somebody’s in love over here”

I grew rather furious and said, “Shut the hell up!”

Cherice laughed and said, “It’s cool. They’re just teasing you little Scorpio”

I could not help but gaze at Cherice in amazement. I smiled and blushed a tad. After our getting warmed up and group talk, we decided to walk around the mall. It is strange walking around this mall. Most people are rather conservative and when they see quite a few people gathered together, with our style, they become weary. It is amazing how society acts to something they are not used to.

After a few hours of walking around the mall, I told the rest of the guys to do whatever, but I am going to take Cherice to Hot Topic. They agreed and walked the other direction.

“Hey Cherice, would you accompany me to Hot Topic? We should look around for all the cool stuff they have.”

“Ok, lets go”

As we walked into the store, we looked around at all the beautiful shirts, the key chains, the earrings, and other apparel. While going to the other end of the store, I noticed a purple and black composition book. I remembered Cherice telling me she would like to find one. While Cherice was gazing at another object, I picked the composition book up. I walked to the counter and bought the purple and black composition book. The cashier put the book in a bag with the receit. I then grabbed the bag, put it behind my back and walked toward Cherice.

“Hey Cherice, I got a little surprise for you.”

“What is it, Kit?”

I took the bag from behind my back and placed it into Cherice’s hands. She opened the bag with anticipation and peeked inside. Upon looking in the bag, her eyes grew wide and smiled just like an angel.

“Oh Kit, you shouldn’t have!” Cherice then put her arms around me and hugged me for what seemed like eternity, although it only lasted three seconds.

“Heh, It was nothing really...”

“Oh Kit, you’re such a sweetheart. Is there anything you want to buy for yourself, though?”

“Neh, I may go check out the videogame store, though.”

“Ok, you go ahead, I need to look at some things, in private.”

“Um, ok Cherice. If you’re sure.”

“I will see you there, Kit.”


Then, I left Hot Topic and walked to EB Games. After browsing for a while, I grew bored. I noticed the new Kingdom Hearts game, so I picked it up. I looked at it for a while and decided I would buy it. I brought the game to the cashier, bought it and went outside. When I walked outside, I noticed Cherice standing with another bag in her hands.

“Ah, I see you found something else you liked.”

“Yes. I have a surprise for you too, Kit.”

“What? Cherice, you didn’t have to.”

Cherice handed me the bag and said, “Open up, silly.”

I opened the bag and noticed a black Kingdom Hearts shirt and a wrist band. I stood in amazement that she would do this for me.


“What is it?”
I pondered a minute with my voice choking and softly said, “Thank you....very much.” A tear almost fell from my eye, but I quickly had to stop. I could not show any weakness in front of this beautiful angel.

“Oh, it’s no big thing, you Scorpio.” Cherice stood there, smiling sheepishly with her dreamy, azure eyes.

Cherice and I then walked to the other group. They were waiting for us outside.
Elijah noticed us first and said, “So, finally out are we?”

I smiled. “Yea, we had to buy a few things.”

Garrett then looked at me. “Hey man, I bought a new DnD book I think would be awesome to catch up on for our next game.”

“Awesome man, I’ll check it out.”

Kyle smiled and said, “Kit, you need to listen to this Coheed and Cambria cd with me tomorrow.”

“Ok man, I will.”

Jake and Michael stood there, aimlessly. Jake looked at me and said, “Yea, I didn’t see anything I want.

Michael looked rather blank, “Man, I just wanted to chill. I don’t know of anything I need, at the moment.”

We all stood around for a brief time, discussing how we were going to get prepared for school that following week. We all agreed that we were definitely not ready, but personally, I was.

Cherice looked a tad nervous. “Kit, I’m a little nervous about going to this new school. I hope people don’t bother me.”

“Don’t worry Cherice. I will be around and if we don’t have any classes, I will meet you between classes and you can let me know how you’re doing, everyday.”

“Kit, you’re so sweet”

“Well, ya know.” I laughed and Cherice playfully punched me in the arm.

After standing around the mall, Cherice and I decided it was time for us to be heading back towards our homes. We said our goodbyes to our friends and decided our day was done. As we arrived to my driveway, Cherice had a contented look onher face.

“Kit, today was so much fun. I have an idea, though”

“What is that Cherice?”

“You like to write, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do”

“Let’s share some poems with each other.”

I pondered for a minute and said, “Sure. That sounds like a great idea.”

We got out of the car and Cherice walked into my house. We walked into the kitchen, where there was a nice table to write on. We each grabbed a few pieces of paper and began to diligently scribble our ideas. Cherice started with the first poem.

“I enjoy prose, so I will start with this one. I will call it
This Lonely Prison Will Be the Death of Me.
This lonely prison will be the death of
me, never to escape the ivory towers of doom.
Forever searching to destroy my soul, they never
cease to damn my heart. Chained and bound to
the hell of an eternal flame, my burning skin will
wither into the ashes of this twisted sorrow.
Will you look into these hollowed, withered eyes?
They see no scenes of blissful noons nor nights of
solace to ease my troubled mind. All alone in this
prison, a prison called life, in which a world
can never understand my sorrow; I will wither away
to bones, till eternity takes me back into your eyes.”
I listened to her speak these beautiful words with such amazement.

“That was very beautiful. Hold on a minute and I will think of one.”
I thought for a minute and made this one.

"Red-Orbed Setting Sun"
Upon the orange haze of a mid-summer
sky, I often think of you. The sunset yields,
like a red glowing orb, flickering fiercely before
the ice chill of a night breeze. Oh how I
want to hold you in my tight embrace. So soft
and delicate to touch, your presence, alone, brings solace
to my weary soul. Without you here, I often walk
these rocky streets alone, gazing at the soft-green
fields. And upon returning to my tranquil home,
I often watch the red-orbed setting sun and wonder
if you see it, too.”

Cherice thought for a minute and sit back.

“Kit, that was very beautiful, let’s continue.”

Cherice thought for a bit and came up with another beautiful prose.

“I love birds so I will make this one,

Two Plump Orange-Breasted Robbins

Two plump, orange-breasted robbins fly so
gently out of the green, dewed grass into the
fluffy clouds of a mid-June sky. To horizons
above this earthly sphere, beyond the shattered
looking glass of what we know, these two
orange-breasted robbins find lands of peace and
solace in the flowery field of an Eden all earth-
bound creatures seek.”

“I really like that, Cherice. I love birds, too. They have so much freedom. I often picture myself as a bird, so free and elegant. I think you will like this one.


"Mocking Bird"
Sing, sing oh mocking bird,
Sing your songs of glee.
Sing, sing oh mocking bird,
Sing all those songs to me.
Fly, fly oh mocking bird.
Fly to the bluest sky.
Fly, fly oh mocking bird.
Fly to your dreams so high.
Nest, nest oh mocking bird.
Nest in the highest tree.
Nest, nest oh mocking bird.
Nest in your home, don't flee.”

“Kit, that was beautiful.”

Cherice looked at me with a bright smile.

“We could probably compose a collection of awesome poems, ya know.”

I looked at Cherice with a half smile, “Hell yes! We are just that awesome.” We both laughed for a while.

“Well Cherice..... I suppose I better be going home. We will have school tomorrow, so I can give you a ride, if you wish.”

“That will be fine by me.”

“Ok, see you tomorrow, then.”

As I walked out the door, Cherice grabbed me by my shirt and gave me a very tight hug. I was rather startled but returned the hug.

“Thank you, Kit, for making my move to this town so wonderful.”

“It’s ok, Cherice. I enjoy our time together.”

Cherice let go and went back to her room. I continued walking out the door and entered my house. I walked up my stairs, to my room, only to be greeted by my sister.

“So big bro, what was all that hugging stuff I saw?”

“What?! What were you doing watching us?”

“It’s ok bro. I know I give you a hard time, but I think it’s wonderful that you have found someone. You’re always so introverted and closed. It’s good you found someone you can relate to.”

“Wow, sis! To hear that from you....”

Alexis patted me on the back, “Don’t get used to it. Loser”

“Yea...I know.”

“Night big bro.”

“Night sis.”

I then went to my room and collapsed on my bed. It was not much later that I fell asleep.         

© 2011 IceDragonOfPluto

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Added on July 14, 2011
Last Updated on July 14, 2011



My pen name is IceDragonOfPluto. I am a proud Scorpio. I'm dark and dreary but I have many hopes and dreams. I love to read and write poems. My writng style is what you may call Dark Romanticism. I lo.. more..
