Am I strong enough to leave my dolls?

Am I strong enough to leave my dolls?

A Poem by Apple

 All that I have known all that Ive trusted is now become unfamiliar to me,all that I used to know has now faded to black, What I am now becoming I is all new and strange to me,my innocents that was stolen is now forever forgotten.

 Am I strong enough to leave my dolls that I once knew and spent my days with or do I leave them behind to face what I now know.

 Being not ready makes it teriffying if I was left undisturbed would I have been ready to leave them strongly and confidently?

 Im I strong enough to leave my dolls that I once knew?

© 2010 Apple

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:( A little sad but i like

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 5, 2010
Last Updated on September 5, 2010
Tags: poetry, growing up, loss, guilt, dolls



Danapoint, CA

Hello its great to meet you, I have a wide verity of interests I love antique stores and anything vintage that is mostly inspiration for me and the seasons. I also like to write poems based on experi.. more..

Morning Love~ Morning Love~

A Poem by Apple