Lavender Waterfalls

Lavender Waterfalls

A Poem by Illuminate23

A fantasy

I'm writing you the chorus of this song-
Angry like sprayed Raid and heatwaves-
In the dog day of the street,
No call backs,
after you and the employer meet-
When the prayers went up,
walking the path of the spirit man-
Emulating all in the book-
And waiting for them' blessings" to trickle down-

I sat pinned to this corner,
A wall to my back,
clouds to my head,
hard place under me-
Formulaic songs being pushed out of the radio where,
Grand Puba,
And a Tribe once dwelled-
Adding to my discords with the world-
On my timbs' , pants leg never laid right-
Momma's pain meds is sky high,
And my getting my future girl's mind right
mild sighs-
After a night washings after rinses,
talking to the fellas of how I may become a priest-
Laughter and sailor words protruded their mouths,
What if I was forreal?
Playin bid whiz,
I was cutting my partner,
and reniging too-
Giving it all I wanted for
a day in need-
I'd create a love questionaire
By only measuring
a man's spirit
instead of the width of his pocket,
for the cost of your love-
I'd go back to passing you this folded paper-
Wide ruled because as kids,
that's what we used-
Circle either of the two-
And if you liked me,
We could go and push each other on the swing-
Or sit together while dream as superheros-

I'd go and meet with Lionel,
tell him that my father and mother needed the "Dores" to reconcile-

Maybe even even give Charlie and preach,
and tell him stop to doing collabos with a cats named "Pain"

I'd bring back Lyrical Artists and tell them they have jobs-
I'd ask Rakim to "hurry it up"-

I'd put hip hop on the table and breath it life again-
I'd make things simple again-

You, me, and what we're here for-
Not you AND then ME type s**t-
Togetherness type s**t-

It isn't you, its just a "me type thing"..
Keep it real so we would have a true understanding type thing-
I'd put New Jersey drive in the box office again-
In the malls,
It would just be Carharts + Timbs-
Wax releases for the album work-

Vcr's to differentiate the tracking button to let gram's know,
I probably did "fix" her T.V.- Her smile was priceless-

Relive my childhood dreams,
and read every book I seen-
Bring the Cosby's back,
and Have them smack dab in the middle of primetime on NBC-

Tell R&B artists to start singing about real s**t again-
Give them copies of Nina Simone and tell them to take note-

I'm writing you the chorus of this song-
Angry like sprayed Raid and heatwaves-
In the dog day of the street,
No call backs,
after you and the employer meet-
When the prayers went up,
walking the path of the spirit man-
Emulating all in the book-
And waiting for them' blessings" to trickle down-

But until then,
I'll wait-
Maybe through this chaos there lies
rainbows with rivers filled with wine-
Destined for a change,
I share vivid ways,
bright and iridescent ,
events motioned,
take way.........

© 2010 Illuminate23

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Added on May 10, 2010
Last Updated on May 10, 2010



Denver, CO

I'm a newbie at the usage and the formation of wording when it is put down to text. I don't aim to challenge or dissect my words or someone's own. I merely put down what feel. I grew fond for it when .. more..
