Illuminate23 : Writing

Lavender Waterfalls

Lavender Waterfalls

A Poem by Illuminate23

A fantasy
Tween the valleys

Tween the valleys

A Poem by Illuminate23

Either, Or
Internal Schizophrenia

Internal Schizophrenia

A Poem by Illuminate23

Battle Internal & S****y opposites


A Poem by Illuminate23

When its not yet clear
Arena Bouts

Arena Bouts

A Poem by Illuminate23

Overcoming edgy vernacular with callousness
Cherry Grove Abundance

Cherry Grove Abundance

A Poem by Illuminate23

Compatibility Dramas
Your green.

Your green.

A Poem by Illuminate23

Wishful thinking while taken.
Hollywood Romance

Hollywood Romance

A Poem by Illuminate23

Clearly, with all the shapes and the sizes this world offers- and with your nature of fickle, I cannot take you seriously- Of course my morals and..
The Last tune

The Last tune

A Poem by Illuminate23

The epilogue so to speak.
The Spectacular Dilemma

The Spectacular Dilemma

A Poem by Illuminate23

Life situations that take post introverted thought to understand.