

A Chapter by InsaneTomato

Just an Introduction to the history of my world and of the main character.

If anybody is reading this it means that either I found something remarkable, or you've found my corpse shambling around, if its the latter I am sorry that I failed you all. Naturally if your reading this  I assume you know what the state of the world is. However I doubt you know about everything that happened.
  On November 3, 2035 a cure for cancer was manufactured, the cure utilized synthetic stem-cells. When the tumors were removed from a person they would be put on critical life support. While on life support the cure would be injected into the area that the tumor was removed from, because often times they would take large chunks of flesh or vital organs. After it was injected it would rappidly regenerate the missing tissue. so long as all of the cancer cells were destroyed it would work out fine. The resaults of this were impressive because not only did they survive, they thrived, it caused them to be stronger faster and altogether healthier than the people who had never even had an Illness.
Eventually everybody wanted this treatment, so by 2040 it was injected into every human being. Eventually it was made into even stronger forms, they had people regenerating lost limbs, living to be over 200, and they were incredibly strong, and on top of their game. It definently slowed the aging process.
In 2048 a protest group started to rise. They thought that it was too unatural and that it was destroying humanity. They managed to get into one of the largest manufacting facilites of it, they were able to destroy the facility with a homade bomb. What they didnt know is that it caused the stuff to be released into the air and into the ground. 
There were several research varients in the lab portion of the plant, when the bomb exploded it caused them to mix not only with themselves but with viruses that were being researched in the lab. When everything was released into the air it caused a large amount of the population to  to get an overdose of the meds , it also contaminated all vegitables with in a 500 mile radius. 
The infected area was quarantined 3 days later, by then several farmers had sent there crops to be distributed. The whole nation watched the news for weeks as people in that small town were studied by scientest and the government. They started out fine but slowely it began to cause them to go insane, and made their bones brittle. It also caused the dead to rise from the ground, however they werent the same.
These people soaked bullets up like sponges and attacked anybody within they're range of sight. They broke through the barrier. The only way to kill them permanently was to burn their bodys into ash. All around the country people had started to get infected from the rain and the fruits and vegetables they ate from those farms. If one of those creatures bit or scratched you it would cause you to be infected. Society nearly fell.
Flash forward to the year 2070 and most of the survivers are living in underground colonies, the disease has spread all over the world and all world governments have fallen. However a scientest by the name of Jonathan A, Hubbert became a unnoficial leader to much of the community, he attempts to contact and connect other colanies, which he succedes in very well. Eventually he realized that nobody was going to be able to rebuild if everyone stayed under ground. So he had a new plan.
His plan was to build a large castletown. By 2090 he and his followers had constructed a fortress that was surrounded by a large wall and buildings inside the wall. The underground networks existed under this city so in case it was ever over run. The city was in an area where the ground had not been contaminated so 1/4th of the land was made into farmland.
Now the year is 2102 the community is thriving and safe, but the outlands beyond the walls are still filled with infected. I am a scientest who is researching traviling the outland researching these  things in hopes that one day I'll be able to create a cure that can be released into the air and nutralize them. My name is John Smith, and hopefully I'll return to the community. I leave for the outlands tomorrow.

© 2012 InsaneTomato

Author's Note

It's the very start of the book, It's also a very rough draft. I really need somebody to help me fix up scientific impossibilities so I can make it more realistic. I'm only 16 but I don't want anybody to hold back on their reviews and suggestions. Just please have constructive things to say.

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This seems so much like an article, so it threw me off completely. Instead of telling your readers that all this has happened, why not begin your story through the eyes of the survivors and give the readers a chance to figure the rest out for themselves? That way, the readers don't feel forced to swallow all of this information at once.

The biggest advice in writing that I've ever received is to 'show, not tell". That way, if you manage to portray this information through dialogue, setting description, character circumstances, and motives, the novel would start off with a bigger bang.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 13, 2012
Last Updated on May 13, 2012
Tags: zombie, sci-fi, Post Apocalyptic, action, horror, dark



Siloam Springs, AR

My name is Rob. I'm 16 I like reading mostly nonfiction, but I like to write mostly fiction and poetry, most of the stuff I write is inspired by Film Noir and various science fiction and even video ga.. more..
