Idle Hands

Idle Hands

A Chapter by J Todd Underhill

Another memory


I have never been one to like being without a job or some sort of project, and that trait about me keeps getting worse and worse as the years go by but my thought tonight is on the one time in my life that I was truly thankful for being discharged from a job. I am one that I need something to keep my hands busy and my mind working. Idle hands are truly the devils workshop. Most of the trouble I have gotten into with my life is because I have been idle and not working towards a goal. I can site many occasions where this is the case but I do not like to look on the negative in my life.

                I at one point in time I worked for a major television service provider that shall remain nameless but they had the larger NETWORK of DISH service in the United States. I was a commercial customer service representative, and we had more stringent guidelines we had to follow than those of a normal customer service department. I was good with this, but always gear my lever of conversation to the audience to which I was dealing. If the person was a good ole boy from the south I would speak with them in the manner in which they spoke with me. If the person was the president of a company and articulate then I would speak to them in the manner in which they spoke to me. I still put this to practice in the job I have now. I refrained one night when a good ole boy threatened me with my life and went into description on what method of destruction he would use, I asked the guy to hold and got my supervisor to come finish the call which she did and the proceeded to read this guy the riot act for threatening me.

                After the first two months of working for them I began to feel like I was selling my soul to the devil each time I punched the time clock. I would not agree with the policies in place and still pass them off as if they were alright to do to people. Without going into much detail I will just say there is a bunch of hypocrisy when dealing with television service providers, and there are ways to get what you want but you literally have to go to extremes to make it happen. They have a whole department dedicated to customer retention who can offer better concessions to keep a customer with their service.

                I made it a year and a month before the time came for me to leave this place. I was on the phone with a guy and he was using innuendo and double meaning in his conversation, and I responded in kind because that is the level of conversation he initiate with me. I knew in the back of my mind that the company frowned on this, but after selling my soul for eight months I just did not give a crap. I knew I had a wife and daughter to support, and it was always a possibility that the phone Gestapo had a habit of listening in to our conversations from time to time, but really I was exasperated with the job and pretty much hated coming to work each day. I finished the call and moved on about the day. The next morning I signed in and worked most of the day as normal but then was called in to the office to discuss the call. I was not at all worried. They informed me of the error I had made and that they had no choice but to let me go. I looked over the table at my boss and thanked her, and blessed her for making it possible for me to never come back to the place again. I think she was shocked. She was taken aback by the fact that I really did not find this an imposition at all. She told me that I needed to sign her forms on the reason for them letting me go. I informed her I had no intention of doing that, and that they could take the forms fold them up in a neat little package and shove them right up their a*s. At this point their security guard came over and escorted me and the supervisor to the door where it was said that they thought I was a nice guy but just didn’t fit their mold. I told them that their company was the worst outfit I had ever worked for and that I would never use their service even if it meant going without television completely.

                To this day I am hard on myself for how I handled the firing because the supervisors were only doing their job, but I was truly thankful for not having to return. I think about my boss from there from time to time and hope that she got out because she was far better than that place deserved.

© 2011 J Todd Underhill

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the proceeded to read this guy the riot act for threatening me.

This line was the only interruption in reading... I believe you wanted to say:

then proceeded to read this guy the riot act for threatening me.

Minor detail... as for the plot... I agree with you on the fact with TV service providers... the story leads one to think and give merit to the person on the inside... looking out... with the regulations and standard of procedures of the company... I believe also... one must go the way of right... in order to fulfill their intent as a worker... a sense of dignity and pride in what they do for a living... with that said... the end conclusion to this matter deem that was going to happen in the end... no matter the consequences... Good read and thanks for sharing...

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


the proceeded to read this guy the riot act for threatening me.

This line was the only interruption in reading... I believe you wanted to say:

then proceeded to read this guy the riot act for threatening me.

Minor detail... as for the plot... I agree with you on the fact with TV service providers... the story leads one to think and give merit to the person on the inside... looking out... with the regulations and standard of procedures of the company... I believe also... one must go the way of right... in order to fulfill their intent as a worker... a sense of dignity and pride in what they do for a living... with that said... the end conclusion to this matter deem that was going to happen in the end... no matter the consequences... Good read and thanks for sharing...

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on December 18, 2011
Last Updated on December 18, 2011


J Todd Underhill
J Todd Underhill

Denver, CO

J Todd Underhill has been writing in the Denver Colorado since 1987. He has embraced poetics and spoken word art as his chosen art medium. He owned the title “Poet” in 2008 though his writ.. more..
