Seeking the Light

Seeking the Light

A Poem by Jeremy Baker

Leonard says the cracks exist so the light can get in;

where my stillborn potential distends towards entropy.

But radiance has no release, though it wash away my sin:

my enchantment with ennui, disguised as empathy,

makes unequivocal the devotion that determines my hollow,

empty days. Bedlam enthroned amid humid, fetid thought,

although I have chosen a fervent spiritual path to follow;

random fury was squandered in battles never fought.


Armour and shields moulded from fear, hate and despair

cannot be discarded: on such as these my comfort depends.

Yet shall I cast off these chains and make right, tis only fair

to restore and rebuild; to recompense and make amends.

Perhaps, after all, my friend Leonard was right:

I am tired of being fearful; now shall I seek the Light.

© 2011 Jeremy Baker

Author's Note

Jeremy Baker
Leonard = Leonard Cohen "Anthem"

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The idea of a crack, reminds me that things are never perfect in life. There will always be something that we wish we could remove I would say. Yet, sometimes these are the things that help us keep track of reality. Also, we do get tired carrying around 'armour and shields' because of fear. It kinda makes you want to say "to hell with it all' time to face the music and face what is there. Great piece

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Well penned. Beautiful flow conveying eloquent imagery. Breaking old patterns is a difficult task at best...

Posted 12 Years Ago

:D Well written, thanks for sharing this...

Posted 12 Years Ago

Sad to admit that I had to look up some of these words because I didn't know the meaning :P hehe.
But this poem had a beauty to it, someone reading it that couldn't understand it could even see the beauty in're a powerful writer

Posted 12 Years Ago

really like Cohen..and your work...

Posted 12 Years Ago

We all must strive to achieve what’s best for us, although sometimes that can be difficult. Great flow! Wonderful piece, indeed!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow... this is good...
Thank you for sharing!

~A Fallen Heroine~

Posted 12 Years Ago

How have I never found your words before? This is wonderful . . . looking forward to reading more of you

Posted 12 Years Ago

Excellent poem that was crafted with excellent imagery!

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is completely awesome in so many ways. The imagery was quite powerful. The only word I stumbled on is "entropy" why I don't know what it means. But I loved the write.


Posted 12 Years Ago

I love the language you use. Very inspirational.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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34 Reviews
Added on July 6, 2011
Last Updated on July 6, 2011


Jeremy Baker
Jeremy Baker

Busselton, South West, Australia

I'm a former English & Literature teacher who has always enjoyed the magic, power and simple romance of words well written. My favourite writers include Pablo Neruda, Liam O'Flaherty, Anthony Eaton.. more..


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