Who killed the Spirit of our Earth?

Who killed the Spirit of our Earth?

A Poem by Jeremy Baker

The Spirit of our Earth is weeping, sleeping,

comatose, non mentos compos.


A sinuous, sensuous, tenuous grasp

is all that remains;

fabricated mankind, vapourific spirituality,

flabbergasted at the amusing notion that

some things exist that can be neither bought nor sold.


Delicate strength opposes 

powerful weakness. 


Corruption, a staple of capitalist consumption,

like dying varec in various oceans;

its stink is long lingering.

We are as voyeurs, watching the peepshow

of our world meeting its demise. 


© 2012 Jeremy Baker

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I think Jeremy writes really well, I´ve read a number of his poems are they are all excellent, written with care and thought, full of literary value. This is a cracker too, Jeremy is not afraid to take a position and take on a real big subject, and it´s not only excellently written, but has the right moral position, and transports it with lyrical power. Great.

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


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Corruption is the one word that stands out for me in this poem. There is so much I don't think we will ever really recover from it. The earth is truly in trouble. This is an interesting topic.

Posted 10 Years Ago

it's true, where is this world coming to? it just seems like it's out of our control now and it's headed for its own end. we don't actually contribute to making the world a better place, instead we pollute the earth. i agree with capitalist consumption, how the commercials make you think you have to have this product, you have to be engaged on your gadgets non stop, crossing the street, at dinner or you can't exist in this society. it's sickening. great job!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Jeremy Baker

11 Years Ago

Thanks for the feedback :). I'm glad you liked it!
Wonderful read and write.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Jeremy Baker

11 Years Ago

Thank you!

Posted 11 Years Ago

"The Spirit of our Earth is weeping, sleeping,
comatose, non mentos compos. "

Who killed the Spirit of Earth? I can answer that one too. Don't need to actually because you have answered it perfectly in this poem. Good job!

Posted 12 Years Ago

the last two lines encapsulate the whole perfectly - it is a peepshow indeed. Writing that instructs us. Great work

Posted 12 Years Ago

This poem speaks to the degradation that our planet suffers as humans, its most evolved and sophisticated inhabitants, continue to 'progress' into a grotesque mockery of their former primitive selves, eschewing all things natural in their pursuit of monetary gain, which seems to transcend all of the simple and worldly pleasures that Earth offers. It's sad to think how (in America at least) exercise is becoming rarer, obesity more common, pollution continues unabated (with new initiatives to remove existing EPA regulations), and the national political scene is increasingly becoming concerned with the issue of economic productivity, long enshrined as the most important aspect of life at the expense of just about everything else.

Those are just my thoughts :3 the fact that I'm thinking so much shows that your poem is provocative, and I think you did a good job of putting forward your point, even though I did feel that it could have been more aesthetically pleasing overall. It's effective at making readers think though.

Lovely vocab and word variety throughout, but you messed up your form of "its" in the third to last line though! a really minor mistake, but since you're an English teach I thought you might like to know XD good work.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I think Jeremy writes really well, I´ve read a number of his poems are they are all excellent, written with care and thought, full of literary value. This is a cracker too, Jeremy is not afraid to take a position and take on a real big subject, and it´s not only excellently written, but has the right moral position, and transports it with lyrical power. Great.

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

we killed it. And some of us will pay for it with our lives...our future...our children's future. It's our karma....and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Posted 12 Years Ago

We will all pay for this in the end hundreds of tornadoes storms and rising sea level That with lowered oxygen levels spells our doom

Posted 12 Years Ago

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25 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 15, 2012
Last Updated on May 15, 2012


Jeremy Baker
Jeremy Baker

Busselton, South West, Australia

I'm a former English & Literature teacher who has always enjoyed the magic, power and simple romance of words well written. My favourite writers include Pablo Neruda, Liam O'Flaherty, Anthony Eaton.. more..


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