

A Poem by Jake Staffeld

I feel unknown

As if I've faded

Becoming less than ever

Just a ghost


Some watch from the shadows

Laughing at human humiliation

Others try and help

However they can


Never question who makes the person

All those unseen controlers backstage

The ones that really pull the strings

Distrust the spotlight


Leaking secrets or dying unknown

No one knows who you are

You can remain invisible

While playing chess for power


I feel unknown

Laughing at human humilitation

The ones that really pull the strings

While playing chess for power


We are the unknown

The unseen, unheard

Power brokers with it all

The original anonymus

© 2011 Jake Staffeld

My Review

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A powerful write, very nice:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

In the big world. Easy to become invisible and small. I have travel the world. Each place had their needs and wants. I believe each of us are important. Just must find our place and dreams. A very good poem. Open the doors to a lot of good questions that had no real answers. Thank you for a outstanding poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I terribly enjoyed the Piscean themes in this, so very 12th house. It's like feeling invisible, beautiful, you capture a ton of emotions I find very refined and real.

My favorite part:

1. Distrust the spotlight

Leaking secrets or dying unknown

Very original work, bravo!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on December 3, 2011
Last Updated on December 3, 2011


Jake Staffeld
Jake Staffeld

Bend, OR

I'm in college, whoooooo. I like all kinds of rock, and songwriting. That's how I got into Poems in the first place. Some of these will actually be songs of mine I've modified. more..


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