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"The Case Of The En-Slaved Souls" Chapter One

"The Case Of The En-Slaved Souls" Chapter One

A Story by James Beksha

A young Collage freshman disappears from her Boston apartment. A loving Father desprate to find her. Hires Eddie James to find her... Thus beging the investigation.


      Chapter One
Monday morning  June 8th 1990 saw me walking down the hallway of police headquarters for a special meeting with my Uncle Jessie.
I dressed today for this meeting seriously; not that anyone would'ev noticed.
Still I hand on a pair of black slacks, a white silk shirt with a red tie with my
blue blazer.
          Also I had on my silver tipped biker boots that naturally could be heard
in unison with the rest of the officers of the precinct.
While I continued walking toward my uncles office a few of the detectives who had seem me either stopped to say hello, or they'd shake my hand as they
passed by.

To tell you the truth, I was sort of toying with a notion that this meeting might end up with me getting hired to find a possible missing person.
After all; I have been pretty much obsessed with this strange abduction case for a while. If you don't believe me you can ask my wife Lori-Ann.
        She's either see me watching it intensly on television, or she'd notice me down in my basement office reading about it in various newspapers and magazines I'd buy just to keep myself updated with it.

Initially this all started two and a half years ago around this time out in California
with the loveliest of ladies just disappearing without a trace.
Baffling both state and local authorites beyond belief as to where they could'ev gone.
       But even more bizzare than each of their disappearences was the crime scene evidence.
The first articale was always a totaly nude color photograph of each of the victims in a head to toe shot; followed immediately by a strange one lined message that always read.
"One more added to the fold" Scratching thier heads like I said before
authorites did the best they could with what little evidence they had to process.

But really who knew this would only be the begining; because other states across the country quickly began experiencing the same bizzare occurences as well.
Massachusetts up until this past weekend was one of the last states to have been spared by this bizzare epidemic.
Catching the site of the name plate out of my left eye it simply read:
       "Jessie James Police Commishioner"
Turning slowly I next felt a subtle smile come over me standing there.
As I momentarily thought of him being first appointed to that promonate
position by his honor the Mayor. I remember watching Uncle Jessie smiling; winking over at me then giving me the thumbs up which i inturn gave right back to him.

       Shaking my head I proceeded knocking upon his door listening I heard his famillure "Come in"
Excusing himself he next could be seen getting up from behind his desk walking over to greet me as I entered.
He stood 5'10'' tall in height; and had a semi-muscular build for a man his age; as he continued walking over to me.
       I noticed he had on the same style shirt as I had with a blue/white tie, he also had his darker blue blazzer hanging up beside me on the coat rack just to my left.
He also had on the black slacks that Lori-Ann and I bought him for christmas last yearwith the creese perfectly pressed.
As Uncle Jessie gave me a hug upon seeing me which i might add isn't weird to say the least I too could be seen hugging him back; but as I did my eyes fell upon another gentleman in the room with us..

He looked to be around my Uncle's age maybe younger he had on a pair of blue jeans, a gray pocket tee shirt, and brown boat shoes.
I also noticed he had a black brief case on the floor beside his chair on the right side.
It wouldn't be until I had myself a coffee that iewe next could be seen walking back over to join hisfriend again.
His friend naturally stood up slightly in respect to my approaching to take my seatjust to his left.
After placing my coffee cup down on the corner of my Uncle's desk not meaning to obviously I suddenly sensed a nervousness about him.

       Looking over toword Uncle Jessie his eyes were slightly calm, but still I had a stronger than average feeling something was wrong.
"Eddie, first off I'd like to thank you for coming in today for this meeting, and I'd also like to add; that I do appologize for taken you away from anything you were previously doing." Slowly shaking my head my Uncle watches me with the subtlest of smiles exclaiming back.
"Your more than welcome Uncle Jessie; it's an honor for me just to be asked to be here for you, and please you never have to apologize for taken me away from anything I'm doing." Having said that we each could be seen saluting the other with a customery raising of our coffee cups.
"Well before i go ahead and explain why I asked you here; Eddie
I'd like to first introduce you to my old collage roommate Alan Davis, Alan this is my nephew Eddie James I told you about him the other day, remember?" Turning slightly I extend my hand toward him. which I notice he accepted shaking it quickly without to much of a grip. Only confirming to me as he took it back that something was indeed wrong.

       "Alan please! Remember what we discussed; Eddie please accept my apology for my friends rudeness. It's just he has been here since Saturday franticly worried about his daughter who?"
"Disappeared isn't that right Uncle Jessie? And let me guess all Mr. Davis here found was a large manila envelope?" The silence that followed pretty much meant it was true.
While I continued sitting there drinking my coffee; my thoughts turned to the unimaginable concept of possiably getting hired by Mr. Davis to locate his missing daughter for him.
Even though the concept may have presented itself there. I still needed to keep my composure, after all this was a serious sittuation to be thrown into.  

       Turning his head slightly away from Mr. Davis tried to conceal a lone tear that was trickling down his cheek; not meaning to I quickly spotted it.
"Pardon me Mr. Davis for not taking." Watching him next holding up his hand I gave him a minute before replying back to me.

"Please Eddie, you don't have to apologize to me; but you were right though. I did indeed recieve a large manila envelope; it was conveniently placed on my rental car's winshield." Uncle Jessie and I continued watching Mr. Davis trying to recompose himself more, before continuing to tell us about the events that transpired upon his arriving in Boston.
"Let's see I arrived at Logan airport about 9AM, picked up my bags, rented my car, then drove to the hotel to freshen up before going over to visit Brenda."
"What hotel are you staying at; Sir?"
"Oh The four seasons Eddie; sorry I'm just a little bit nervous."
"That's alright sir; your doing great; isn't he Uncle Jessie?"
"Yes, Alan your doing fine please continue my friend."
"Thanks, well after checking in I decided to take a nap before going over to surprise her."My immediate impression was that he indeed was dedicated not only to his work with the government, but his daughter as well.

I mean come on, if you were a government employee and your child was moving away to a new city wouldnt you be a bit worried about exactly where she was living too, or for that matter if the neighborhood she found herself moving into was safe.
       All I could see as we watched Mr. Davis drinking his coffee was a caring loving father who just wanted the best for his daughter.
"Lets see I found myself next waking up around elevan to prepare for my drive over to see her, she discribed where was living in a phone conversation a couple of days prior to my arrival Saturday, as a nice neighborhood with the Boston Common, and the State House directly across the street from her building." Knowing exactly his friend was refering to Uncle Jessie and I could be seen nodding our heads together.

"That's Tremont st. Alan; Eddie and I know exactly the building your talking aboutit's a three story building owned by Mrs. Gladys Preston she rents apartments out on the second and third floors.
According to one of my officers reports he had taken after the incident Brenda lived on the third floor of that building isn't that right?"

"Yes Jessie; Brenda did mention that to me over the phone, eventually I did manage to get there. Parking across the street and I did meet Mrs. Preston who in my opinon is the nicest landlady I ever met before. Once she heard my name she immediately brought me up to Brenda's apartment chatting with me as we went of how friendly Brenda was."
Hesitating for a moment before continuing his facial expression changed suggesting to us he was in a reflective moment.
Smiling to myself I knew exactly when those kind of things would hit me too, so it wasn't any trouble sitting there waiting for him to continue.
"Oh Wow sorry about that guys; I was just." Slightly embarassed by the moment we completely understood not feeling the bit offended.


"Once inside of her apartment I just simply looked around at all of her unpacked boxesstacked on top of each other. 
Knowing just how much work it might have been to complete her moving in it certainly didn't surprize me in the least; that she hadn't of gotten started unpacking.
My guess is she was so exhausted knowing my daughter, she could'ev taken off for the beach for all I knew.
So I just left thinking to myself that could'ev been the reason she wasn't there.
Anyway after returning the key back to Mrs.Preston I thanked her for being so gracious, and proceeded back across the street to my car now this is the part that get's weird."


Together we watched Mr. Davis reach down to bring up his briefcase from the floor. Continuing to watch him he then pulls out a large manila envelope that he then proceeds to put on the corner of Uncle Jessie's desk.
       "I Spotted my rental across the street from her building with this attached to my windshield wiper. Knowing exactly what it stood for it wouldn't be until taken it off there . Before I next saw myself opening it to view it's horrific contents. Sure enough there was a color photograph of my daughter in a?"
Meaning to say in a head to toe shot Uncle Jessie and I knew what he wanted to tell us, so we excused him from not being able to continue speaking. Instead we sat there as his pent up emotions finally took hold of him crying there before us. 

It Took several additional minutes more; before we watched him recomposing himself. But once he had he immediately apologized which to us given the gravity of the sittuation wasn't necessary. We still waited until he was finished after he said.

       "Aside from me crying about it guy's that's pretty much my sittuation since I arrived here, So Jessie about our conversation we had the other night. I know and understand your position with the police department here. But do you think he could help me find her?" Watching Uncle Jessie leaning back in his chair with his arms folded grining as he then says to him.

"Can't say for sure Alan if he is even available; or not but you certainly can ask him?" Subtly turning towward me I hear Mr. Davis exclaiming to me.
"Well Eddie are you available; because it's you that your Uncle and I were talking about the other night." It suddenly occured to me why I was invited to this meeting. But yes if you were to ask me if I was shocked the answer was pretty evident by the smile upon my face after which not only dose Mr. Davis present me with a recieve a retainer check, but also that large manila envelope.

Never one to pass up an opertunity like this upon excepting that  manila envelope Mr. Davis and I shook hands once more.
This time his grip felt more firmer and just a bit more confident than before as we each smiled at one another.
       It next wouldn't be until thanking my uncle that I shook his hand to in appreciation of his confidence in me.
Not until his office door closed behind me that I next could be seen pumping my fist in the air in silent celebration as to my being officialy on the clock and ready to rock.

Thinking back on previous conversations we'd have together I never imagined in my wildest dreams my Uncle would ever of assited me like this. But seeing that he has I was now more determined than ever not to disapoint him.
My first move should of been to deposit that retainer check into out bank account.
But given the fact I was already at police headquarters it made more sense to checkout Miss Davis's car first.
It certainly didn't matter who you were today; going from an air conditioned building to the humidity outside was just like getting hit with a wet blanket.
With my tie undone a little I slung my blazer over my arm then continued walking toward the impound yard.
The yard as it's best called measured the length of two football feilds with every make and model imaginable parked behind the precinct.
Fortunatly Brenda's car was at the begining where most of the newer tows were once there brought to the yard.

Immediately after flashing my badge toward the attendant he then handed me the keys to Brenda's car.
Her car is a very cool old school Ford Mustang Boss351 with a cleveland engine. It's interior is black leather with plus seat covers.
And it's exterior is painted Canary yellow with a black stripe under each door and it also has a very stylish hood scoope on it as well.

After giving it's exterior a careful look. I turned my attention to it's interior next.
Upon open it's drivers door my senses were slightly knocked back a bit by the aroma of cleaning solvents that hit me.
The first thing I noticed was it did have seat covering not only in the front and backseat areas, but it also had the same carpeting on its floors too.
Brenda's agenda looked as though she was heading to the beach seeing two oversized towels in the backseat along with a container of suntan lotion and a large bottle of water.

Turning back around there in the front it looked somewhat normal
to say the least, but my eye caught site of the young ladies radar detector. Seeing only a single screw holding it on top of the dashboard caused me to make a mental note of it, as well as producing my camera for a photo opportunity.

After tucking my notebook into my shirt pocket then putting my  camera away. I next comtemplated contorting my upperbody under her dashboard for a look see. But just before making my mind up to that my cell phone at that very moment started to 

 ring. Seeing that it was my wife; I more than happily took the call..    

"Hey baby, What's up anything wrong?"
Hi Honey, no,no, there's nothing wrong
I just miss you, and just wanted to know how you
made out at the meeting this morning?"
"Oh gee that's sweet of you to say that I miss you too baby.
And to answer your second question the meeting went well
I got hired by Mr. Davis I'm working right now as a matter of fact."
"Congratulations; Mr. James."
"Why thank you Mrs. James; hey by the way what time is it?"
"Umm, It's 11:30Am"
"Really, your home early from school."
"Yeah, I know one of my professors had a dentist appointment
so my last class was cancelled."
"Oh I see, so what are you going to be doing for the rest of your day while I'm working."  Know my wife could never resist teasing me she didn't disappiont me by replying back.

"Well, I was thinking of skinny dipping in the pool then laying out on my launge chair to tan myself." Listening she heard me dropping my cell phone which resulted in her giggling, as I bent down to pick it up.
"Sorry about that baby phone slipped out of my hand."
"Ah huh, Hey so what is the rest of your day looking like while I'm here all alone?"
"Well, after I get through here, I have to hit the bank, then touch base with Danny, and after that I'm going to checkout the young lady's apartment then I guess I'll be through for today why?"

"Oh, I just thought I'd try experimenting barbecuing naked for a change that's all."
Like before she heard my cell phone dropping out of my hand listening I could hear her giggling again into it.
"Damm humidity, sorry about that baby."
"It's all right honey, i'm not offended."
"Good, Listen baby I'd love to keep talking to you, but I have to finish up here. But listen why don't I call you after I leave Miss Davis's apartment so we can plan this barbecue thing right?"
"Sounds like a plan, I love you honey bye."
"I love you too, baby talk to you later bye."
      Smiling to myself I happily thought of my wife swimming in the pool naked; getting out; toweling herself off; then after which applying some sun tan lotion on her body just to lay there afterwards on her launge chair just baking in the sun. 

Even though I may have loved daydreaming about her; it certainly wasn't getting anything accomplished in my investigation. As I next could be seen leaning my upper body just under Miss Davis's dashboard. My thoughts quickly turned back to what I was originally doing.
Minutes passed before I pulled out a pair of tweezers from inside of my blazer. To retrieve that very same mounting bracket screw from her radar detector just under her excellerator pedal.
I knew that the photograph along with that screw from the mounting bracket may not have been much in the way of evidence, but hey I was just getting started.
Without to much more to uncover from Miss Davis's car, I got out, locked her up, then returned the key to the lot attendant and left police headquarters.

My next stop was to our bank then after that I needed to touch base with Danny Carter.
He worked as an assistant manager at the Black Dragon Restaurant where he has now been happily employed there for the past 3yrs.

But sadly years before however he used to work for a traveling carnival, and that's about the time Lori-Ann and I met him.
It was towards the tail end of August when we found ourselves stopping to streach our legs a bit just taking in the sights for a while.
We were heading back from Maine after a much delayed honeymoon since our marriage back on independence day.
I had to admit though winning that giant panda bear for Lori-Ann was pretty fun; but it was harder than it looked.
Having to knock down 3 milk bottles off this barrel, but I did manage it with my final ball.
Immediately after placing the giant panda bear into the van,
Lori-Ann next removes her sandals optioning to leave them also with the bear.
Returning from there to the carnival we continued walking around once more.
Having pretty much seen everything we were about to leave when together we witnessed a crime being commited against another human being.

A Physically challenged indivisual who stood two and half feet tall was being bullied by two larger men who appeared to be drunk.
It wouldn't be until making sure those guys couldn't see Lori-Ann

that I next could be seen walking up to them.
catching them both with a leg sweep knocking both men down I turned to Danny and said "See that lady over there? Run to her?"

Without hessitation Danny did just that as the two guys got back up to their feet.

Being as intoxicated as they obviously were I couldn't just hurt them, so while they tried to fight me I let my speed and agility make them miss me until they ran out of speed themselves and feel totaly exhausted in front of me.
Luckily a police car was in the area and carted those two off back to the station where they could sleep it off.
In appreciation for my saving his life Danny became our guide for the rest of our stay. That being our initial first meeting we certainly kept in touch with him through phone calls at times cards and letters pretty much the rest of the time.
But sadly we lost touch with him figuring he may of falling on hard times toward the end of 1985. 
Of course who knew our it wouldn't be until November of 1987 before our paths would find themselves crossing once more.
I remember it was a cold night as I drove home through the south end my heater in my Ford Mustange was cranked to the max, as I drove past an alley.
When out of my left eye I happend to have spotted a person being literally thrown into a snow bank.
But come to find out it was someone you knew believe me it defiantly hit home. Instead of taking the chance and trying to move Danny myself I did the next best thing and called an ambulance.


Once the E.M.T.'s arrived I gave them as much imformation as I could about Danny before they transported him to the hospital.
Immediately after which I phoned Lori-Ann to tell her what happend baturally she insisted on coming with me to the hospital.
So after making a pit stop home we next left to go visit Danny.

Ariving sometime later we were then informed he hadn't been seen yet due to Danny not having any medical insurance.
So I took out my wallet then my credit card and charged Danny's medical care to it.
Serveral hours passed before a physician came out to give us an update., according to him Danny had three cracked ribs and a broken left arm.
The Doctor also suggested Danny stay off his feet for 6 weeks which after he left us left with a problem but not a big one.

Knowing his sittuation as a homeless person I quickly reached out
to touch another friend of mine who we were hoping could help.
That someone I reached out to happend to have been Sue Chang a friend of mine who was the proprietor, and owner of the Black Dragon Restaurant who I assisted one time when some hoods tried to rob her.
Ever since that incident she always tells me that if I ever need a favor just to ask, so I was hoping that favor was still open to me.
Hear that she not only had a room, but a job oppertunity waiting after his recovery made my day upon hearing that.
So ever since that time in addition to living there he was also happily employed there too.

It was a little past twelve when I entered the restaurant, it was a sea of people either to pick their lunch orders or to be seated. 
On the good side it most definatly made Sue Chang happy that she was this busy, but on the other side of the perverbal coin it was bad for me in trying to find to spot Danny.
But just as I was about to call it an impossiable task I suddenly felt a tug at my pant leg. Looking down smiling up at me was none other than Danny Carter himself, ushering me through the crowed we eventualy made it to the kitchen.
"Wow! Danny that's some lunchtime crowd out there?"
"Think so. well yoU should see this place after the theater gets out, now thats a crowd you dont want to be here for believe me."
"Sounds great Danny, I'm happy your doing well here."
"Thanks pal appreciate that; so how is Lori-Ann doing?"
"Lori-Ann, she is doing great Danny thank you for asking."
"That's good to hear, tell her I said hello when you see her later."
"Sure thing Danny; she will be happy to hear your doing well."

"You too pal from the buzz on the street I hear congrats by the way word has it you got yourself hired to locate that Brenda Davis chick who recently disappeared."
"Yeah, Thanks Danny I did, but how did, no I know?"
"Hey your Uncle Jessie is so excited for you."
"Yeah I know Danny that's another reason why I came to see you,

I'd like you to get the word out on the streets?"
"Consider it done Eddie I'm on it." Standing up we smiled at one another as we shook hands.

       My last stop as I could be seen leaving the restaurant was to check out Brenda Davis's apartment on Tremont St.
357 Tremont St. Was officially my last stop in my first day's investigation.
The building I was going to was owned by Gladys Preston a retired interior designer.
Who's late husband Vernon originaly bought the building back in the late 1950's for a song.
Eventually turning the second and thrid floors into affordable apartments with his wife and him leaving on the first floor.
They still made their money on the second and third floors up until Mr. Prestons untimely death in the winter of 1979.
Since then Mrs. Preston has continued to not only live there, but also manages the building as well in the memory of her late husband.
After introducing myself it took mere minutes before she could be seen bringing me up to Brenda Davis's apartment.

       Once I entered to see actually see them placed on top of each other suggested indeed, her father was right in what he mentioned to us ealier in my Uncle's office earlier.
Brenda's priorities just could of been shifted slightly by the humid weather Saturday.

I next could be seen closing the door behind me as I thought to myself in refrence to this past Saturday of just who could blame her if she did do that.

I had to admit however she did have a very place here, as I slowly walked around. 
       Seeing some clothes in a pile in the bathroom suggested to me she had been there, but after finding a damp towel she used it suddenly happend as I picked it up off the floor.
My sixth sense decided at that very moment it wanted to join in the investigation by showing me brief images of that very saturday Brenda Davis disappeared.

The very first image I happened to see was of a sweat soaked lady carrying up a box then placing it down next to the couch.
I next watched her from there walking over to her refrigerator only to return moments later carrying a bottle of water; then seeing her plopping down on the couch completely exhausted.

From there within a matter of minutes I next witnessed her getting back up with the bottle of water in her hand now walking into her bathroom.
Next I witnessed her getting undressed mere moments after this i next say her gently stepping into the shower, thus explaining the towel I found myself still holding in my hand.
Minutes elapsed before she could seen re-emerging with the towel wrapped around her.  I then witnessed Miss Davis putting on a red thong bikini as I continued watching I next saw her with two dry towels over her shoulders; walking dressed to kill over to the refridgerator grabbing herself some water then leaving her apartment.

Exiting as quickly as my visions appeared sometimes kinda left left me sweatying myself; but fortunatly at least I had part of the answer of where she could'ev gone.

It took me several minutes more, before I could be seen re-emerging from her bathroom.
But once I finally did my course of action next was to go through those boxes in her living room.
Time ticked by for me slowly with nothing out of the ordinary.
I mean alot of her things were young ladies appreal pretty much.
Avoiding the boxes marked kitchen written across the tops of them I had noticed three boxes marked for that particular room.
After re-checking my watch to see it was 3:45PM I moved to the next box. Thinking it too would yeild me with zero would you believe I finally hit paydirt?
I found some photographs seeing alot of them were just of her was one thing. But to see her in a couple with a fellow who looked identical to me, that friends is spooky.

Because this very individual that had a resemblance to me was none other than my twin brother Elvis Aarom James.
While most were dated from 1986 to the present, there was one in particular that did catch my eye the most. It was dated 12-31-89
New Years Eve from the looks of it with it's formilure backround it was Times Square in New York.
Having placed these next into an envelope I left returning the key back to Mrs.Preston I then thanked her kindly for letting me snoop.

It was now 4:00p.m. When i next saw myself dialing my cell phone to officially call Lori-Ann back.
As I sat there in my car letting the phone ring she finally picked it up.
"Hello baby."
"Hello sweety, sorry i was swimming laps in the pool and couldn't hear the phone."
"Oh that explains it; all right your forgiven this time."
"Thanks; I knew you'd understand thats why I love you."
"I love you too baby; listen I just finished up here at Brenda Davis's apartment. So I'm calling to let you know I'll be home soon."
"All right baby; I'll get the steaks started grilling now see you soon."
"All right baby; I'll be home shortly." Having disconnected with her I started my car carefully pulling back out into traffic.

       Just the thought of two steak barbecuing normally made my mouth water; but just imagining them barbecued by my wife nude.
Well to me that was deffinatly a bonus.

       Even though I should've been off the investigative clock now
my mind believe it or not was still on a possiable connection between Breanda Davis and my brother.
Not meaning to I simply pulled off the road safely just long enough

to look at those pictures once more.
When my sixth sense decided to kick itself in right there in the breakdown lane.

The first image this time showed my brother walking; carrying what looked like a sliver tray with what I imagined looked like a drink of some kind over to her.
       Seeing her smiling as he approached I next watched him handing it gallently to her catching the subtle wink of her eyes, as he turned around.
The second image next saw the two of them coming out of a restaurant laughing together. With their arms around the others waist suggesting there really was something more to their relationship. 
       But then the final image I happened to see was of them in Times Square showing Elvis down on one knee with a small box opened to her. Miss Davis's facial expression was of pure joy as her head could be seen shaking yes toward him.
  Opening my eyes after the final image faded from my site.
Left me with little doubt that my brother had indeed popped the question there at Times Square.
Which left me wondering if he knew yet his fiance' was missing yet.
Taking a few minutes before starting back out into trafficI then once it was safe to do so; did just that.

After just one more stop at a local florists to pick up some roses for my wife. I once more could be seen back on the road again heading home
Finishing my trip within a matter of minutes pulling into the driveway.
I happened to catch the scent of the steaks on the grill in the back filling my nostrils with their aroma, as I next saw myself stepping out of the car.

Creeping up slowly to the fence I next couldn't help myself just peeking over it to see what else she had prepared on the menu.
Viewing her trying to side step the splattering steak juices may have been comical to see from my vantage point.
But I certainly had to give Lori-Ann credit for at least making the attempt in keeping her promise she made to me earlier.
Spotting also the stailess pot on it's side burner; I could imagine she had corn on the cob in there as well.

"Hello baby; Wow I'm impressed."
Hi sweety; how long have you been watching me?"
"Couple of minutes; hope you don't mind?"
"No, I never mind as long as it's you; so what do you think of your chief here?" 
"Hmm, actually I think my chef looks just as delicious as those steaks on the grill right about now; but listen baby why don't you give me about ten minutes to clean up before I sample your visual wares.

Hating like hell to have to postone anything further from happening just yet; I did indeed need too clean up first.
Within a matter of minutes I gallently returned carrying a bar of soap, a towel and a bottle of shampoo.
After which Lori-Ann watches me diving into the pool next, but not before catching her playfully licking her lips as I came up from beneath the water.

"Ah baby; shouldn't you watching the steaks?"
"The steaks are fine don't worry about them; besides it aint everyday I get to see a water show like this performed by my husband."
Seeing her smiling toward me, I smiled back, as I dove back in the pool once more to get all the soap off me.
Swimming back over toward her she patiently waited for me.
Comming out of the pool next to her; I watched the gleem in her eyes, as our lips met first.
It wouldn't be until double checking the heat on the grill, before I lifted her up slightly. Feeling her ankles locking themselves behind me just under my a*s. I felt her soft hands behind my neck; as I carried her over to the hammock for a little afternoon delight.

Several miles away from us however four more ladies could be seen being tightly restrained to an extreamly large table.

The first young lady is Victoria Mellon an 18yr old collage freshman at Florida State; who found hersel being abducted just five miles away from the campous along with her 17yr old sister Torrie.
       Victoria is stunning 6' tall in height with a slender waist line, she has long black hair feathered back in the front and she weighs 112lbs.
Lying directly beside Victoria to her right is Connie Braxton.
Connie is an Afro-American 19yr old who stands 5'11'' tall in height and weighs an even more delicisious 112lbs herself with an eqaully slender waist line.
Her hair is also black  puffed out in a standard afro. Who found herself abducted at a traffic light.
          Lying directly beside Connie to her right is Maxine Augustine.
Maxine is a 20yr old firey red head. Who stands 6'2'' tall and weighs 110lbs.
She found herslf abducted somewhere out in the ocean after taking out a pedal boat.
Lying directly beside Maxine to her right is the youngest casulity Torrie Mellon.
She like I mentioned earlier is the 17yr old sister of Victoria and stands 5'12'' tall in height andweighs an even slender 112lbs like her sister Torrie has long black hair feathered back in the front.

Carefully their attendants could be seen shaving each lady.
In addition to their pleasure zones between their legs they also could be seen having their underarms shaved also.
In a normal sittuation you'd think to yourself all four of these ladies would be reacting differently by squirming and thrashing about right?
The answer to that would be most definatly yes all of them would be, unfortunatly though all of these ladies were still hypnoticly entranced, but in addition to this each of them could be seen wearing blindfolds over their eyes.

With the exception of the Mellon Sisters who were there purely for their captors amusement.
Connie Braxton and Maxine Augustine on the other hand were most definatly here for their information about their father's buisnesses.
       Sitting in front of his victims bare feet; their mysterious captor grins upon the complition and satisfactory work thus far of his attendants performance.
As he signals them next to inject the ladies with his special serm his grin becomes much wider as they begin doing just that to the ladies right arms.

The rooms silence could be heard being broken by the sound of multiple fingers snapping from the attendants close to the victims ears.
Awakening to the horror and realization to what was going on.
Screams of desperation and wanting to released could be heard from each of the ladies as they struggled against their bonds to escape.
Snickering amongst themselves however their captors men just watched in amusement.
As each ladies attempts to either pull their arms down or pull their feet back met with discouraging results from each of them.
Motioning his attendants down to where he was standing directly in front of their feet; he watch as his attendants take their place in front of a particular set.

"Ladies, Ladies, Ladies, as much as it's been fun listening to you screaming for help; or for that matter watching you trying to get your arms and feet free; I must tell you sadly it's useless to even try; because as my slaves; freedom for all of you is just a memory." Naturally expecting some kind of response to be forth coming; the mysterious captor stands there with his arms folded just waiting patiently.

Having carefully processed what they think they heard into each of their minds they next decided to respond back in their own way.

"Vickie, Vickie, Tell this f*****g idiot were not his slaves; I'm much to young to be anyone's slave." Torrie exclaimed loudly with tears in her eyes struggling to look in her sisters direction.
"Listen to me Torrie; calm down it'll be alright your not going to anyone's slave none of us are." Screams of confirmation could be heard next throughout the room from the others in agreement with Vickie.
Though it truley warmed the cockles of their captors heart to se the sisters trying to re-assure one another everything was going to be all right; sadly though it wouldn't be.

"That's right Vickie you tell that f*****g idiot were not going to be anyone's slaves that's right. Torrie Your sister is correct were going to get out of here!" Maxine exclaimed loudly followed lastly by Connie Braxton's response.
"HEY PHYSCO!! You hear that where ever you are; were not afraid of you so LET US GO NOW!!" Silently laughing to himself
Their mysterious captor couldn't help but be impressed with these slaves and all of their piss and vinegar.
"Well now; I most defiantly have to applaud you ; Bravo for your assertivness given your predicament you are in: but far be it for me to squelch the illusions of you all have of being released anytime soon; because sadly that isn't going to happen." 

So now their mysterious captor silently motions his attendants to demonstrate to the others that wanting to be freed was not an option.
       In any normal sittuasion anyone being given the oppertunity to see what was happening could very well fake being ticklish and merely giggle to their captor in response.

But tragically in this case it's ten times worse; because as you see while Connie and Maxine were forced to listen painfully as it was for them.
Victoria and Torrie just couldn't imagine it getting any worse for them as their captors attendants could be seen lightly tickling the feet of both sisters.

Naturally the table could be felt shaking as both sisters squirmed and thrashed about woldly. As each felt the diffrent tools being applied to their high arched feet resulting at times with hysterical screams of laughter omitting from both of them.
       Holding up his hand some 45 minutes later immediatly

halted his attendants from commencing any further with the demonstration.
As Victoria and Torrie could be seen clearly gasping for breath at the same time they could be seen mouthing dileriously "No More, No More"
"Ah what's wrong ladies; this is only the begining; didn't you have fun?" Watching their heads franticly shaking no from side to side
obviously meant they had in the demented eyes of their captor.

"Well congratulations ladies being school girls like you were at least now your majoring in something together." But rather than being the only one laughing at his own joke. He next motions his attendants to continue tickling their feet for another 15 minutes.
"You see Ladies I can be humorous when I put my mind to it." he exclaims holding up his hand after the additional 15 minutes.

But while Torrie and Victoria were gasping for air trying to regain their seprate composure.
Maxine and Connie were about to loose theirs as the two attendants with feathers in their hand started to tickle each of their helpless feet slowly.
Impressed greatly by the same reaction he had seen with the Mellon sisters earlier.
Left their mysterious captor grining with joy even more seeing maxine and Connie squirming and thrashing their bodies about in the same way.
With his head held high in the air the mysterious captor lifts his hands like an orchestra conductor starting to move his signaling the two other attendants up once more to tickle the feet of Victoria and Torrie.
Sweat continued pouring off of them as they squirmed and thrashed about apon the large table.
As the feathers slowly dragged upon their bare feet and toes. But with every sway of their feet or curling of their toes the mysterious captor; as strange as it may sound was in his glory.

Never before in his lifetime did he dream of having such a way of controling men and women with his demented ways as he dose now.
Honestly it had to have been a gift from Satan himself, because after  two and half years since escaping bellevue hospital he still had control.
Like a soulful song playing on the radio the mysterious leader's sways itself to the harmonies being screamed before him; as he conducts his first symphony of laughter with all four ladies now soloing in hysteria.
                                End Of Chapter 1
                              CopyWritten 2004             



© 2012 James Beksha

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Added on June 10, 2012
Last Updated on June 18, 2012


James Beksha
James Beksha

Franklin, MA

Well, I'm 51yrs old I Have spent the last 20yrs completing my first Manuscript "The Case Of The En-Slaved Souls" In 2004 I sent a copy of it to washington D.C. to the Library of congress and do have .. more..
