The Case Of The Enslaved Souls  Chapter 2

The Case Of The Enslaved Souls Chapter 2

A Story by James Beksha

Introducing Robert Joseph James as Eddie's cousin with the F.B.I. Also Stacy McKenna becomes the lastest to vanish..


Several hours passed much to our amazement; as we could be seen lounging inside the hammock just holding each other in our arms.
The barbecued mean prepared by my wife earlier was once again another steller effort on her part. But I had to admit her appitizer was simply marvelous as well.
Lori's head could be seen resting itself on my chest; watching her lifting itslightly to look into my eyes; I alertly hear her exclaim next.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Smiling back my hands gently rubbed her back caressing it gently.

"Oh I was just thinking about how much I love you that's all baby." I said to her as my lips leaned into to kiss her passionatly.
"That's really sweet of you to say that honey; I love you to, but come on I can tell something's bothering you. I mean you seam so pre-occupied with something your thinking about; so talk to me about it; tell me about it; who knows it might help?" I knew even if I was to here ir was nothing to be concerned with ; believe me she'd want to help regardless; and i did love her for that.

"All right baby; I'll tell you what's bothering me; maybe your right it just might help having you listen." Carfully helping her off the hammack I too found myself getting up.
As I watched her sitting now at the poolside table I too joined her
shortly after retrieving my briefcase I saw her still sitting there waiting for me.
Once I had; I began explaning everything to her about the meeting this morning; to my investigating Miss Davis's car to the two pieces of evidence I found in there. 
Not to mention the visions that I experienced not only in her apartment, but in my car driving home tonight.  


I even for the first time opened to show Lori-Ann the articals in the large manila envelope. Sitting there just watching her trying to process it all. It suddenly occured to her just what a mystery I was indeed up against.

"Wow, now I know why your pre-occupied with your thoughts."
"Yes, that's the case in a nutshell; but even though I can't make sense of the evidence yet; I did discover one thing today?"
"What's that honey?"
"My brother proposed marriage to this young lady and she said yes
on New Years Eve to him in Times Square."
"So your brothers engaged? What did you see this in one of your visions?"
"Ah huh; in the car coming home I pulled off the road in the breakdown lane. Looked at their picture together in New York City and bam it his me; showed him proposing to her."
"Well that's great isn't it?"
"Oh yeah; it's great ; my only worry now is trying to find him before he hears about Brenda from someone else and looses it."
Carefully Lori watches the new look of concern on my face about my own brother. And just how indeed he is going to react upon hearing it from someone else other than me.

So while Lori and I pondered the things I just said to her about the case. Our telephone started to ring suddenly causing both of us to jump a little. Laughing at one another with our hands on our chests. I then found myself getting up to answer it.
"Hello; Eddie James speaking can I help you?" Listening on the other end I could hear some papers shuffling around as I next heard.

       "Hello Eddie; Listen I'm sorry as all hell to have to do this; but I'm going to need you back here at Police Headquarters." Upon hanging up my head fell swiftly to my chest over the news; but really what could I have done? 
"I hate like hell to have to do this sweety; but I have to go back to police headquarters; ERGGG; I don't want to go but I have too."

Clearly Lori-Ann could see I had to go; but in creative style of hastening my return she mearly exlaimed.
"Go If you have to sweetheart I understand I'll keep the bed warm until you get back."Getting up she walked past me I caught her subtle wink of her eye as she continued walking slowly into the house.

Having showerd, shaved and dressed once again I was officially out the door by 8:05PM and ready to rock. Though I had to admit
it really was my personal best considering I spent the last ten minutes kissing my wife passionatly. Still for me it was only a small taste of much more things to come later.

       Knowing when to drive into Boston; and when not to drive in was text book for surviving your city experience.
You don't want to drive in the early morning hours between 6-9.
And you most deffinatly want to be out by 3PM.
Because take it from me people do have a tendency to get super impatient with others after 4PM.
Who knows maybe my wife did me a favor in her delaying my departure from the house by 10min. In any event I wasn't complaining to much kissing her.

Just pulling into the precents parking lot a little past 8:45PM most definantly was my personal best for me.
       I saw myself next parking next beside a silver/black GMC pickup truck belonging to my cousin. As a smile could be sen apon my face. I thought respectivley about all the cool times we spent going fishing together in his truck.
My cousins full name is Robert Joseph James. But even though people in Washington refer to him as Robert; we still call him B.J.
Having watched him his senior year playing football I had a feeling even back then his toughness as a nose tackle was merley a prelude to better things coming for him.

Immediately after graduating high school he found himself being excepted to Boston Collage on a Football scholarship;so he went there.
Burying himself in criminal law and criminal justice books most of the time he settled into his collegiate carrier this time as an academic student.

Where 4yrs later he graduated in the spring of 1986 where he then took his education to Washington and the F.B.I. Who he still worked for today.

       It took me several minutes before I re-entered Uncle Jessie's office once again.
After shaking his hand I then turned to see B.J. setting up the projector for his briefing.
"Hey Cuz; How's the bureau been treating you?"
Hey Eddie; Hi the bureau they've been treating me all right I guess; I mean up until this lastest case they assighned me too."
"Oh Yeah what one?"
"Are you kidding me the one that's had this country literally handcuffed for two and half years. And to tell you the truth between you and I I'm stumped."

"Well no disrespect to you cuz; but I'm as happy as s**t your on board on this one because the evidence I've uncovered is kicking my a*s severely."
"Realy you too huh; hey congrats by the way ; my dad told me you were hired to locate this lady Brenda Davis for her father."
"Thanks cuz; yeah he hired me." It wouldn't be until placing some folders out apon the table before B.J. was ready to begin his presentation.

"All right gentlemen if you'll take your seats now; I believe I'm just about ready to start.

Watching Uncle Jessie taken his usual seat at the head of the table
I took mine just to his right as B.J. began.

"I'd like to call your attention to this first young lady her name is Victoria Mellon. She is a 19yr old collage freshman who enrolled at Florida State University when she was abducted along with her 17yr old sister Torrie five miles away from the campous."

Assisting his son out by passing out the folders on each of them I briefly glanced at Victoria's folder until B.J. was prepared to speak once more.
"This next young lady is Maxine Augustine a fiery red head as you can see. She is a 20yr old according to my sources she is a tele-marketer by day and a party girl at night.
Apparently she went to the beach durring the week rented a pedal boat then mysteriously disappeared in the ocean somewhere." Once again Uncle Jessie could be seen handing me her folder next.


"This third young lady is 19yr old Connie Braxton she as you can see here is an afro-American she is a medical intern at U-Mass.
Who on her day off  was heading to the beach when she mysteriously disappeared at a traffic light.
Witnesses who had stepped forword reported she left her car in the first lane to climb into a vehicle directly beside her car."

"Question before you continue cuz; Think I can get a list of those people who came forword?"
"Yes sure I'll get it for you; we also have footage from a camera at that intersection I'll show it to you after I'm finished." Nodding my head still looking at Miss Augustine's file.
"Good, would like to get a look at her vehical to after as well as Victoria Mellons."
Both Vehicals are in the yard behind the Precint Eddie, I'll call Buster to bring them to the front."
"Seams to me B.J. and Uncle Jessie these abduction seam to be random; sorry B.J continue."

"Smiling switching to the last photograph in his presentation.
"Last but certainly not meant to be least is Victoria's sister Torrie Mellon she is a 17yr old high school student who is about to enter her senior year when like I said before she disappeared together with her sister five miles away from the Florida State campous."
After turning back on the lights I next could be seen gathering up the various folders then placing them into my briefcase.

"Talk about some weird s**t huh cuz? Watching him nodding his head.
"Check this out?" Popping in a video tape we see a brief flash from inside of Connie Braxton's car and then the very bikini clad miss Braxton exiting her car and getting into a black colored van of some kind.
then speeding off to who knows where.

Picking up my brifcase; "Well lets go check out the cars in the back have a hunch about something." Together B.J. and I walked out the back of the precint and over to the yard.

Seeing Buster there he tosses me both sets of car keys as I catch them both. "Thank you Buster" Handing I set over to B.J. I follow his as he opens up the drivers door to Victoria's car.
Watching him sitting behind the wheel of her car I pointed over to her radar detector which he looked at.
"Damm, whoever installed this only has 1 screw holding this mounting bracket down.
"Don't think it was the installer who forget cuz; here are miss Braxtons car keys check to see if she has a radar detector too?"
taking the keys I watch my cousin going over to Miss Braxton's car opening it. Looking inside he pops his head out of it nodding his head yes to me.

Walking back over to me he see's me bending my body under her dashboard with my tweezers and a small plactic bag. Few Minutes later I come back up with the very same screw from that same radar detector in the small plastic baggie.
Getting out of Victoria mellons car then closing it I take my tweezers over to Miss Braxton car.
Where minutes later I produce the same mounting bracket screw as found in Miss Mellons car.
Marking the baggies then taking photo's of both radar detectors we lock both cars returning the keys back to buster.

While we went back into the precint to enlighten Uncle Jessie on what we discovered. 

Across town a very tired and burned out Stacy McKenna was just walking out of F.B.I. Headquarters and across the parking lot toward her car.
Having voluntered to stay and fill out reports may not of been on her top ten things to do list; she still needed to get it done never the less.
But thinking about it in the long run being the daughter of the bureau director did have it's perks.

Stacy is a 23yr old who stands 6'3'' tall and weighs 115lbs with long straight light brown hair and hazel eyes.
Tonight she decided to wear a very short black skirt; with no nylons on; and a white button down short sleve blouse; and her choice of foot ware were flip flops.
Always hating to wear shoes as a rule especially in the summertime Stacy could be seen almost anywhere she traveled barefoot.

immediately after slipping her feet out of them; Stacey next could be seen bending over in frustration to pick up her car keys that she accidently dropped.
Even though her immediate thoughts might have been to be in her car and seeing herself driving homeward. Sadly however that wouldn't be happening for her tonight.
Because it wouldn't be until she found herself stand back up that her eyes were met with two strange beams of light shinning into them. Instantly placing Miss McKenna into a very deep hypnotic trance.
Carefully watching her dropping her things beside her a mysterious black van pulls itself up behind her.
While the driver stayed behind the wheel of the van, one of his associates got out to put the things Stacy had dropped into the back seat of her car.

Rooling his window down the passenger in the ajasoned seat exclaimed to stacy still standing there.
"You have no mind or will of your own, you'll do as your told do you understand?"
Watching Stacey slowly nodding her head the strange man next says to Stacy. "Get into the van now" As the stranger slides the side open Stacey crawls obediently inside of it.
Standing beside the door the third associates waits there then is handed the clothes Stacy was wearing; then tosses them into the backseat also of Miss McKenna's car.
Then Gets back into the van himself as the three men could be seen having completed their latest objective.


If getting up to go to the bathroom wasn't bad enough try getting up to a phone ringing at 4a.m.

"Eddie; Hey Cuz hate to wake you up; but we had another abduction here at F.B.I. headquarters; but I think we caught a break how soon can you get here?"
"What? What time is it?"
"Sorry to say it's 4a.m."
Ah; give me forty-five minutes or so I'll be there. Hey by the way have some coffee ready for me huh; think i'm gonna need it"
"Gottcha covered cuz; just get here when you can?"
It wouldn't be until getting into the bathroom before I realized the importance of my cousins call.

The time was ten Minutes after five before I could be seen driving into the parking lot of F.B.I. Headsquarters.
Getting out of my car Uncle Jessie and B.J. and another gentleman approach me.
Handing me a coffee I thanked B.J. for not forgetting it; as I continued sitting there sipping it I next heard.

"Commissioner, I'd like an explanation please as to why no one is investigating what happened here yet. And futher more why did my agent give this man a coffee upon his arriving here? Who is this man!" Watching B.J. shaking his head he knew how I was going to react; so he didn't really stop me. 


       "Ah first off Porky why don't you calm down and let me wake up first before you start demanding uselss explanations.

Second: Your agent here happens to be my cousin and he shouldn't have to go jumping through hoopes for the likes of you.
Third: He hasn't started this investigation yet, because he called me, and was waiting for me to get here."
"Oh and by the way in case your still wondering I asked him to get me one of these, and lastly so you know my name is Eddie James
and yes if your still stunned I am a private investigator...Good Morning." Never having a problem with phone call's from my relatives this early in the morning.
But what did bother me a lot is loud mouthed obnoxious people much to early in the morning to deal with.

       "Wow Dude; I can't believe you did that; do you know who that was?"
"Dosen't matter cuz; but listen on the phone earlier you mentioned something about catching a break; what did you mean by that?"
I asked as we could be seen walking over toward Miss McKenna's car.


"Oh yeah; well our security camera caught something weird on video tape that's all." But before either of us could go and see exactly what was on that survalience tape I suddenly stopped myself closing my eyes then seeing the first images passing before me.

Figuring Uncle Jessie may have told him B.J. Didn't try to touch me in any way; as he kept watching me standing there.
The first image was of a yound lady wearing a black mini skirt; a white short sleve blouse, and flip flops on her feet.
The second image was of her standing by her car barefoot bending down to pick up her keys that she apparently dropped.
My ability couldn't just let me see what happened next however it did flash a liscense plate that simply read: X-K-A-BAR.


Shaken my head upon awakening I next could be seen placing my hand upon her car when it quickly happend once more for some unknown reason.
In this next image it showed someone dressed in black placing what looked like her things into her car then quickly leaving.
Leaning myself up against her car next trying to recompose myself after my sixth sense double whammed me.
Kneeling down next with my back against the drivers side door watching Uncle Jessie glancing over to us.
He next see's B.J. kneeling down in front of me perplexed of what to do next.

"Da" Grabbing his arm quickly he watches me exclaim next.
B.J. Go over and gert your father if you must; but don't call out to him like that to draw further attention upon me. Jesus dude if other people find out I have this ability they'll be calling me wanting to know all sorts of things you got it?"
I could feel his look of almost making a mistake as he stood back up still watching me.
"Hey cuz go, don't worry about me I'm all right this will pass trust me it always dose."
Continuing to watch him out of the corner of my right eye pulling his father aside to speak with him. The two of them could be seen walking back over towards me.
"Eddie? Are you alright ? B.J. tells me you saw somethings?" Nodding my head before exclaiming."Yeah Uncle Jessie you could say I got hit with a double whammy of sorts; but before I go telling you about it do either of you have a pen and a note pad?"

It wouldn't be until being handed these items that they continued watching me jotting something down.
Ripping it off the pad I next handed it to my cousin.
"Take this plate number there and run it through D.M.V. then let me know what you come up with?"  It wouldn't be until seeing Uncle Jessie nodding his head that B.J. next started walking away from us to run that plate number.
"Listen Eddie; are you sure your all right?"  
Catching the look of concern upon his face was appreciative; but on reality it didn't explain to me the double whammy of visions I had just experienced several minutes ago. 

"Yes Uncle Jessie thank you; I'm fine though you know when these things hit me."
"Sure I do indeed; but come con Eddie tell me what happened; What did you see?"  Pulling him away from the car I next exclaimed.
"All right Uncle Jessie here goes the first thing I saw was a young lady coming out of this building.
She had long brown hair and she was wearing a white short sleeve

blouse; flip slops on her feet; not to mention she had on this black mini skirt. She looked about 6'3'' tall and couldn't of weighed more than 115lbs.
Unfortunatly I wasn't able to see what happened to her."

"So that explains why Mr. McKenna; Porky to you Eddie was so upset earlier when you arrived here. It would also explain his being here in the first place.
But my only question is why? Because the young lady you just discribed earlier was none other than his very own daughter Stacy."
My Uncle was right it didn't make much sense for him to be here; Sure he may have been the director of the F.B.I. And yes he was the father of the missing abducted lady.
But come on there were procedures; and protocols to follow which his men knew.

Miles away however Stacy McKenna was at that moment being carefully evaluated for a completely diffrent carrier choice in a field she's soon be refering to as human slavery.
The room she found herself being guided into is an extreamly larger sized throne room of sorts.
With super smooth wooden floors to walk on and pillars to gaze at throughout.
Positioned laying spread eagle on the floor Stacy sadly could be seen there nude with a leather hood placed over her head inbetween the four pillars.

Having all ready been injected with the syringe of her captor's serum apon her arriving there.
The daughter of the F.B.I. director continues waiting for whoever did this to show themselves.
However within minutes listening she hears the snaps of fingers that instantly awaken her to the horror she was about to face.

"God Where the hell am I? Why am I laying on the floor of all places and urg why the hell can't I get up for that matter? Huh; what the; No I'm naked? Who in the hell did this to me?"
Even though she had legitimate questions they paled in comparison to what she was about to go through now.

Suddenly from the silence of the room Stacy awoken to find herself in.
Came next the thunderous erruption of laughter spinging out of her.
As she felt the softess of fingers of whoever had her; tickling Stacy's body in various places.
With Maxine Augustine using her soft fingers in the armpits as well as along both of her rib cages.
Connie Braxton meanwhile was could be seen laying on her stomach with her barefeet lifted up behind her. Using not only her soft fingers; but her tallented tongue as well to tease, torture and tickle poor Stacy McKenna's barefeet and toes.
Resulting in Stacy being absolutely helpless before them.
                               (End of Chapter 2
                                 Copywrite 2004) 


© 2012 James Beksha

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Added on June 18, 2012
Last Updated on July 4, 2012


James Beksha
James Beksha

Franklin, MA

Well, I'm 51yrs old I Have spent the last 20yrs completing my first Manuscript "The Case Of The En-Slaved Souls" In 2004 I sent a copy of it to washington D.C. to the Library of congress and do have .. more..
