⁓ Non-Eternity ⁓

⁓ Non-Eternity ⁓

A Poem by S Jack JA

- Life's transience can be explored with vivid imagery and philosophical depth -


Golden chariots and private jets

may take me far,

but in the end,

a humble hearse will be my car.

No matter how costly my watch may be,

I am allotted only 24 hours,

just like any other soul, you see.

The finest diamonds and the rarest gems,

adorn my body,

but they cannot avert the end.

A simple coffin, made of pine or oak,

will be my final conveyance,

no matter the cost or cloak.

So, let us not be fooled

by wealth and fame.

For in the end,

all our fates are the same.

The hours of our lives,

are like grains of sand,

Slip through our fingers,

and we are gone, without a trace.


© 2024 S Jack JA

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This was true for Kubla Khan and for the lowest beggar in his realm. Profound insight in this one.

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

S Jack JA

3 Months Ago

Dear John,

Thank you for your thoughtful review. I'm glad you found resonance in the .. read more

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1 Review
Added on April 18, 2024
Last Updated on April 19, 2024


S Jack JA
S Jack JA

Bangkok, Thailand

Hello! My name is Suvichak, but please call me Jack. I'm excited to share my writing here on WritersCafe. English isn't my first language, so please accept my apologies for any grammar errors. I would.. more..
