S Jack JA : Writing

∼ E V E R L A S T I N G ∼

∼ E V E R L A S T I N G ∼

A Poem by S Jack JA

- A Tribute to "Shiro" -
⁓ Eternal Remembrance ⁓

⁓ Eternal Remembrance ⁓

A Poem by S Jack JA

- A Tribute To My Beloved Dog, "Shiro" -
⁓ The Jealousy’s Prism ⁓

⁓ The Jealousy’s Prism ⁓

A Poem by S Jack JA

- Jealousy is a mere perception -
~ Imperfection's Beauty ~

~ Imperfection's Beauty ~

A Poem by S Jack JA

- Perfection can be perceived within its imperfection -
⁓ 31.5 Mil Secs ⁓

⁓ 31.5 Mil Secs ⁓

A Poem by S Jack JA

- Over a billion seconds of my beats. -


A Poem by S Jack JA

- Don't hold on to a soggy clay -
~ A Longing Heart ~

~ A Longing Heart ~

A Poem by S Jack JA

- Wherer there is heart, there is love -
∼ The Nail ∼

∼ The Nail ∼

A Poem by S Jack JA

- Will it be unnailed? -


A Poem by S Jack JA

- What Colour -
~ Naurishing ~

~ Naurishing ~

A Poem by S Jack JA

- You are the rain nourishing my veins -

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