⁓ Sweet Poison ⁓

⁓ Sweet Poison ⁓

A Poem by S Jack JA

- I have long been poisoned -


     In deep shadows, where darkness hides,

Beauty dwells with secret tides.

Her charming face, like a lure,

Tempting hearts to love, and endure.

     But with each kiss, a sting professed,

Abandoned souls are left distressed.

On the surface gleams, her enchanting grace,

Beneath it lies pain… a haunting embrace.

     Within her charm, lies a cruel hand,

Unveiling love's ache in a desolate land.

A paradox is defined, as where joy intertwines,

With sorrow profound, where hope resigns.

     So take heed… stragglers who dare to adore,

The depths of beauty are fraught with more.

From the heights of affection to the depths of despair,

Love's sweet poison awaits… but few will beware.


© 2024 S Jack JA

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Added on April 20, 2024
Last Updated on April 20, 2024


S Jack JA
S Jack JA

Bangkok, Thailand

Hello! My name is Suvichak, but please call me Jack. I'm excited to share my writing here on WritersCafe. English isn't my first language, so please accept my apologies for any grammar errors. I would.. more..
