~ Love That Remains ~

~ Love That Remains ~

A Poem by S Jack JA

- A single thing I wouldn't... and couldn't return-


The moment we met. 

The moment you smiled. 

The moment you looked so shy. 

It's the moment I admire.

The second we touch. 

The second we hold.

The second our love flows.

And every second we're involved.

All moments have passed.

All seconds have long gone.

Each moment that is yours to belong.

Each second... I'll reimburse you all along.

A single thing that will remain,

A second that kept me in pain.

It's a moment I couldn't repay,

It's a phrase of love... unswayed.


© 2024 S Jack JA

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Added on April 21, 2024
Last Updated on April 21, 2024


S Jack JA
S Jack JA

Bangkok, Thailand

Hello! My name is Suvichak, but please call me Jack. I'm excited to share my writing here on WritersCafe. English isn't my first language, so please accept my apologies for any grammar errors. I would.. more..
