Nature's Splendour

Nature's Splendour

A Poem by Jess

people of this generation are so engaged in their lives that they are blind to view the exquisiteness of nature.only if they stop to observe the plants,sky,birds,grass they'd know the beauty of nature


Just across the stream, is located a place

With greenery all around and  blueness of the sky


I sense the soft green grass and mellow glow of the sun

Which makes me overwhelmed and makes me want to run


When the light warm breeze brushes against my face

I feel the sense of utter bliss and peace


The parrots pigeons and doves flying in a ring

They twitter and they sing like musicians of the king


I see the bees as they buzz  and hover

Sucking the nectar of the colorful scented flowers


The true beauty of nature is found everywhere

We must open our eyes to observe and care

© 2016 Jess

Author's Note

I really hope this poem makes a difference to people's perspective of looking at nature and make them understand and feel it in a more deep way.
And of course it would mean a lot to me if the poem is appreciated by the reviewers.

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Well, I loved it :)
I strongly agree with you about nature. I live in a city mostly because of work and sometimes I forget how beautiful, peaceful it can be to just walk under the sun, slaloming between trees, hearing nothing but the wind and the birds. I'm not sure we're made to live surrounded by walls made of plaster and cinderblocks. If everything was only about me I'd spend most of my time outside taking pictures and breathing pure air (if it still exists).

Anyway your poem is great, I do feel the same sentiment :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you so much
i'm smiling like crazy


Hey Jess...Technically you have some cleaning up to do with this
piece. The flow is choppy and awkward making it hard for the reader
to follow which is more than likely a symptom of your having to
constrate on correcting your syllable count. You are going to have
to work on your rhyming. Sometimes you do sometime you don't. Rhyming
is one of those things you either do or you don't.I would also re-examine
the "storyboard" driving the poem. I was not at all clear as to the
setting of the main character. At first I thought she was dreaming
about her secret meadow off in the distance and then it sounded like
she was describing wherever she happened to be standing at the moment.
You kind of lost me in this regard completely.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Great work. I totally agree, nature is one truly beautiful part of this world and it is rarely appreciated enough. Read your other stuff as well and really liked it. Look forward to more.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

thank you :)
wonderful piece of writing

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

:) thank you
Im sure I love nature, and this poem is superb.

I can't really enjoy nature, though. With the jungle as we call it, theyve destroyed what natural beauty this place once had.

Great work :)

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you :))
A beautiful peace. It has so much to do with nature and it's beauty, which are my favorite subjects. Keep up the good work!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

:) thanks .
This is so beautiful, and even more beautiful in it's nice simplicity. It reminds me of a nice open part in my neighborhood, far from the houses and schools....there's birds and rabbits and it lets me breathe and realize all of the beauty of nature. This is very much appreciated ^-^ Thank you for sharing

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you. I'm glad
I like it..... it has depth... Also is ture not many even look up any more. most are too busy lost in themselves or on a phone to take a look at all the beauty this world has to offer. Keep it up your doing great....

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

thank you :)
I love the mellow feel that this has. Whereas my poetry is based on depression, anxiety and some amount of anger, this brings upon a softer tone which enjoy reading. Nice slow rhythym. Wonderful imagery. I love this poem a lot and you have a gift!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

:D thank you
A nice feel good piece with vivid images. Your thoughts behind your words are expressed well. Everybody should take the time to appreciate nature.
Your first stanza didn't quite fit as well as the others. Might I suggest " just across the stream is a special place you'll find"
Thanks for sharing

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Yea...I'll keep that in mind.
Thank you
This is a beautiful poem. I will say that it does read a bit awkwardly in a few spots; you may want to work a bit on syllable count to help with the flow. Also, it feels a bit inconsistent with rhyme. You have a few spot where you're rhyming, but other wise the poem has no rhyme scheme to it. I would suggest choosing one or the other, again, to help with the flow and the feel of the poem. However, considering that this is one of your first poems, I thought it was very well written. I could "see" what you were describing, and could "feel" that same sense of wonder and admiration of nature. Never stop writing. ^^

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Yes...I'll work on that for sure.
Thanks for reviewing

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54 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 26, 2016
Last Updated on January 26, 2016



I think I'm one of those people who stay in a conflict about who they actually are. I struggle to find which way i look better. I have a deep imagination which has no end. And if you ever meet me then.. more..
