

A Poem by Jex

Growing up

What does it mean to grow up?
Do you ever really feel ready to reach adulthood?
When I was a kid I couldn't wait to grow up
I would yell it to anyone who would listen, that I couldn't wait to grow up! and do what I pleased
The adults around me would laugh and and laugh while patting me on the head
Like there was some secret I didn't know
Does Growing up mean finding closure in leaving your childhood behind?
Like watching your favorite Cartoons 
Having sleep overs till 3am, playing outside till the sun went down
Does Growing up mean that the real world expects you to be more mature than you really are?
I mean as adults aren't we just winging it?
Is there an answer key to what it means to be a proper adult? ... or...
Does getting older mean putting away old photographs and saying goodbye to friends you once knew
Falling into a boring routine, getting up at dawn to go to work
and coming home exhausted from all the responsibilities
Does getting older mean leaving behind those "childish" fantasies to what made you happy  

Does Growing up mean being all Work and No Play,
Fighting, drowning, barley surviving
becoming bitter and spiteful to young dreamers
Remembering how you were once that optimist, ready to change the world
 Is becoming an adult knowing that time is slipping away,
so it would be best not to waste it on foolish ideas
Is the only sure way to be an adult is knowing, that one day you will become someones mom or dad
Or....does it mean just living a life to pay bills and maybe falling in love?
Does getting older mean just drinking, smoking and having sex?
Does Growing up mean forgetting what made life worth living for?
Once living in a world full of color and opportunity
Only for the colors to dull and tear yourself down

Does Growing up mean changing everything that makes you...you?
Changing your clothes, your hair, your individuality? 
out with the ripped up skinny jeans and scuffed up shoes 
and in with the button down shirts and basic pencil skirts 
Fitting a mold and filling a quota 

Does Growing up mean trying to find your way back to your inner child
Never forgetting about the little things that make you smile
Not taking life to seriously and just remembering to laugh
Just doing what makes you happy
Maybe Growing up doesn't mean you have to give up on all those childhood habits
If you want to have sleepovers till 3am again
Do It!
If you want to dance around and sing to silly songs 
Do It!
If you really want to eat a ton of junk food once in a while
Do it!
These small moments are not a waste of time and if it makes you happy
Do It!
Growing up doesn't have to mean hiding your inner child, but rather...
Learning to walk along side it

© 2020 Jex

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I like this, i think it's okay to be grown up and still be young at heart. Just because we grow older doesn't mean we have to stop having fun. I enjoyed this write.

Posted 3 Years Ago

This is quite positive, I like it a whole lot

Posted 3 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 4, 2020
Last Updated on August 18, 2020



I love to read fiction and writing short stories. I enjoy most nerdy things like anime, youtube, crime shows, and mythology. I am currently in College earning my Bachelors degree in science of Psychol.. more..

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