How to Create Your Unique Writing Style

How to Create Your Unique Writing Style

A Story by JilyM

When you pick up a Stephen King book, you can tell straight away that it’s him. The same goes for Ernest Hemingway, J. K. Rowling and whoever else you happen to read.


How to Create Your Unique Writing Style

When you pick up a Stephen King book, you can tell straight away that it’s him. The same goes for Ernest Hemingway, J. K. Rowling and whoever else you happen to read. If the covers were torn off and all references to the author’s name were removed, you’d still be able to tell who wrote it.

That’s because these authors have developed their own writing style, and the good news is that you can do the same. It isn’t necessarily easy, but it is rewarding " and it’ll make your writing more enjoyable and more engaging for the people who read it.

Here’s how to get started.

1. Write how you talk

By writing sentences that sound like how you talk instead of like how you’ve been taught to write, you’ll make your writing much more approachable while simultaneously injecting some personality. It works great for writing stories, blog posts or even conversational emails, but be warned that if you’re writing an essay or a formal report then it’s usually better to write in a more formal style " although if you can keep it formal while still writing like how you talk, it’s a decent compromise.

2. Read for inspiration

Stephen King famously said, “If you don’t have the time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.” The fact is that every writer is influenced by every other writer that came before them, and while we’re not suggesting that you go out and imitate someone, you need to know what other people are doing so that you can learn from their mistakes and avoid repeating them.

3. Practice by drafting different versions

Stevyn Bond, a professional writer and provider of essay services, suggests “writing different versions of the same paragraph”, whether you’re working on an essay or an email. According to Bond, doing this can help you to rethink your approach to stringing sentences together and help you to explore different ways of saying the same thing. By exploring alternatives and picking your favourite, you start to get a good idea of what works for you and what doesn’t.

4. Use metaphors and similes

Metaphors and similes can bring your writing to life while simultaneously communicating your personality or your background. By relating what you’re writing about to something else, you can convey complex concepts or emotions in a way that’s much more accessible. Just make sure that you don’t overuse them because they’ll start to lose their effect. Focus instead on writing in a way that gets your point across in as few words as possible and then throw in metaphors and similes when you need to create a dramatic effect.

5. Experiment with tones

When we talk about tones, we’re referring to the way in which we say things. For example, ‘hey’, ‘hello’ and ‘good morning’ are all different ways of greeting someone, but the three of them convey dramatically different tones. ‘Good morning’ is more formal and suited to professional settings, while ‘hey’ is better suited for greeting a friend or a family member. By applying that same concept to your writing as a whole, you can decide whether you want to be friendly and approachable, calm and collected or professional and knowledgeable. 


Now that you know how to develop your own writing style, it’s time for you to go out there and to put these tips into practice. The truth is that as soon as you start thinking about it, you’re off to a good start. Stick at it and you’ll have your own recognisable style in no time. Good luck.

© 2017 JilyM

Author's Note

Author: Jilly Monroe, writer, and a traveler. Now she works on her book and writes articles for the top writing services.

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Added on September 26, 2017
Last Updated on September 26, 2017
Tags: writing style



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